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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I’m sitting here wondering how a bunch of pot growers don’t recognize when the cops are clearly out to get someone. Then it hit me. Legalization has been around a long time. Most of the people on here now never sat in a cell facing 25+ years for the crime of growing plants.

Having beaten a full house cultivation case and fresh back on the streets it was made known to me there was an eye on me waiting to turn the most benign issue into another case. I had to move to another state to get away.

Fuck the cops, fuck the judges. Wasn’t that what the summer of love 2020 was about? But in this case, go criminal justice system!

It proves the left has no principles but power. The justice system is garbage and needs thrown out, until they go after someone I hate…….
Wow look at the mental Gymnastics you're trying to go thru just to justify saying the justice system is garbage. First of all you have know clue what many of us here have been thru. A lot of us have been growing cannabis for multiple decades. My first grow was back in the mid 70's. Of course back then there wasn't all that much money in growing cannabis so I never goot greedy and it was really pretty easy to keep my activities below the radar. Since you were doing a full house grow, one can only imagine all the ways you thought you were being slick but really drew attention to yourself. If they busted your full house cultivation and you managed to beat it, yeah I bet they had their eyes on you. They knew you were guilt but you managed to make them look bad in court, so yeah, no doubt that wanted another shot at you. It would be a pretty stupid move on your part to think you could stay where you were and just start up again like nothing happened. Your first move should have been to relocate whether it was made known to you that the cops were watching you or not.

As for the "Summer of love 2020. No it was ever about fuck all judges fuck all cops, it was about the uneven application of justice that targeted minorities. I get it though, you're just parroting the new Republican position on law and order that says if it's against you then it's the left weaponizing the justice system. The right is now only the party of law and order only when it works in their favor.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
they aren't paying enough, judging from photos i've seen. cheap bastards...:rolleyes:
Well we are talking about Trump who is perhaps the cheapest Billionaire the world has ever know. Why pay enough to draw in a real crowd when you can just pay enough to only draw in enough to full the cameras and then lie about the rest?
yes, that's EXACTLY who you are talking to...
Yeah I know, I was asking that question rhetorically.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
you were a pretty fresh member here back then, but I bet you were screaming back the blue during the George Floyd protests.
I'm thinking it's more likely he was part of the crowd looting the stores and starting the fires to make the real protestors look bad. You know the type, the alt righters that dress up like ANTIFA and go around starting fights so that they can blame it all on ANTIFA.


Well-known member
you were a pretty fresh member here back then, but I bet you were screaming back the blue during the George Floyd protests.
Fuck the police. I’ve never seen them make any situation better when they show up.

I was happy and excited when blm burned down the police station. When they moved on from authority figures to citizens and their property, I saw what idiots they really were.


Well-known member
You people project your own maladies onto your opponents.

Every accusation is an admission. Like the epstein stuff, half of trumps supporters think it's cool they were buddies.


Well-known member
They don't really worship Israel, Israel has been an important strategic location for American Foreign Policy and National Security from the days we first helped Israel to reclaim their ancestral homeland. Now clearlly you made that comment because you don't like what has ben happening to the Palestinian people. Welcome to the club, there are few if any nations that like what's going on. We've done what we can to get Israel to stand down on the aggression but at the end of the day Israel is deffending itself after a brutal and cowardly attack against innocnt people where horrible atrocities were committed against many such as the brutal killing of children and rape against some women, one of which was done so brutally that it broke the woman's pelvic bone. The pelvic bone is one of if not the strongest thickest bones in the human body. Do you have any comprehension of how brutal her rape had to be to break that bone? It's hard for a foreign country to tell a sovereign country thattt the can't retalliate with similar brutallity in the face of that kind of aggression. Imagine if let's say China sprung a surprise attack on our nation and in the process your wife, mother, sister, girlfriend or grandmother was raped so brutally that it broke her pelvic bone. If you are human you would be filled with so much rage that you would likely take your anger out on any and all Chinese people you encountered, even ones that have been living here peacefully as citizens and had nothing to do with the surprise attack. Hell back when the Pandwmic first started and Trump blamed it on China and started calling it the Kung Flu, lots of Trump supporters started assaulting Chinese Americans or anyone that looked remotely Chinese. Mind you I'm not saying the brutallity of the attack by Hammas on Oct. 7th makes what is happening to the Palestinians right, I'm just saying that the Israeli reaction is human.

