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Unca Walt

Well-known member
Walk done. Tats and cash...hmmm. I have a tat. Got it My first weekend pass while in basic training.

Cash....I have about 10% of my $$ in gold and silver... thinking I should get more. I do see a bad moon rising. Question is how long before everything goes boom. Frankly. I have been hearing the rhetoric Walt is pushing since way before the millennial. Just saying.
Yup. You have been warned by your Unca in time for you to change your personal survival chances based on real, solid information.

Failure to respond to the "rhetoric" of Unca pointing out:

"ICEBERG DEAD AHEAD!!" with no fucking more than a 10-degree (eg: 10% in PM's, 90% in paper/electric dots) mini-turn away from ramming directly into the iceberg that anyone who is on deck and not hiding under the covers can see plainly.

When 90% of what you own *disappears* under the waves, you will not be so glib, pointing out you've heard of icebergs "since way before the millennium" but you never saw one.

So the monster berg the ship has foundered on is not something you want to contemplate. It would be so much easier just to dress in your finest and order another brandy, sitting comfortably in the main ballroom.

"Normalcy bias" will NOT keep your private, comfy stateroom from going down with the rest of the Titanic you are on.

Refusal to look out of your comfortable stateroom does NOT make the totally destructive iceberg go away. When the cold sea water comes in the door to your perfectly safe little room, you will realize (way too fucking late) you have irrevocably made the hugest life-mistake of biblical proportions.

Pute -- YOU are ON the Titanic right now. It has already hit the iceberg, but the ship has just shuddered a little as far as you care. No hurry, no worry. No need to even think about the fact that the ship is doomed.

The lifeboat is uncomfortable. You would much prefer to ignore getting in it... I can understand that.

Now open your mind to the data:

1. You KNOW the dollar is doomed. Check.
2. You KNOW the rest of the world is dumping the dollar. Check.
3. You KNOW the idiots in DC are spending TRILLIONS more anyway. Check.

Annnnd... you have heard your Unca "pushing" the flaky idea there are not enough lifeboats.

TODAY, Pute, you WILL make a choice whether you want to or not:

1. Hide in your stateroom and hope the sinking ship will not include your stateroom, which you pray will stay warm and dry somehow even without the ship.

2. Turn every bit of fiat you have "stored" in any form into PM's, and get your place on the lifeboat.

There It Is. No matter what, you will take Step 1 or Step 2.

LATE EDIT ADD: Try going through a day in town without a credit card, and your wallet only has bolivars in it. Now try going a year that way. <-- Get the concept yet? Get to a Local Coin Dealer and buy junk silver. While you can. Not after you cannot.
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Well-known member
Hey @Gypsy Nirvana . I found something that you might think is interesting. I collect dirt, rotted hay and rotted cow manure to grow plants. I collect it where I feed hay on my farm in the winter. Also, I reuse all my dirt from the previous grows. So imagine my surprise when I dump the dirt out of a flower pot and find this.

It had to come out of the ground on my farm because we dont bring in any outside hay and I have never bought dirt of any kind. I dont know when metal arrived in Ohio but Im sure it was long before the white settlers appeared. So I wonder “how old is it”? realisticaly it might be thousands of years old. Do people still find old artifacts in England very often? You have such a long history. 🌈

Unca Walt

Well-known member
notice I said “was “ on my list?…

I have replaced Olon with Bitcoin Beach in El Salvador

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Crime in El Salvador

Crime in El Salvador has been historically extremely high due to the presence of various gangs. As of 2011, there were an estimated 25,000 gang members at large in El Salvador; with another 43,500 in prison. Wikipedia

The best place on earth at this time is the USA. It has its warts and pimples, but you could drive from your home to Peoria in safety.

You cannot do that in ANY South American country. Plain fact, easily confirmed.


Well-known member
Yup. You have been warned by your Unca in time for you to change your personal survival chances based on real, solid information.

Failure to respond to the "rhetoric" of Unca pointing out:

"ICEBERG DEAD AHEAD!!" with no fucking more than a 10-degree (eg: 10% in PM's, 90% in paper/electric dots) mini-turn away from ramming directly into the iceberg that anyone who is on deck and not hiding under the covers can see plainly.

When 90% of what you own *disappears* under the waves, you will not be so glib, pointing out you've heard of icebergs "since way before the millennial" before but you never saw one.

So the monster berg the ship has foundered on is not something you want to contemplate. It is easier just to dress in your finest and order another brandy, sitting comfortably in the main ballroom.

