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ICMag Donor
Plants are getting it! Got another 0.75 inch rain today, so 1.6 inches rain this week! Stood the plants up that were falling over. Plenty of moisture for them! Wet to depth of root!


Great Potcast which covers important harvesting techniques I have found to be true!

Plants are doing great got another rain today! Still no clear preflowers. Hopefully will find a few this weekend. They will all show by the end of the month usually.

Saw the red tailed hawk again, he said hi to me. About stepped on a couple turkeys last weekend walking through the soybean field. They flew off from about 10 feet away or less!


Well-known member

Plants are doing great got another rain today! Still no clear preflowers. Hopefully will find a few this weekend. They will all show by the end of the month usually.

Saw the red tailed hawk again, he said hi to me. About stepped on a couple turkeys last weekend walking through the soybean field. They flew off from about 10 feet away or less!

Send that rain my way.

We didn't hit 100°F today. 98°F is what it peaked at my place. I'm hoping they were wrong about tomorrow and we won't get any hotter than we did today. But still, 98°F is damn hot. It makes it unpleasant to be outside which is why I'm sitting in my man cave with the window air conditioner going. It's 70-75 in here. Tolerable. Dogs laying in their beds. They don't want to go outside. It's too hot.

Five days like this and hotter.

We shouldn't be this hot. Climate change and global warming? Is it a natural trend or man made.? The extremes are getting more extreme lately.

I'm leaning against a normal trend and towards man made influence.


Old Piney

Well-known member
It's the humidity that's killing me , can cut the air with a knife the temp hit 95. The only thing that can be said about the weather and climate with certainty is it's always changing and always has


ICMag Donor
Everyone's plants look spectacular. Great job guys! Going to do a feeding next weekend with cottonseed meal. Seems to work well.

Thought about spreading some FoxFarm Happy Frog soil down as mulch. I was hoping to gain some mycorrhizae innocculant and benefit from the fertilzer in the media. Don't think I will because of the visibility of perlite. Also want the cottonseed meal to get taken up, and the roots have already formed quite a bit at the surface, mulch isn't necessary at this plot since it gets afternoon shade. These plants are a field crop you have to remember, it grows like a weed. :smoke:


ICMag Donor
Growing rapidly. Good to have dry cycles and not overwatering, note taken. I thought they would do well to be pushed with more water last year. Just like excess N at the end of flower, less is better sometimes. Have to watch it on hot periods, but only have to water to depth of root and then they need time to dry out. Shouldn't have much damping off issues this year. :smoke:


Leaves are wide as a corn leaf.


View from partial shade side of garden.
updated Pipeline Farms 2024

Sativa Candy Chunk F15


Active member
Nice! it's definitely got that kush shape going but not all the wide of leaves

Yeah, I dunno much about the variety, but I was showing VermontMan his Zacatecas Tribute I'm growing and he was wondering where I am because the leaves were super slim. I think my elevation is playing a big part. I'm at 1800 ft in the highlands.