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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)


Well-known member
many have denounced jail time as an appropriate sentence
we're listening, after all it's about the good of the country
community service is being mentioned, possibilities are many

moose eater

Well-known member
many have denounced jail time as an appropriate sentence
we're listening, after all it's about the good of the country
community service is being mentioned, possibilities are many
If urine testing is required in a supervised probation, then the alleged Adderall would need to be strictly by current and proper Rx, and any alleged cocaine use would be off the table.... or mirror...


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Haha, man the mental gymnastics trump supporters are playing with on these felony’s are more entertaining than anything in this clusterfuck of an election so far.

“Resurrect the orange haired Jesus!”

Like Forrest Gumps mum said, “Stupid is as stupid does.”

America has become like a bad reality show that the rest of the world is being forced to watch.
(y) 🏴‍☠️ aye matey


Well-known member
If urine testing is required in a supervised probation, then the alleged Adderall would need to be strictly by current and proper Rx, and any alleged cocaine use would be off the table.... or mirror...
perhaps DT should do some reading here on IC, about how to smuggle in clean urine
hell there's members that would gladly donate some clean to his cause
be a shame if he failed his first pee test


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
You watch too much CNN. The jury pool was selected from a place where 9 out of 10 people vote Democrat. The defense attorney can try to dismiss certain people but only under the judges approval. We all know this judge is far from impartial. It was obvious during the trial. And if you think Cohen is a reputable witness you need to smoke another bowl.
I don't need to think Cohen is a reputable witness since everything he testified to was corroborated by documents, video of Trump, Audio of Trump and Testimony of people still friendly with Trump but have enough integrity to not lie for him. If you can't comprehend that then you probably have smoked too much and should put the bowl down.

As for what I watch I don't watch CNN at all, they're only slightly better then Fox for the quality of their reporting. Nor do I just take one source's word for it but rather I verify stories from multiple sources. The percentage of voters in an area are irrelevent, unlike you apparently, all people don't judge according to how they vote. Some people are able to judge solely based on the facts and the evidence presented. Also each side had 20 challenges to get rid of potential jurers for any reason they wanted, only after they use up their 20 challenges does the judge take over on deciding who will or won't be on the jury. As for the judges impartiallity if he was as corrupt and biased as you say he would have locked Trump up the first time he violated the gag order or the second time or certainly the third time. He wouldn't have told Trump that he doesn't want to lock up a former President and he wouldn't have pratically begged Trump to not force him to have to lock him up. All you boneheads that think you're doing Trump a favor by trying to convince everyone that the judge is corrupt, well you aren't. Don't you realize that it's the same judge that will decide whether or not to sentence Trump to jail/prison time? Also don't think the appeal process is going to stop everything like it's done when Trump filed an appeal before the court case started. Now that Trump is convicted the sentencing goes forth regardless of any appeals and since his first appeal (which he'll almost certainly lose) likely won't happen until after the election and it won't be until well into 2026 before Trump can get an appeal in the Supreme court. Trump will be sentenced July 11th, 2024 just days before the Republican convention where his nomination will become official. If all you freaking morons (Trump included) don't wise up and stop acting like fools Trump could find himself recieving his nomination while behind bars. Every time Trump, his surrogates or you morons following him blindly publically attack the judge's family, the witnesses and Jury members. You're just making it harder for the judge to justify not locking him up. So go ahead keep being a fool and see what happens. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes you freaking moron.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
when can we start blasting these anti democracy anti american traitors who are calling for a strongman/monarchy/dictator to take over now that their cult leaders crimes have been validated.

Any time you want, there are no time constraints on when you can blast a traitor for being a traitor.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I've gotta find where he specifically says this, but the person who Bernie says he most admires is Eugene V Debs. The V is for Victor, he's named after Victor Hugo who wrote, "To love your neighbors is to see the face of God. God is behind everything, but everything hides God. Things are black, creatures are opaque. To love a human being is to make her transparent." This is spinozan pantheism in a nutshell.
It's not to hard to believe that Bernie Sanders admires the guy, given the moral injustices he cited in that speech of his you quoted, it sounds like he would be quite pleased with the changes in society and the government that happened between WWI and now. It's too bad he didn't live long enough to confirm whether or not the future that happened was the future he had hoped would happen in that speech.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Don't know how you can think this is a happy ending. This is a disgrace for the whole country. We look like fools to the entire world. So you want Joe Biden who doesn't even know where he is to lead us? The guy obviously has dementia and is rapidly declining. It's pretty clear he's not fit to be president. Trump may be an ahole but at least his brain is still funtioning. It's been a sh*t show since Biden's been in office. I wish we had two entirely different candidates but given what we have to choose from the choice is clear to me.
There's so much wrong with your assesssment of the Job Biden has been doing or his state of mind that It would take more time then I have to spare to provide all the proofs of how you are wrong. The only thing that is clear is that you take Trump at his word on everything. Which is your right, since there is no amendment that prevents you from being gullible but just because it's your right to always believe Trump it doesn't make you or Trump right about what you say.


Well-known member

“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”​

― Isaac Asimov


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Stealing $30,000 from a person is more serious than any clerical errors, or misappropriation of funds. Look up the crimes.

It’ll get tossed on appeal. If any part of the payment was to avoid his wife finding out, it’s not a campaign cost.

Besides, it’s not illegal to pay people to sign nda’s. It happens every day. Nobody has ever been charged with this 8 years later, because it’s not a felony, it’s a misdemeanor. This whole case is built on trump derangement syndrome.
It wasn't to stop his wife from finding out, Hope Hicks and David Pecker made that clear in their testimonies. It was to stop the American people from finding out before the election, so when Cohen paid Stormy $130,000 that became an illegal in-kind campaign contribution. The illegal contribution to a campaign that Trump and you are now trying to say makes him worse then Trump. It was never about Trump getting someone to sign an NDA because Trump didn't, it was Cohen who got her to sign it when he gave her the money. Trump's crime was trying to interfere with an election by hiding the truth from the voters which was the misdemeanor and what made it a felony was when he falsified business records to hide the repayment to Cohen for the in-kind campaign contribution.

You really need to stop listening to Trump because neither of you understand what the charges were all about.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
When you need to resort to personal insults you've already lost the argument.
Is that what you tell yourself to keep from crying everytime those mean old democrats tell you that you're wrong backed up with proof that you're wrong?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer

“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”​

― Isaac Asimov
I always thought Isaac was a pretty sharp cookie but it's nice to see a quote from him that confirms it.


Well-known member
It wasn't to stop his wife from finding out, Hope Hicks and David Pecker made that clear in their testimonies. It was to stop the American people from finding out before the election, so when Cohen paid Stormy $130,000 that became an illegal in-kind campaign contribution. The illegal contribution to a campaign that Trump and you are now trying to say makes him worse then Trump. It was never about Trump getting someone to sign an NDA because Trump didn't, it was Cohen who got her to sign it when he gave her the money. Trump's crime was trying to interfere with an election by hiding the truth from the voters which was the misdemeanor and what made it a felony was when he falsified business records to hide the repayment to Cohen for the in-kind campaign contribution.

You really need to stop listening to Trump because neither of you understand what the charges were all about.
The only proof of that happening is the testimony of an admitted liar and thief.

Not that any of this really matters much. Biden and trump both worship Israel.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
The only proof of that happening is the testimony of an admitted liar and thief, business documents, recorded phone calls and 2 eye witnesses still friendly to the defendant.

Not that any of this really matters much. Biden and trump both worship Israel.
Fixed that for accuracy.