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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)


Well-known member
Colin Cowherd (sports opiner) took a break from sports to give his views after The Chumps conviction(s). he pointed out several falsehoods (lies) from the Orange Clown and associated camp followers. The Brennan Center for Justice notes that violent crime has been dropping (notwithstanding Chumps claims), esp in larger cities like NYC, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. murder rates are down 13.2 % from 2022 to 2023, generic violent crimes including assault and armed robbery are down 5.7 %, and property crimes dropped by 4.3 %, resulting in the largest drop of violent crimes in over 30 years. Cowherd really dug in on Chumps claim that his trial was "rigged", pointing out that nearly everyone in lead positions in his "administration" are ALSO now convicted felons. "if everyone in your circle is a felon, YOUR conviction was NOT "rigged".


Well-known member
You watch too much CNN. The jury pool was selected from a place where 9 out of 10 people vote Democrat. The defense attorney can try to dismiss certain people but only under the judges approval. We all know this judge is far from impartial. It was obvious during the trial. And if you think Cohen is a reputable witness you need to smoke another bowl.

"My juror": Trump believed a loyalist on the jury could save him, until the very end​




Well-known member
And if you think Cohen is a reputable witness you need to smoke another bowl.


Well-known member
Don't know how you can think this is a happy ending. This is a disgrace for the whole country. We look like fools to the entire world. So you want Joe Biden who doesn't even know where he is to lead us? The guy obviously has dementia and is rapidly declining. It's pretty clear he's not fit to be president. Trump may be an ahole but at least his brain is still funtioning. It's been a sh*t show since Biden's been in office. I wish we had two entirely different candidates but given what we have to choose from the choice is clear to me.


Well-known member
Don't know how you can think this is a happy ending. This is a disgrace for the whole country. We look like fools to the entire world. So you want Joe Biden who doesn't even know where he is to lead us? The guy obviously has dementia and is rapidly declining. It's pretty clear he's not fit to be president. Trump may be an ahole but at least his brain is still funtioning. It's been a sh*t show since Biden's been in office. I wish we had two entirely different candidates but given what we have to choose from the choice is clear to me.
This is a disgrace that was made official on Election Day 2016, we just didn't know it yet.


Well-known member
Don't know how you can think this is a happy ending. This is a disgrace for the whole country. We look like fools to the entire world. So you want Joe Biden who doesn't even know where he is to lead us? The guy obviously has dementia and is rapidly declining. It's pretty clear he's not fit to be president. Trump may be an ahole but at least his brain is still funtioning. It's been a sh*t show since Biden's been in office. I wish we had two entirely different candidates but given what we have to choose from the choice is clear to me.

you're right about biden being old and losing it.

but if you think trumps brain is anything other than just "functioning" you're delusional.




Well-known member
This is complete BS, the crimes Cohen admitted to are not worse, they're virtually the same he admitted to:
1) Tax fraud - Which Trump was found guilty of also in civil court.
2) Making false statements to a financial institution - Which Trump was also found guilty of in civil court and fined almost half a billion dollars.
3) Unlawful corporate contributions - Which is on par with what Trump did in this Hush Money case the only problem here is nobody has really investigated Trumps corporate contributions in the past....yet
4) Excessive campaign contributions - Which is virtually the same as the underlying charge that made Trumps charges in this case go from a misdemeanor to a felony. Also since he did that in Oct. of 2016 it was done to the Trump Campaign since we all know Cohen didn't give any money to the Clinton campaign. In fact since the hush money originally came from Cohen taking an equity loan on his home to pay of Stormy Daniels and was repaid by the Trump campaign, that was considered an in kind contribution and likely the basis for the single charge in which Cohen admitted to for this offense.

So at best his taking a plea deal is like one cartel leader taking a deal to flip on another cartel leader.

Vote for whoever you want in November but at least have the integrity to be honest about it rather then spreading gossip you got from your orange Jesus. BTW everyone here knows you've been on the Trump team for months now so you're fooling nobody when you claim you were out of it but are now suddenly going to vote for Trump because of his conviction.
Stealing $30,000 from a person is more serious than any clerical errors, or misappropriation of funds. Look up the crimes.

It’ll get tossed on appeal. If any part of the payment was to avoid his wife finding out, it’s not a campaign cost.

Besides, it’s not illegal to pay people to sign nda’s. It happens every day. Nobody has ever been charged with this 8 years later, because it’s not a felony, it’s a misdemeanor. This whole case is built on trump derangement syndrome.


Well-known member
Stealing $30,000 from a person is more serious than any clerical errors, or misappropriation of funds. Look up the crimes.

It’ll get tossed on appeal. If any part of the payment was to avoid his wife finding out, it’s not a campaign cost.

Besides, it’s not illegal to pay people to sign nda’s. It happens every day. Nobody has ever been charged with this 8 years later, because it’s not a felony, it’s a misdemeanor. This whole case is built on trump derangement syndrome.
Exactyly. I think even most Democrats know the truth but they'll never admit it. :ROFLMAO:


Well-known member
Stealing $30,000 from a person is more serious than any clerical errors, or misappropriation of funds. Look up the crimes.

It’ll get tossed on appeal. If any part of the payment was to avoid his wife finding out, it’s not a campaign cost.

Besides, it’s not illegal to pay people to sign nda’s. It happens every day. Nobody has ever been charged with this 8 years later, because it’s not a felony, it’s a misdemeanor. This whole case is built on trump derangement syndrome.

Exactyly. I think even most Democrats know the truth but they'll never admit it. :ROFLMAO:

that's probably why trump tried to have him sent back to prison after his release for these trump related crimes. Which were prosecuted by trumps own justice department.

Those incompetent fools never found out he stole from trump?! lol

actually, it was because Cohen wouldn't keep his mouth shut

Judge finds Michael Cohen's return to prison 'retaliatory,' orders his release​

Cohen had refused to sign a form that would have barred him from speaking in public, including by publishing a book, as a condition of home confinement.​


A week after tweeting that he was finishing a tell-all book about Trump, Cohen was told by a probation officer that he would have to agree to a complete ban on speaking in public, including by publishing a book, as a condition of continued home confinement, according to court documents. He was asked to sign a form that included this provision: "No engagement of any kind with the media, including print, tv, film, books, or any other form of media/news. Prohibition from all social media platforms."

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Haha, man the mental gymnastics trump supporters are playing with on these felony’s are more entertaining than anything in this clusterfuck of an election so far.

“Resurrect the orange haired Jesus!”

Like Forrest Gumps mum said, “Stupid is as stupid does.”

America has become like a bad reality show that the rest of the world is being forced to watch.

moose eater

Well-known member
The fact is that with a couple of exceptions, to include North Korea, when Trump was President, much of the western world (and elsewhere) thought of him as a moron. There are limited/some documentations of this online.

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