Just because you stick your head in the sand and refuse to see what is out there unless someone forces you to see it, doesn't make your claim of it's non existance into fact. You know you heard the recording I'm talking about, just as virtually everyone else following this case has heard. I could probably find it if I tried but it's likely contained in a video by CNN or MSNBC to which you would then claim fake news even though you would be able to hear Trump's own voice and I'm not going to play your stupid game with you. The people that needed to hear it in order to decide Trump's guilty or inncnce heard it and they found him guilty. You can deny it until your blue in the face but it won't change anything, it will just make you look like a childish fool with his fingers stuck in his ears saying "na na na I can't hear you".Like I said, there are no audio tapes of trump talking about any of this nonsense..