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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
I was young yesterday, now I’m old at 53 and still here kicking up a mess.
Wish you all the best success in all endeavours!

Alway remain in perfect harmony!

Still got the ring of the potty 'round your hiney.

Still pooping yellow.

When I was 53, I was 21. No... wait... OK, now I know what I wanted to say (although @Boo's Best is interfering):

Azad, ol' buddy... If you take my age difference to yours

83 minus 53 = 30 fargin years.

Now let's take your age, and remove 30 fargin years... You'd be lookin' at 23 years of age.

So I see you as you would see a 23-year old. :thinking:
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Unca Walt

Well-known member
Thirteen on/eleven off, went from red to blue light, added a fresh layer of castings. I will keep a Keen eye on the sativa looking for any signs that she finds the changes stressful. I have a feeling she will benefit and speed up some. A nanner or two won't ruin it for me, but I'd prefer none.
Crikey. Un-fargin-believable. The above is a quintessential example/definition of the deep technical science of growing/breeding/yada.

Gregor Mendel would be proud of you guys.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Why 'likes' have been turned off on non cannabis related forums -

We will reduce the veteran badge requirements soon, and we wanted to prevent the off topic posting fast reaction score collecting - and somehow turn the reaction score towards the contributed cannabis related posts only - and not 4 words game likes for example.it is just turned off at off topics, and now only available in mostly cannabis related forums.

We wanted to make it without disabling the like function, but there i s no way to exclude it from specific threads/subforums.

If we can find a way to do it, it will be turned back soon, but for now it was the only solution to stop adding offtopic likes to reaction score

Unca Walt

Well-known member
I am still not completely clear; in the wee hours here, I just posted four different posts.

Would they be ranked as "shitposts"?

I honestly do not know. The new required standard is not clear to me so far.

The surprise here is my lack of knowledge:

I thought high traffic postings were the staff of life for a website. And apparently they most ricky-tick are not.


🦫 Special 🍆
wording is referring to compare cannabis related posts in a cannabis growers forum, with off topics comments.

quality content in growers forum are now the same in aspect of reaction score as any " my hair is hairy" comment

do not take it personal @Unca Walt

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Oh, it ain't personal. It is just not sumpin' I honestly understand.

For instance... I asked a specific question. I still do not have a clue as to the answer.

Since I am not a grower (out of total incompetence, not from lack of trying) but I am very good friends with about a dozen folks here... does that mean I would be -- by your definition -- some sort of "likes-collecting" usurper of the site?

The "like" button is not seen by myself and others as some sort of a gathering one-upmanship game, but as a secondary (and seminally important) communication method.

I see it as a sort of "hear, hear" or "I feel that way too" from the otherwise silent audience of lurkers. Compare it to a background of folks in a room listening to someone and murmuring agreement at salient points.

Do tallies of "likes" cost your site money? Status? Workload? I really don't have a clue. But I am honestly curious.

What is the genuine downside to this subtle gemutlicheit engendered by the use of "likes"?

LATE EDIT ADD POST SCRIPT: I betcha about a half-dozen people would agree and click "LIKE" on this post to express their own feelings without having to write duplicate posts of their own.
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🦫 Special 🍆
likes or call it now reaction score, are building up on members profile
problem is not about giving or recieving, the thumbs up, it is not always showing the contribution to the site with content with cannabis, and lot of the veteran members have this problem, they did not post enough over the years to hit the 1000 posts limit, but their comments are very informative, or its content is very useful.
you don t need to be a grower, there are tons of other threads that are not under the Off topic node.

there are some add-ons to customize the reaction score settings, but those are not yet installed.
sorry for the inconvenience.


Well-known member
Why 'likes' have been turned off on non cannabis related forums -

We will reduce the veteran badge requirements soon, and we wanted to prevent the off topic posting fast reaction score collecting - and somehow turn the reaction score towards the contributed cannabis related posts only - and not 4 words game likes for example.it is just turned off at off topics, and now only available in mostly cannabis related forums.

We wanted to make it without disabling the like function, but there i s no way to exclude it from specific threads/subforums.

If we can find a way to do it, it will be turned back soon, but for now it was the only solution to stop adding offtopic likes to reaction score
Since the veteran badge requirement is the driving force behind disabling ‘likes’, it doesn’t sound like it would be a heavy lift to use only reactions in contributed cannabis related forums as ‘points’ garnered for veteran status. I say that assuming it would be relatively simple to put in a line or two of code to only seek out reactions in contributed cannabis threads(ie grow diaries or breeding subcategories). As a newer member, and one who is unconcerned about banners(or any accolades for that matter), I just use the reactions as a way to follow what is going on in threads I participate in(as Walt and sunandsoil said). All that being said, I do appreciate the latitude allowed on this forum. In a world where freedom of speech is being squashed by those ‘in charge’ in order to shield the easily offended among us, it is refreshing to have a place to go where standing in a soapbox will not put me in time-out or prison.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Yabbut... The question stills stands becuz it has not been addressed. And I think I really need to know:

"I am still not completely clear; in the wee hours here, I just posted four different posts.

