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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Like I said, there are no audio tapes of trump talking about any of this nonsense..
Just because you stick your head in the sand and refuse to see what is out there unless someone forces you to see it, doesn't make your claim of it's non existance into fact. You know you heard the recording I'm talking about, just as virtually everyone else following this case has heard. I could probably find it if I tried but it's likely contained in a video by CNN or MSNBC to which you would then claim fake news even though you would be able to hear Trump's own voice and I'm not going to play your stupid game with you. The people that needed to hear it in order to decide Trump's guilty or inncnce heard it and they found him guilty. You can deny it until your blue in the face but it won't change anything, it will just make you look like a childish fool with his fingers stuck in his ears saying "na na na I can't hear you".


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
BTW, not too long ago I gave Trump credit for making an excellent point about what it would mean and do to the country if we elected a convicted felon. Below is a link to a video where it shows him saying it. Unfortunately that means people like Hidden jems and his buddy's will just call it fake news but as you can see and hear it's Trump himself saying it back in 2016. Got to love it when Karma comes back and bites someone like Trump in the ass, and with his own words no less.



Well-known member
Just because you stick your head in the sand and refuse to see what is out there unless someone forces you to see it, doesn't make your claim of it's non existance into fact. You know you heard the recording I'm talking about, just as virtually everyone else following this case has heard. I could probably find it if I tried but it's likely contained in a video by CNN or MSNBC to which you would then claim fake news even though you would be able to hear Trump's own voice and I'm not going to play your stupid game with you. The people that needed to hear it in order to decide Trump's guilty or inncnce heard it and they found him guilty. You can deny it until your blue in the face but it won't change anything, it will just make you look like a childish fool with his fingers stuck in his ears saying "na na na I can't hear you".
There is no recording of Donald trump telling cohen to take out a loan to pay daniels and he’ll be reimbursed.

Until you can post a link to this alleged recording you’re spreading dangerous misinformation and should probably get 20-25 more booster shots.


Well-known member
To take the word of one over another is elevating one to a position they don’t hold in reality.
Cohens testimony was corroborated at trial by all of the other prosecution witnesses. The Chump was NOT convicted on Cohens testimony ; indeed, the judge in his jury instructions told the jury that they could not vote "guilty" on his testimony alone.
Which they did thru the testimony of David Pecker and Hope Hicks.Since you clearly don't understand the laws
clearly, (y)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
There is no recording of Donald trump telling cohen to take out a loan to pay daniels and he’ll be reimbursed.

Until you can post a link to this alleged recording you’re spreading dangerous misinformation and should probably get 20-25 more booster shots.
I never said that he told Cohen to take out the loan. What I indicated was that he offered to cut a check for her directly. Fortunately Cohen was smart enough to know that would create a paper trail that could lead back to Trump. So looking out for Trump's best interest, he talked with Weisselberg about setting up a shell account to hide the payment and whn Trump offered to pay Stormy Directly he told Trump, "no no no"

So you can stop trying to twist the debate around into something you can argue never happened. The audio recording I'm talking about did happen and most everyone has heard it including the jury. That audio combined with all the documentary evidence and testimony from other witnesses besides Cohen was enough for all 12 Jurers (at least one who gets all his news from Titter and Truth Social) to find him guilty on all charges.

See you seem to be operating under the misguided delusion that i need to convince you. I don't, I don't care what you believe. You want to believe the lies that Trump, Fox News, NewsMax, OAN, Bannon's Podcast, etc feed you like baby food to a baby go right ahead I don't care. I only type out what I do in reply to your messages for the other people who might come along and read what's posted here. You're a lost cause and you can go pound sand for all I care.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
news tonight is that several of those that testified for The Chump are on payroll. what an odd coincidence... :unsure:
Not all that odd really, it's been discovered that at a number of pop up events that Trump's campaign has paid people to act like they support him. Like at that Chick Fil A he showed up at or that NY Bodega he turned up at. I've even heard it said that his campaign has paid people to fill seats at some of his rallies since the attendence has been dropping off the past few months.


Well-known member
“If we can get a fake felony to stick, his campaign is over. Nobody will donate to a felon.”



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
You’re over there snorting Scarface sized lines of cope.