"Normalcy bias" will NOT keep your private, comfy stateroom from going down with the rest of the Titanic you are on.

Refusal to look out of your comfortable stateroom does NOT make the totally destructive iceberg go away. When the cold sea water comes in the door to your perfectly safe little room, you will realize (way too fucking late) you have irrevocably made the hugest life-mistake of biblical proportions.

Pute -- YOU are ON the Titanic right now. It has already hit the iceberg, but the ship has just shuddered a little as far as you care. No hurry, no worry. No need to even think about the fact that the ship is doomed.

The lifeboat is uncomfortable. You would much prefer to ignore getting in it... I can understand that.

Now open your mind to the data:

1. You KNOW the dollar is doomed. Check.
2. You KNOW the rest of the world is dumping the dollar. Check.
3. You KNOW the idiots in DC are spending TRILLIONS more. Check.

Annnnd... you have heard your Unca "pushing" the idea there are not enough lifeboats.

TODAY, Pute, make a choice:

1. Hide in your stateroom and hope the sinking ship will not include your stateroom, which you pray will stay warm and dry somehow even without the ship.

2. Turn every bit of fiat you have "stored" in any form into PM's, and get your place on the lifeboat.

There It Is.

LATE EDIT ADD: Try going through a day in town without a credit card, and your wallet only has bolivars in it. Now try going a year that way. <-- Get the concept yet? Get to a Local Coin Dealer and buy junk silver. While you can. Not after you cannot.
If everything collapses, I will just eat rich people.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Hey @Gypsy Nirvana . I found something that you might think is interesting. I collect dirt, rotted hay and rotted cow manure to grow plants. I collect it where I feed hay on my farm in the winter. Also, I reuse all my dirt from the previous grows. So imagine my surprise when I dump the dirt out of a flower pot and find this.
View attachment 19023256
It had to come out of the ground on my farm because we dont bring in any outside hay and I have never bought dirt of any kind. I dont know when metal arrived in Ohio but Im sure it was long before the white settlers appeared. So I wonder “how old is it”? realisticaly it might be thousands of years old. Do people still find old artifacts in England very often? You have such a long history. 🌈
EVER Kewl!!! Beautiful!!

Unca Walt

Well-known member
If everything collapses, I will just eat rich people.
Now there's a well-thought out plan. ;)

OOP. That triggered an old memory of a couple of guys in the grass (LRRPs) who had been on the run for three days without food...

A supporting fast-mover had dropped a surpressing nape on a group of pursuing NVA, and the smell of cooking meat around the bodies was strong. One of the guys looked at the other, who nodded.

The classic banter went thisaway:

"Do you prefer some of the dark meat, or the light meat?"

"I'll have some of the yellow."

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Well I guess I'm screwed as my only income is a monthly check from Social Security that gets electronically deposited at the beginning of each month and is almost totally spent on monthly obligations within a day or two of it being deposited. Other then that my only assets are my car which was new in 2009 and my home, both of which are paid off and owned solely by me. Seems like the only thing I can do in response to this horrible SHTF future would be to switch my Social Security check back to a paper check in the mail but from the sounds of it that would only protect me for a couple of months at best.
Rob sumbody who has gold and silver. <-- Although you'd prolly haveta take a ticket and wait in line with the others.

Or you could show up at Chateau Sneakydicker, and I will put you on my guard staff.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Hey @Gypsy Nirvana . I found something that you might think is interesting. I collect dirt, rotted hay and rotted cow manure to grow plants. I collect it where I feed hay on my farm in the winter. Also, I reuse all my dirt from the previous grows. So imagine my surprise when I dump the dirt out of a flower pot and find this.
View attachment 19023256
It had to come out of the ground on my farm because we dont bring in any outside hay and I have never bought dirt of any kind. I dont know when metal arrived in Ohio but Im sure it was long before the white settlers appeared. So I wonder “how old is it”? realisticaly it might be thousands of years old. Do people still find old artifacts in England very often? You have such a long history. 🌈
You live in the East Central Region. The specimen you have found (gorgeous!) looks like what is called a "bottleneck expanding stem":

This is where they are found -- you are right inna middle:

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Hey @Gypsy Nirvana . I found something that you might think is interesting. I collect dirt, rotted hay and rotted cow manure to grow plants. I collect it where I feed hay on my farm in the winter. Also, I reuse all my dirt from the previous grows. So imagine my surprise when I dump the dirt out of a flower pot and find this.
View attachment 19023256
It had to come out of the ground on my farm because we dont bring in any outside hay and I have never bought dirt of any kind. I dont know when metal arrived in Ohio but Im sure it was long before the white settlers appeared. So I wonder “how old is it”? realisticaly it might be thousands of years old. Do people still find old artifacts in England very often? You have such a long history. 🌈
Looks like it could be an arrow head of some sort to me - hewn out of some sorta quartz rock maybe?