Would they be ranked as "shitposts"?"

Site coding aside, I am not clear at all on what is verboten or at least unwanted.

Aside from asking questions, I have zerio value to this site regarding cannabis. Absolutely not a scintilla of value.

Where do I stand? When am I guilty (if at all) of your shitposting definition?

I thought this "Old Farts Club" was an absolutely isolated island of not-necessarily-weed gemutlicheit talk, generated by the nice folks that run the show for the semi-family crowd that now inhabits it.

"Like" scores don't matter a blip as far as numbers go, but they are part of the actual conversation in this little island of Old Farts Not Necessarily Talking Only About Cannabis.

What is it now? I really dunno what the problem is, and I am not purposely being dense. I am dense without trying.

I stay away from other parts of icmag.com since I am not qualified in any way, and I can easily see where I would muddle up some esoteric growing blather.

So this is where I shitpost. Maybe. Or maybe I am doing just fine and what I post are not "shitposts".

Your rules and desires are unclear to the point of complete confusion to me.

A simple solution (as if any coding wuz simple) would be allow the "Likes", but just don't add them to the posters' "scores".
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🦫 Special 🍆
depends on who reads it. and that was written in a private message. so get over on the shitpost word.
grabbing it out of context lead you to this conclusion.
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Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning brothers and sisters!

Cloudy with some rain and gusty winds today, starting at 40F and predicted to reach 51F.

I personally miss the like/hate button.

Consider a game of bowling where the view of the pins was obscured once the ball was released. How much of the joy and excitement was lost and how long will the players continue to participate?

I confess that I check like on every post on this thread that isn't disgusting, to encourage others to participate whether I agree or not.

It also keeps track of what I've read, so that I can quickly pick up where I left off when I return to the thread. That feature could be replaced with a simple read button.

I don't know where this thread started, but I've watched this core group move from Canna Cabana to Marijuana Passion, and now to IC Mag. The thing that holds us together is compatible perspectives, respect, and camaraderie developed over time sharing what is going on in our lives.

Part of the respect we've developed is based on well thought out, researched, and presented information, and I miss the love button as a way to express my appreciation without resorting to an effusive post, which they all don't all rate.

Part of what is going on in our lives is non-technical and our online chatter includes horseplay and risible one liner bon mots to engage the child in us all. Not getting laughing face feedback that others also find it humorous, will ostensibly reduce those exchanges.

If us getting points for our non-technical BS exchanges are perturbing those contributors adding "meaningful cannabis related content", could we compromise by returning the like button but having it disconnected from the balance of the forum, so as to not affect the total?

That means that we would not receive credit for the meaningful cannabis related content that we contributed on this thread, but I'm comfortable with that because despite the deeply insightful points shared by "old Heads" here, most of what we do on this thread is socialize and there are technical threads available for those wishing to accrue credit for their contributions.


Well-known member
Good morning brothers and sisters!

Cloudy with some rain and gusty winds today, starting at 40F and predicted to reach 51F.

I personally miss the like/hate button.

Consider a game of bowling where the view of the pins was obscured once the ball was released. How much of the joy and excitement was lost and how long will the players continue to participate?

I confess that I check like on every post on this thread that isn't disgusting, to encourage others to participate whether I agree or not.

It also keeps track of what I've read, so that I can quickly pick up where I left off when I return to the thread. That feature could be replaced with a simple read button.

I don't know where this thread started, but I've watched this core group move from Canna Cabana to Marijuana Passion, and now to IC Mag. The thing that holds us together is compatible perspectives, respect, and camaraderie developed over time sharing what is going on in our lives.

Part of the respect we've developed is based on well thought out, researched, and presented information, and I miss the love button as a way to express my appreciation without resorting to an effusive post, which they all don't rate.

Part of what is going on in our lives is non-technical and our online chatter includes horseplay and risible one liner bon mots to engage the child in us all. Not getting laughing face feedback that others also find it humorous, will ostensibly reduce those exchanges.

If us getting points for our non-technical BS exchanges are perturbing those contributors adding "meaningful cannabis related content", could we compromise by returning the like button but having it disconnected from the balance of the forum, so as to not affect the total?

