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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
No doubt you would have a memorable time but having gotten that checked off my bucket list in the mid 1970's, I'm more into having a good time and smiling, while being here now.

What I've found with psylocibin, is that I begin to have uncomfortable body nervous system sensations before I have any psychedelic effects beyond color enhancements. It starts with nervous legs, but I can feel that sensation all over at higher dosages.

At microdoses, or even half doses I don't have those sensations.
To each his own as they say. To be clear though I too got my psychedelic needs met in the 70s and 80's. It is not so much about feeling a need to gain or learn more. It's more that I enjoy doing it every now and again. It all depends though on the quality of the experience. If I were to say have a bad trip several times in a row I guess the desire to repeat would disappear pretty quickly.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I'm willing to try. Shitfire, hanging around here is like being the only kid without a quarter to get an ice cream sundae while in a whole room fulla kids with lockers full of them, discussing dozens of different flavors and textures.
Well I can understand that but if that's the case why not try growing? You don't have to have a big setup growing multiple strains to have fun. Just a small tent and setup to grow three or four plants indoors is all you need and the cost to do that isn't horribly expensive. Hell I bet you could even find someone here willing to donate old gear they're not really using any more.

Also for what it's worth, I doubt there is much if any THC to be found in dried ground up roots. :biggrin:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I don't quite understand the root cause of my restless leg syndrome (RLS) it just seems to happen at different times. The other night I could have sworn I could feel the same sensation in my upper body but with less intensity., first time for that.
The RLS is crazy in that there is no relief from it, until for some reason it just stops and in most cases it is the early morning hours. I have managed to fall asleep with it bothering me and wake up around 4am and it's gone. It is very frustrating, I take a drug called Gabapentin for my sciatic nerve pain, some use it for RLS. So here I am taking a drug that is suppose to stop the RLS but does not. But maybe it's like the morphine I take. You would think taking morphine it would take on all pain new and old, but it does not, it only effects the pain that the morphine was originally used for.

OH well, here is to a decent nights sleep, if that is possible. If you ever come across a permanent fix for the RLS please share.
FWIW, my wife had RLS when she was still alive and the doctors did try to treat it with Gabepentin as that's supposed to work for nerve pain and RLS is a nuerological condition. As I recall they had to play with the size of the dosages and their frequency for her to get any relief, although she never got it fully under control.


Well-known member
Good Morning All (OF's):

Wishing each and every one of you, a pleasant morning, wonderful day, and outstanding evening.
I am currently pretty tied up with projects and work, so wanted to start with a daily check in hello.
Today is duly considered a "hump day". So, I hope and trust all of us will get over any big humps!

See you all tomorrow (again)! (y):)


Well-known member
Premium user
Good morning folks
Good Morning All (OF's):

Wishing each and every one of you, a pleasant morning, wonderful day, and outstanding evening.
I am currently pretty tied up with projects and work, so wanted to start with a daily check in hello.
Today is duly considered a "hump day". So, I hope and trust all of us will get over any big humps!

See you all tomorrow (again)! (y):)
you as well😊


Well-known member
Me too it bronchitis not covid I tested Negative.
I tested negative for any of their ailments. My aunt has the same thing I caught but is vomiting too. She’s in the hospital with it now.
It’s been 16 years since I’ve been that sick.
Soaking some beans this morning. Rocky Mountain red. Heading to work. Man that word is nasty. Makes your mouth feel weird when you say it.
47 degrees out there and this southern boy ain’t ready for it. Good thing the CRV warms up fast.


Well-known member
It's bascally just a new platform that is fairly popular with the younger folks, especially those into gaming. In that sense it then becomes a way for a site like this to appeal to and attract more people.
Doesn’t explain why the guy that invited me said they were looking for the old timers. Maybe he meant people that had been growing a while. Not old members on the forum.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning brothers and sisters! Hugz all around, passing left!

