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The Search for Trip Weed

Sticky Sat

Active member
Hey my friends ! :)

Thanks a lot Green ! :)

Sampled Sage # 5 and found it almost as heavy as the 1.
Only the 7 is left to try but so far the 3 has the best high in this batch.
Of course, she's also the skinniest with the fluffiest buds while the 5 was the bushiest with the biggers buds...

Please forgive the pop corn pics, it's just to give an idea. I usually take an average bud for the nug shot but i forgot to keep one before filling the jar and had to pick what was on top... ;-)

Sage 5

Bango 1 at day 14


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Well-known member
Smoked some Snow Cambodian Khymer Gold x Chiang Mai Thai, or Golden Dragon. I think one pheno was the Thai but both look alike for the most part.

The 'Thai' pheno was racy but I took samples at 12 weeks, so that might be some of it I am guessing. Trippy visually. Almost saw tracers of moving objects. Or when I moved my vision, the last thing I saw kind of lingered. Thaibliss would like the high I am sure.

The other pheno must have been the Cambodian and was more euphoric and stony I guess. Still all in the head but more body feel, less clear? More comfortable. I could take the plant down now as far as the high being good.

Hope the Thai one mellows a bit. The trip is kind of in the 'cold' realm. Very cerebral. Both must be at least high teens in thc. Strong.

You are correct. It does sound like a high I'd like. I don't know about the "cold" part, but I love them starkly clear and cerebral. Some of those that I describe that way are very euphoric also. I really need to smoke with lot's of people who post descriptions so I can try and understand more closely what they mean.

Thanks for posting that report.

I have some pictures today. My plants are not growing as fast as years past. The massive amounts of soil conditioner I added years ago must be breaking down. I also broke some bones in my foot, so I'm watering and fertilizing less that I normally would have. Despite that, the Kali Mist x Bangi Haze x Wicked Weed has finally grown over my head:




I made great progress with crossing the clear, clean, and euphoric Bangi Haze chemotype with Wicked Weed. But I'm really hoping this cross to Kali Mist, brings it to another level... because I'm greedy.

I'm on my own amongst my friends with my opinion of the Kali Mist. Some did not like it. It gave some a "queasy" feeling in the stomach. That's a sign of power man! Naw. It does have some kick to it, but I did not get that feeling. I think I like it because it is one of the rare S.E. Asian crosses where that Thai Stick vibration/buzz comes through a bit. I'm really hoping this kicks my genetics up again to another level.


Well-known member
Here is my little Goo x Bangi x Wicked:



This one surprised me on how fat leaved it is. Sure, those traits exist in the ancestors, but recent crosses were expressing more narrow leaves, especially in the grandfather that was used. When this was small, it was showing narrow leaf traits like the mother. They were stunted when young. Apparent, they needed more nitrogen than the rest of my seedling. When I finally figured it out, this one exploded in growth. That might have something to do with it.

Speaking of queasiness and muscle twitching, the Goo I sampled, from the mother of this plant was quite edgy. It seemed to not have the cerebral high kick to back up such "dirty" traits. I got the downside of some very powerful sativa high, but without the power. I'm giving it another chance by growing this offspring. The earlier test was from a seeded plant that probably got way too ripe. Long ago, I had very good experiences with Goo. I'll also be persistent and test the other Goo mother's children thoroughly.

I'm editing this post to add another story. My friend who gave me these Goo cuts is known for loving good strong indica. I was told that Goo is quite respected. When it was first grown, a whole pound of Goo was smoked before smoking any other weed, because it was loved so much. This is so completely out of character for this toker, that I must have done something very wrong with my plant, or I got very unlucky and am testing a Goo plant that is way out of the bell curve for this strain.

All the Best in Your Searches,


Sticky Sat

Active member
Thanks for these great posts and pics ThaiBliss, i'm always waiting impatiently to see your beautiful girls. They're just gorgeous man !
I hope your bones will heal very soon my friend :)

Sticky Sat

Active member
Have a great week end brothers ! :)

Sage 7 nug shot. Very strong uplifting sativa high :dance013:


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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I just smoked some more of the Original Haze x Lambsbread and while a nice high seems to have lost most of the psychedelic edge. It is a comfortable high now but lacking the crazy visuals that I got at 11 weeks. It is now 13.5 weeks and I am gonna chop it though it has new pistils growing at the top bud.

Tolerance could account for some of the magic leaving but I feel the earlier bud was just more trippy as well. When I reveg will take it down at 11 weeks I think. Racy but the trip was worth it. Could stagger the harvest too, one early and the other when 'done'.

Sticky Sat

Active member
Thanks for your kind words my friend ! :)

Just love the velvety look of your nugs... :)

Indeed, the #7 caught me off guard. Almost blacked out after 3 tokes but was saved by a great energizing surge. The clear headed high lasted a long time and the landing was smooth, leaving me pleasantly relaxed for hours after.