That means that we would not receive credit for the meaningful cannabis related content that we contributed on this thread, but I'm comfortable with that because despite the deeply insightful points shared by "old Heads" here, most of what we do on this thread is socialize and there are technical threads available for those wishing to accrue credit for their contributions.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Good morning brothers and sisters!

Cloudy with some rain and gusty winds today, starting at 40F and predicted to reach 51F.

I personally miss the like/hate button.

Consider a game of bowling where the view of the pins was obscured once the ball was released. How much of the joy and excitement was lost and how long will the players continue to participate?

I confess that I check like on every post on this thread that isn't disgusting, to encourage others to participate whether I agree or not.

It also keeps track of what I've read, so that I can quickly pick up where I left off when I return to the thread. That feature could be replaced with a simple read button.

I don't know where this thread started, but I've watched this core group move from Canna Cabana to Marijuana Passion, and now to IC Mag. The thing that holds us together is compatible perspectives, respect, and camaraderie developed over time sharing what is going on in our lives.

Part of the respect we've developed is based on well thought out, researched, and presented information, and I miss the love button as a way to express my appreciation without resorting to an effusive post, which they all don't all rate.

Part of what is going on in our lives is non-technical and our online chatter includes horseplay and risible one liner bon mots to engage the child in us all. Not getting laughing face feedback that others also find it humorous, will ostensibly reduce those exchanges.

If us getting points for our non-technical BS exchanges are perturbing those contributors adding "meaningful cannabis related content", could we compromise by returning the like button but having it disconnected from the balance of the forum, so as to not affect the total?

That means that we would not receive credit for the meaningful cannabis related content that we contributed on this thread, but I'm comfortable with that because despite the deeply insightful points shared by "old Heads" here, most of what we do on this thread is socialize and there are technical threads available for those wishing to accrue credit for their contributions.
You channeling me again, you bastage?

"Consider a game of bowling where the view of the pins was obscured once the ball was released. How much of the joy and excitement was lost and how long will the players continue to participate?"

Like we useta say: There It Is.

(*snork*) On the light side: This is the ONLY chat site I ever heard of that wants its posters to post less.


Well-known member
Aside from asking questions, I have zerio value to this site regarding cannabis. Absolutely not a scintilla of value.
Step outside the Ol' Farts Club and wander over to the
Grow Diaries Forum. Check out some grows and ask questions or make a comment on what you see.

There are History threads out there too. You'll recognize some folks in the thread below.
The DEFINITIVE OG Kush History

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Step outside the Ol' Farts Club and wander over to the
Grow Diaries Forum. Check out some grows and ask questions or make a comment on what you see.

There are History threads out there too. You'll recognize some folks in the thread below.
The DEFINITIVE OG Kush History
An excellent point. Prior to Pute starting this thread and the core group moving over here, the preponderance of my prior posts were in the Cannabis Concentrates thread. That is where I will continue to post any serious cannabis related technical data not already covered there and the technical threads is where I will go to find it.
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Well-known member
Good morning brothers and sisters!

Cloudy with some rain and gusty winds today, starting at 40F and predicted to reach 51F.

I personally miss the like/hate button.

Consider a game of bowling where the view of the pins was obscured once the ball was released. How much of the joy and excitement was lost and how long will the players continue to participate?

I confess that I check like on every post on this thread that isn't disgusting, to encourage others to participate whether I agree or not.

It also keeps track of what I've read, so that I can quickly pick up where I left off when I return to the thread. That feature could be replaced with a simple read button.

I don't know where this thread started, but I've watched this core group move from Canna Cabana to Marijuana Passion, and now to IC Mag. The thing that holds us together is compatible perspectives, respect, and camaraderie developed over time sharing what is going on in our lives.

Part of the respect we've developed is based on well thought out, researched, and presented information, and I miss the love button as a way to express my appreciation without resorting to an effusive post, which they all don't all rate.

Part of what is going on in our lives is non-technical and our online chatter includes horseplay and risible one liner bon mots to engage the child in us all. Not getting laughing face feedback that others also find it humorous, will ostensibly reduce those exchanges.

If us getting points for our non-technical BS exchanges are perturbing those contributors adding "meaningful cannabis related content", could we compromise by returning the like button but having it disconnected from the balance of the forum, so as to not affect the total?

That means that we would not receive credit for the meaningful cannabis related content that we contributed on this thread, but I'm comfortable with that because despite the deeply insightful points shared by "old Heads" here, most of what we do on this thread is socialize and there are technical threads available for those wishing to accrue credit for their contributions.
Correct I've come on this site seeking commaradery, after spending 4 plus decades in the dark it's nice finding a mature group with no bullshit.
I too use the likes as form of where I left off