Cloudy with rain here, starting at 49F and predicted to reach 63F.

Gym this morning and then indoor sports for the rest of this rainy day......................


Well-known member
In case you were wondering...

Remember this post from about six months ago?
Yesterday I was speaking to a client who is an older and very experienced clinical psychiatrist in California. Somehow we got on the subject of transpronounism and I asked his thoughts from a medical perspective. I’m going to try to share his incredibly interesting explanation in plain terms.

First, transgenderism is a form of body dysmorphia, a recognized mental disorder in the big book of mental ailments. It is also, more interestingly, a form of schizophrenia.

Here is how he explained its current proliferation and why it is primarily seen in men:

Men are sexually aroused by visual cues, while women typically are not. A man gets physically sexually aroused by seeing a woman that he finds attractive. A woman recognizes physical attraction but physical arousal generally requires social interaction.

When a man with body dysmorphia puts on a woman’s clothing or make-up and observes himself he gets aroused. At that moment (his exact words), “a minor second personality is born.” This is called multiple personality disorder, or dissociative personality disorder. The man sees the pantomime woman separate from himself and is attracted to the image.

But here is where it gets relevant to the here and now.

Typically this second self stays a very minor influence either because it is treated as a mental disorder or because societal negative feedback causes feelings of shame and recalcitrance. In other words, humans have traditionally informed men that this is odd behavior and men have decided they are right or at least to keep the second self private.

But today, that same behavior inside the unicorn zone creates positive reinforcement for the second self. We have begun supporting and encouraging the second self to manifest and gain influence. We do not just do this locally, where there is possible negative feedback for balance. A man puts on a dress and makeup, goes on social media and thousands of people cheer his courage. He goes to school and the students pat him on the back instead of stuffing his head in a toilet.

By rewarding the second self society encourages the female persona to gain influence, such that it can overpower the original self. The female persona becomes the primary personality and desperately seeks to erase the male original.

But feelings of guilt and shame remain very powerful. The mind’s remedy is to spread the disorder to create a more comfortable inner thought process. We know this as the cliché, “misery loves company.” Trans people need to see more trans people to keep their illusion of normalcy intact.

His professional opinion is that, as a society, we have started an unstoppable wave of nurtured schizophrenia. A very high percentage of transpronoun men will eventually commit suicide because of their immense internal struggle and because they have been taught that seeking mental help is an admission that they are suffering with a disorder. The popular woke notion that the disorder is, in fact, a positive affirmation of self actually keeps the person from looking at it as an issue.

From a global perspective, most countries still treat this as a mental disorder. When we say the rest of the world thinks we have gone crazy, it is not pure hyperbole. A large portion of Western society is literally suffering from mass scale psychosis in very clinical terms.

As I have explained, this is an account of someone I spoke to who has expertise on the matter. This is his explanation. If accurate, which it seems to be, we are facing a truly lost generation.

I am not a psychiatrist but I have been saying the whole trans thing is a mental illness and the encouragement of it is due to a mass formation psychosis. The mass formations of several flavors, am convinced, is a psyop to create fractures in society. A divided society creates all sorts of opportunities for those in power to exert more power and power is all that matters to the mentally ill, power hungry ‘leaders’. Changing social norms and definitions of words we have known for centuries is a feature. Not a bug.


Well-known member
In case you were wondering...

Remember this post from about six months ago?
Yesterday I was speaking to a client who is an older and very experienced clinical psychiatrist in California. Somehow we got on the subject of transpronounism and I asked his thoughts from a medical perspective. I’m going to try to share his incredibly interesting explanation in plain terms.

First, transgenderism is a form of body dysmorphia, a recognized mental disorder in the big book of mental ailments. It is also, more interestingly, a form of schizophrenia.

Here is how he explained its current proliferation and why it is primarily seen in men:

Men are sexually aroused by visual cues, while women typically are not. A man gets physically sexually aroused by seeing a woman that he finds attractive. A woman recognizes physical attraction but physical arousal generally requires social interaction.