Please say you’ll leave the country when trump wins, please…..
Oh god, please tell me you're not one of the morons who believed he drew 30,000 into the Bronx when the fensed off area he was using only holds 3,500 max?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
“If we can get a fake felony to stick, his campaign is over. Nobody will donate to a felon.”

Are you quoting what you fantized democrats were saying when they charged Trump with a felony? I only ask because no democrat I know was going around saying nobody would donate to him if he got convicted. Everyone knew that no matter what you Trump loyalists would keep donating to him no matter what.

So are you proud of all that money he's taken in from Trump loyalists, many of who are seniors living on fixed incomes just barely getting by. I mean what self respecting so-called billionaire fleeces his most loyal supporters that can't really afford it just so he doesn't have to spend any of his own billions. Oh wait, I know, you think that's smart of him don't you? Why spend any of your own money when you got a bunch of suckers that will give you their money. Real class act you're admiring there. smh


ICMag Donor
California Superior Court Judge on Chump ......
Better bring your toothbrush.
Her logic and reasoning is perfectly sound and irrefutable.



Well-known member
I’m sitting here wondering how a bunch of pot growers don’t recognize when the cops are clearly out to get someone. Then it hit me. Legalization has been around a long time. Most of the people on here now never sat in a cell facing 25+ years for the crime of growing plants.

Having beaten a full house cultivation case and fresh back on the streets it was made known to me there was an eye on me waiting to turn the most benign issue into another case. I had to move to another state to get away.

Fuck the cops, fuck the judges. Wasn’t that what the summer of love 2020 was about? But in this case, go criminal justice system!

It proves the left has no principles but power. The justice system is garbage and needs thrown out, until they go after someone I hate…….


Well-known member
heard it said that his campaign has paid people to fill seats at some of his rallies
they aren't paying enough, judging from photos i've seen. cheap bastards...:rolleyes:
Oh god, please tell me you're not one of the morons who believed he drew 30,000 into the Bronx when the fensed off area he was using only holds 3,500 max?
yes, that's EXACTLY who you are talking to...


Well-known member
I’m sitting here wondering how a bunch of pot growers don’t recognize when the cops are clearly out to get someone. Then it hit me. Legalization has been around a long time. Most of the people on here now never sat in a cell facing 25+ years for the crime of growing plants.

Having beaten a full house cultivation case and fresh back on the streets it was made known to me there was an eye on me waiting to turn the most benign issue into another case. I had to move to another state to get away.

Fuck the cops, fuck the judges. Wasn’t that what the summer of love 2020 was about? But in this case, go criminal justice system!

It proves the left has no principles but power. The justice system is garbage and needs thrown out, until they go after someone I hate…….


this guy finally explained to us that cops are out to get us.

you really think that no one else here has had legal troubles from growing cannabis? get over yourself.

what do you think the average user age on ic mag is, like 20 years old? lol

luckily for you, the justice system found you not guilty and it worked for you despite the fact that you're insinuating that you did indeed break the law.


Well-known member
I’m sitting here wondering how a bunch of pot growers don’t recognize when the cops are clearly out to get someone. Then it hit me. Legalization has been around a long time. Most of the people on here now never sat in a cell facing 25+ years for the crime of growing plants.

Having beaten a full house cultivation case and fresh back on the streets it was made known to me there was an eye on me waiting to turn the most benign issue into another case. I had to move to another state to get away.

Fuck the cops, fuck the judges. Wasn’t that what the summer of love 2020 was about? But in this case, go criminal justice system!

It proves the left has no principles but power. The justice system is garbage and needs thrown out, until they go after someone I hate…….

you were a pretty fresh member here back then, but I bet you were screaming back the blue during the George Floyd protests.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
So was trumps case, read up.
I knew that's where you were going to go, guess what, you're wrong again. First off 8 years is a whole lot different then 33 years. Plus you and your Orange Jesus seem to keep forgetting that from 2016-2020 Trump couldn't be indictd because he was President. So they waited until he was out of office and then they opened the investigation and eventually idicted Trump after a Grand Jury ruled that he could be indicted. So when Trump goes around saying they could have indicted him 7 years ago, that's wrong. You don't get the benefit of being untouchable while you're President and then be able to say it's past that statute of limitations afterward.