# 3 was also very good. So was # 4 but its high wasn't as long lasting...

I'll definitely breed those and forget the hammer leaning ones... ;)

Cheers man ! :tiphat:

Sticky Sat

Active member
Hello brothers ! :)

An update on the first 2 Bangos ( O (Agent orange x Congo S1) x Bangi Haze) at day 50 from sprout and day 24 since left at 11/13.
They're in 15 L pots and close to 4' tall.



Daylight time's been increasing for 3 weeks now, which may account for the very slow bud formation compared to the mother's (which was expected) or the 2 father's sisters pheno i've seen so far.



They've been through some hard times as the season is totally rotten and i volontarily let them unprotected to see how they'll fare, and to try building up as much resistance as possible, for breeding purpose.

Bango sisters

A great week end to all ! :)
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Sticky Sat

Active member
To compare the Bangos bud's formation with their parents, here's a pic of an O and one of the Bangi Haze father's sister, both at day 24.

O, day 24

Bangi Haze, day 24

Cheers ! :)
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Sticky Sat

Active member
Day 28 for the Bangos sisters. Starting to fill up a bit but the permanently clouded skies are slowing things down and doesn't help making nice colors pics...
Well, at least there was only drizzles instead of downpours today... ;-)

Bango 1


Bango 2


Leaf close up. Sativa enough...

Have a great week end guys ! :)


Well-known member
Looking good S.Sat,

I extracted some seeds from a Headband bud pollinated by Bangi Wicked:

I am surprised at the very minimal striping given that Headband is supposed to be indica dominant. The buds were VERY aromatic especially since they have been sitting on my coffee table for months and the weather has been very hot (100+ f.). I have no air conditioning. My apologies to all for seed and bud abuse. LOL. Menthol was dominant but I detected grape and old school Mexican weedy aromas.

I took cuttings today of SAGE x Bangi x Wicked and Kali Mist x Bangi x Wicked. The SAGE plant is still not showing gender. SAGE is smelling awesome though.

Due to my foot injury, I dropped plans to sprout some seeds that I'm way overdue testing. :(

Happy Searching,


Sticky Sat

Active member
Thanks for the kind words and update Thai Bliss !

I just love to look at ripe seeds... :)

I'm afraid i'd also have to plead guilty for the buds and seeds abuse but we can only get high and grow when we're awake... ;)

SAGE is definitely a very interesting genetics by itself and i'm sure you'll make new gems crossing it with the ones you already have.

Hope your foot get better soon my friend :)


Well-known member
Finally got done watering today. I grabbed a picture of Kali Mist x Bangi Haze x Wicked Weed. It is starting to get bushy, extreme zig zagging stems, and bunching up ever so slightly in the tops. It really seems to show all the sativa ancestors in the expression of this individual. I have high hopes for this plant. With luck, it will have the baseline kick of Kali Mist, cerebral clarity, and the positive energy of Bangi Haze. The only thing to add would be the peak profound experience of the SAGE cutting I had:

The nuts and bolts of the future breeding would be to bring the SAGE and Nanan Bouclou together. I'd also like to make a cross with SAGE and this Kali Bangi Weed if it ripens early enough. Then next summer I'll make a cross with a parent from each of these potential crosses. The results of those seeds should be fun to look through. Having Nanan Bouclou and Bangi Haze as cousins, should bring a heck of a lot of positive energy to the kick of Kali and cerebral SAGE.


Sticky Sat

Active member
Beautiful plant TB ! :)
The crosses you're planning will indeed be very interesting ! Imagining the possible results would keep me awake at night... ;)


Well-known member

I severely cut back the SAGE x Bangi Weed cross that I hope is male. After a day of the little skinny lower branches getting full sun, I rubbed the stems. I was surprised at how lemony they smelled. I still get the sickly sweet floral piney aroma from just being near the plant, but the sharp lemon is bracing. I like!



Well-known member

More pictures of this year's pride and joy, KaliMist x Bangi Haze x Wicked Weed:




This was a rare smoke free day during another horrific fire season. It's nice to see some blue sky in the pictures.

Every day I look at this plant, I'm hoping to see some sign of flowering. I won't be heartbroken until the third week of August.

Hope your search is going well,


Sticky Sat

Active member
What a beauty my friend ! I sure can understand the pride and joy ! :)
Haven't seen such a blue sky in years... Let's cross fingers for some rain to fall at night though... These fires are a terrible tragedy...

A great week end to all of you brothers !

Sticky Sat

Active member
Hello brothers ! :)

Bangos, day 35. The cross seems to be strongly dominated by the Bangi Haze's genes...
Sorry for the side way pic.. It was to give a better idea of the bud formation but i thought i'd be able to turn it right... Wrong thinking ! Again... ;)

B1. No worries, got the caterpillar... ;-)


A great week to all of you guys ! :tiphat:


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