Ya - every day people in the UK are out with metal detectors - looking for buried treasure - and many do find valuable stuff - from many different eras - Google British metal detecting - or something similar to link to what these detectorists find -

Unca Walt

Well-known member
A Weather Report on Economics from another source (AI, yet) than yer Unca:

Inflation: Higher than average due to various factors including supply chain disruptions, economic policies, internal USA political, and global events. Projected to run at some level OVER 100% per year by the end of the 2nd year post agreement lapse.

Potential Projections
Fiat currency undergoes significant devaluation as a result of the lapse of the Petrodollar agreement. We can draw parallels with past hyperinflation scenarios, although the actual impact will depend on specific circumstances. Here's a hypothetical progression over the next few years:

Short-Term (1-2 Years):

Inflationary Surge: Rapid devaluation of fiat currency could lead to a surge in gasoline prices.

Possible Price Range: $8.00 to $13.00 per gallon.

Mid-Term (3-5 Years):

Continued Inflation: Sustained inflation could further push prices up, especially if alternative energy sources aren't sufficiently developed to offset demand.

Possible Price Range: $17.00 to $31.00 per gallon.

Long-Term (5-10 Years):

Market Adjustments: Potential stabilization through new economic systems, adoption of cryptocurrencies, or a new form of backed currency.

Possible Price Range: Prices could stabilize but remain high compared to historical norms, possibly in the range of $28.00 to $52.00 per gallon, depending on the success of economic transitions and energy innovations.

As you can see, AI thinks that the FRN (Federal Reserve (debt) Note, is going to be very worth-less in a short time. Note these gasoline price projections are NOT taking the compounding impacts of other inflation such as silver which is used in the refining of gasoline.
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Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good Weedsday morning brothers and sisters!

Cloudy today starting at 57F and predicted to reach 71F, with rain predicted this evening.

Off the gym this morning and then an open schedule for tip toeing through the tulips or wanton debauchery.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -


Well-known member
Too many young people bought into the hype that if you get a 4 year degree you're almost guarnteed a 6 figure income in a nice comfortable office. That's why student loan debt is such a big problem in the US. Which is sad really, considering that when we were young a solid trade job while perhaps a bit more physically demanding was just as respectable as some corporate job. It still is really and there is more job security in the trades then in the corporate world.
Agreed. Any job you need to actually be there to do, like all the trades, have far more job security than ‘pushing a pencil’ since the cushy jobs can be outsourced or done by a computer/AI. Robotics could affect the trades eventually as well but it will be difficult to program all of the permutations that arise in many hands-on careers. A robot can tighten a bolt but is unlikely to be able to identify that the bolt is securing a rusted out flange on a pipe for example. The garbage soft degrees colleges are selling are a money grab. Training in a trade or getting a technical degree and working hard more importantly is where the money is going forward.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user

Crime in El Salvador

Crime in El Salvador has been historically extremely high due to the presence of various gangs. As of 2011, there were an estimated 25,000 gang members at large in El Salvador; with another 43,500 in prison. Wikipedia

The best place on earth at this time is the USA. It has its warts and pimples, but you could drive from your home to Peoria in safety.

You cannot do that in ANY South American country. Plain fact, easily confirmed.

that is old data Unca…..

El Salvador is now one of the safest countries on earth to visit thanks to their new Prez Mr Bukele..

a lot safer than Chicago or Baltimore

El Salvador is safe to visit in 2024! While the country grappled with high crime rates before 2020, there has been a tremendous decline in violence, reaching its lowest levels in over four decades. Today, El Salvador stands out as one of the safest countries in Latin America

Crime data has shown that violent crimes in El Salvador, such as homicides, were reduced by 56.5% from 2021 to 2022 and 69% from 2022 to 2023. Today, El Salvador has one of the lowest homicide rates in Latin America.

Considering the reduction in crime and the historical data on tourism safety, El Salvador is not dangerous for tourists to visit in 2024. Furthermore, most major tourist areas are in safer locations with adequate security.

Bukele rounded up all the gangsters and built a special prison for them