It doesn't help any that the Palestinians in one form or another have been attacking Israelis since they first started reclaiming their homeland. The Palestinians were basically squatters on land that was unoccupied because over the past couple of millenia the Israeli people were attacked, captured into slavery and scattered around the world. The history of this is well documented and is known by virtually everyone that hasn't been living under a rock. Had the Palestinians accepted that the Israelis were just trying to reclaim what was rightfully theirs and worked with them peacefully from the start. They likely would have been able to work something out that would have established a two state solution to that land, decades ago. It also doesn't help that the Palestinians who say this attack wasn't them but Hammas who basically governs the Palestinians, has done nothing to help Israel to target just Hammas but rather just allows Hammas to use them as human shields. It's virtually impossible to fight Hammas and not have innocent Palestinians killed when Hammas is using them as shields.

As far as what was revealed about Trump you're 100% wrong. Davd Pecker testified how he, Cohen and Trump all sat down and cooked up the plan to buy up the rights to any negative/embarrassing stories about Trump at least until after the election as well as publish false stories about Trump's oppponants like the one about Ted Cruz;'s father being involved in the Kennedy assasination because he once supposedly had breakfast with Lee Harvey Oswald. We also have the testimony of Hope Hicks who told us about how the Trump campaign was very worried about the damage the Stormy Daniels story might have on the Trump campaign and that's why they tried to hide it. The idea he did it just to keep his wife from finding out is completely laughable. Here's a novel idea, if Trump loved his wife and was so concerned about keeping her from finding out, he could have just not had and affair with her or the Playboy Bunny Karen McDougal. As I said before, if they wanted to they could have not put Cohen on the stand and they still would have had enough evidence to convict Trump. Given however how central Cohen was to getting Stormy paid off though, it would kind of be silly to not have him testify since his testimony wrapped up all the other evidence and testimony into a nice neat package. Also keep in mind that the lies that he admitted to and got convicted for and is now being used to brand him as a liar were all done in service to Trump.
Imagine going to bat this hard for genocide and corruption.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Imagine going to bat this hard for genocide and corruption.
I'm not sure if you're understanding me correctly or not? I'm not saying what's going on over there is right, I'm just acknowledging the very human reasons it exists.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Sounded like you were excusing the murder of nearly 40,000 people who were not hamas because you believe disproven propaganda…


Well-known member
It proves the left has no principles but power.
Fuck the police. I’ve never seen them make any situation better when they show up.

Check out these Texas lefties

Cops are generally lefties, right?



Well-known member
Most of the people on here now never sat in a cell facing 25+ years for the crime of growing plants.

Having beaten a full house cultivation case and fresh back on the streets it was made known to me there was an eye on me waiting to turn the most benign issue into another case. I had to move to another state to get away.

trump 2024, you say?

Trump doubles down on death penalty for drug dealers​

“President Xi in China controls 1.4 billion people, with an iron hand, no drug problems, you know why they have no drug problems?” Trump said at a campaign event in New Hampshire Saturday. “Death penalty for the drug dealers.”


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Sounded like you were excusing the murder of nearly 40,000 people who were not hamas because you believe disproven propaganda…
Then clearly you were not listening (reading me carefully. I'm saying that it's a complicated matter with a very long history that is between Israel and the Palestinians. As such it is not the place of the US to step in and force thee Israelis to do what we believe is right. As a sovereign nation it is up to them to decide how they want to respond. All we should do is what we've been doing which is to stand with all the other nations that are objecting but otherwise doing nothing to stop it.