When a man with body dysmorphia puts on a woman’s clothing or make-up and observes himself he gets aroused. At that moment (his exact words), “a minor second personality is born.” This is called multiple personality disorder, or dissociative personality disorder. The man sees the pantomime woman separate from himself and is attracted to the image.

But here is where it gets relevant to the here and now.

Typically this second self stays a very minor influence either because it is treated as a mental disorder or because societal negative feedback causes feelings of shame and recalcitrance. In other words, humans have traditionally informed men that this is odd behavior and men have decided they are right or at least to keep the second self private.

But today, that same behavior inside the unicorn zone creates positive reinforcement for the second self. We have begun supporting and encouraging the second self to manifest and gain influence. We do not just do this locally, where there is possible negative feedback for balance. A man puts on a dress and makeup, goes on social media and thousands of people cheer his courage. He goes to school and the students pat him on the back instead of stuffing his head in a toilet.

By rewarding the second self society encourages the female persona to gain influence, such that it can overpower the original self. The female persona becomes the primary personality and desperately seeks to erase the male original.

But feelings of guilt and shame remain very powerful. The mind’s remedy is to spread the disorder to create a more comfortable inner thought process. We know this as the cliché, “misery loves company.” Trans people need to see more trans people to keep their illusion of normalcy intact.

His professional opinion is that, as a society, we have started an unstoppable wave of nurtured schizophrenia. A very high percentage of transpronoun men will eventually commit suicide because of their immense internal struggle and because they have been taught that seeking mental help is an admission that they are suffering with a disorder. The popular woke notion that the disorder is, in fact, a positive affirmation of self actually keeps the person from looking at it as an issue.

From a global perspective, most countries still treat this as a mental disorder. When we say the rest of the world thinks we have gone crazy, it is not pure hyperbole. A large portion of Western society is literally suffering from mass scale psychosis in very clinical terms.

As I have explained, this is an account of someone I spoke to who has expertise on the matter. This is his explanation. If accurate, which it seems to be, we are facing a truly lost generation.

I’d say that about sums it up. Some light bullying is a good thing after all.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I am not a psychiatrist but I have been saying the whole trans thing is a mental illness and the encouragement of it is due to a mass formation psychosis. The mass formations of several flavors, am convinced, is a psyop to create fractures in society. A divided society creates all sorts of opportunities for those in power to exert more power and power is all that matters to the mentally ill, power hungry ‘leaders’. Changing social norms and definitions of words we have known for centuries is a feature. Not a bug.
The local opera society used to sponsor a pub crawl once a year, with free bus transportation between pubs. We were waiting for the next bus and stopped into an adjacent bar, only to discover that it was a gay bar.

I had a eureka and moment of enlighten waiting for the bus and watching the gay couples interact, when it became clear that they were feeling and acting toward the same sex as I feel and act toward the opposite. They were acting exactly the same as us straight brothers and sisters, only toward the same sex.

I'm willing to accept that some people are born gay and have no issues with the sexual preferences of consenting adults, but it does seem that the gay movement has been blown way out of proportion when you consider that only about 5.5% of the US population is gay.

Consider they now have a gay pride month and the 2.6% Native Americans split a day with Columbus. while us 6% Veterans get one day...............

It will be interesting to see where it ends up. Historically a wide pendulum swing is followed by just as large a swing in the opposite direction.


Well-known member
Morning everyone, we've had 2 mornings of frost here in the Lakes Region but dont show up till 8:00am, suns out but seems to be its coldest then.

All the cooking is done for a bit back outside with the pole saw and multiple trips to the burn pile.
Gonna be windy here today and with the draught were still under, they put a burn ban in effect for today probably rest of the week.
I think this is the last of the limbs, thou.

Dropping boat down to get winterized and will be time to start moving leaves it's a never ending process up here, next week when the wind dies down.

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