Actually we are doing more then just that. Who is it who has established a new peir so that more aide can be brought in more quickly and efficiently and in amounts great enough to make a difference? Who is it who has actively been trying to get Israel to take a more acceptable approach? Who is it who has withheld certain armaments used for offensive purposes when Israel has threatened to continue to target innocent civilians? Why do you think Netenyahoo came to the US to beg Congress for more and better support, trying to go around the White House to plead directly to the Republicans who always gave him everything he wants in the past?

Please tell me what disproven propaganda that you speak of. I know it wasn't that Israelis were taken from their homeland and scattered to the four corners of the earth, that is well documented historical fact. I know it wasn't that from the moment Israel tried to reclaim their homeland they have been under near constant attack by the Palestinians and their allies as that is also well documented historical fact. I know it isn't that the Palestinians have done absolutely nothing to help Israel to target Hamas. Purhaps you refer to the story of the woman who was raped so savagely that her prlvis was broken. If that is it then I will concede that I've seen no proof to back that up. Even if that didn't happen there is still plenty of other evidence of the cowardly Oct. attack by Hamas against innocent Israeli people as well as many other innocents from many nations that were present at the time for which there is well documented evidence.

Is what Israel doing unacceptable and worthy of being considered as war crimes? Absolutely but it's not the responsibility of the US to step in and stop them, especially when nobody else is stepping in to stop them. All I'm saying is that when you've been on the other end of being bullied and abused for as long as and by as many as the Israelis then it tends to turn you into just as much of a bully and abuser. We all understand that two wrongs do not make a right but pretending that one of the wrongs never happened also does not make a right.

I don't know how old any of you that are against Israel for responding to what has been done to them are? For the most part it seems that the majority of you are the youth of today's world. You seem to think that because the US helped Israel to return to their homeland and have provided them the means to protect themselves means that it is up to the US to force them to stop what they are doing. Being as old as I am though I remember that one of the main motivations of the US in helping Israel to return to their homeland was that it was seen by many as fulfilling Biblical prophecy to lead to the endtimes and armageddon, which as far as can tell seems to be the path the world is now on. Which to be clear, I'm not saying that makes it all okay, I'm just saying that it's exactly what many were hoping for since the beginning. For the US's part we are doing far more to try to make for a better outcome then anyone else seems to be doing.


ICMag Donor
Well, He lost before,
and now he's a convicted 34x felon,
and owes $500M for a sexual assault case
facing 60 more felony counts
and he's a self confessed pussy grabber
but he only has seven bankruptcies.

What the fuck, Let's run him again for president.

Are these people stupid?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Well, He lost before,
and now he's a convicted 34x felon,
and owes $500M for a sexual assault case
facing 60 more felony counts
and he's a self confessed pussy grabber
but he only has seven bankruptcies.

What the fuck, Let's run him again for president.

Are these people stupid?
Do you really have to ask?

BTW, not that it really makes much of a difference since it doesn't change the point you were making but the 500 Million he owes is for the business fraud civil case for the sexual assault and the two defamation cases that go with it he only owes around 90 Million.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
You are correct. Too much multi tasking going on here.
No biggie, Trumps list of proven crimes is getting long enough that it's getting hard to keep track. I would normally add a smiley to a comment like that but really it's nothing to smile about.
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Well-known member
Well, He lost before,
and now he's a convicted 34x felon,
and owes $500M for a sexual assault case
facing 60 more felony counts
and he's a self confessed pussy grabber
but he only has seven bankruptcies.

What the fuck, Let's run him again for president.

Are these people stupid?
Stupid is putting the weakest candidate ever joe Biden, up against the second weakest, trump.

More proof that control over the president is the most important thing for the dem party.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Stupid is putting the weakest candidate ever joe Biden, up against the second weakest, trump.

More proof that control over the president is the most important thing for the dem party.
👆More proof that you couldn't reason your way out of a wet paper bag.

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