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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
He wasn't in Ecuador HempKat - he was in the Ecuadorian embassy in London - for a number of years - 'cos he asked for political asylum - before they stuck him in Belmarsh maximum security prison for a few more years - while the USA authorities were trying to extradite him to the USA -

- When the USA tried to extradite me - and the trial was going on - I just got an ankle tag and curfew for a few months - but at least they didn't lock me up here in the UK -
Well I guess that makes sense since I knew he was in an Ecuadorian embassy and it wouldn't make sense to have an Ecuadorian embassy in Ecuador, my mistake. Still the point remains that the years he spent in the Embassy the living conditions were reported to be pretty nice, something like a studio apartment or a hotel suite. As for the Belmarsh maximum security this is actually the first time I heard about that. I haven't really been following his story all that closely and it's been several years since I heard him mentioned in the news. Interestingly due to this new information I did do some research on what went on and discovered that at one point after he was first arresed by Scotland Yard he was detained initially in Wandsworth Prison but eventually made bail wih the conditions of residence in Ellingham Hall (a historic country house 120 miles NE of London) and he would have to wear an electronic tag. Then instead of appearing in court (which violated his bail) he applied for political Asylum which then began his time in the Embassy. The point being that he could have potentially had a much easier time had he not tried so hard to avoid the charges in Sweden

I have no particular feelings for or against Julian Assange. I do agree that the charges from the US seemed rather harsh and unfair since he himself did not steal classified inormation but rather just publish information Chelsea Manning took from the US government. I do however have some concerns about his successful evasion of several sexual offenses he was accused of in Sweden. I can't form much of an opinion though since ultimately the charges were dropped due to exceeding the statute of limitations of those charges. I know he claimed innocense of the charges but since he never proved it in a court of law and I never heard Sweden's case against him I have to take his claim of innocense with a big grain of salt. What I find most disturbing about all of that is he refused to cooperate with Sweden because he was afraid it was all just a ruse to get him somewhere that would allow him to be extradited to the US. The problem with that however is that Sweden wanted him for questioning years before any charges from the US was unsealed. The fact he was fearful that it was a ruse to extradite him to the US well before any charges were made known from the US suggests he knew what he did with the information from Manning was serious enough that the US might go to such efforts to get him. That is what they call in the court of law, consciousness of guilt.

The eventual charges from the US do seem to be bogus to me, not because it was Manning who took that information but because the things that information revealed wasn't really all that shocking. I mean the most damning things he released was evidence of the US spying on it's allies but most everyone knows that sort of thing goes on and that most if not all of those allies spy on the US as well. So really the information he released was more a matter of confirming what most people knew already but just never acknowledged they knew. He also released info accusing the US conspiring with other countries around the world to spark what is now called "The Arab Spring", which as we all know totally destabilized the Middleast more then it might have already been. I mean that sort of thing which could be described as helping to bring about regime change is something that many countries as well as the US have been involved in for decades perhaps even centuries. I mean sure it was embarrassing to the US to be exposed like that but is it really criminal to expose secrets if the secrets being exposed are also criminal?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Goldman Sachs has $500"K" in actual fiat $$ -- They have $54 "M" in debt...
View attachment 19022889

*IF* you have money in a bank. YOUR money has been loaned out 461 times for other uses.

Try to get your money back (or even try to use it) The Day After.
Well I guess I'm screwed as my only income is a monthly check from Social Security that gets electronically deposited at the beginning of each month and is almost totally spent on monthly obligations within a day or two of it being deposited. Other then that my only assets are my car which was new in 2009 and my home, both of which are paid off and owned solely by me. Seems like the only thing I can do in response to this horrible SHTF future would be to switch my Social Security check back to a paper check in the mail but from the sounds of it that would only protect me for a couple of months at best.
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Well-known member
Mower blades do make good knifes or machetes. Just got to heat n beat....

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Well I guess I'm screwed as my only income is a monthly check from Social Security that gets electronically deposited at the beginning of each month and is almost totally spent on monthly obligations within a day or two of it being deposited. Other then that my only assrsts are my car which was new in 2009 snd my home, both of which are paid off and owned solely by me. Seems like the only thing I can do in response to this horribl SHTF future would be to switch my Social Security check back to a paper check in the mail but from the sounds of it that would only protect me for a couple of months at best.
Same situation here hempkat. Social security once a month. I'm broke right now, ran out of money a few days ago. Thankfully mom lives nearby and she helps me with tobacco (grizzly snuff) and food when I run low on money. I'm not sure what to do. If I grew enough to sustain my smoking habit I would be on top of the world. Instead it's like $600 a month. Kief usually. Little flower, ounce of so every month. But kief. It's like 30 a gram and I blast a gram a day. Less kief, more flower. That's what I'm up to now. Gotta save that money. You can work the stock market and not have it effect your social security. Buy some Nvidia

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Back on my hobbity-horsie again. Just to show you I am not the lunatice fringe regarding the financial atom bomb about to go off.

Here is a C&P:

Current Context (as of June 2024)
Current Gasoline Prices: Around $3.50 to $4.00 per gallon in the US. (an average. Out here it is consistently over $5.35.

Inflation: Higher than average due to various factors including supply chain disruptions, economic policies, internal USA political, and global events. Projected to run at some level OVER 100% per year by the end of the 2nd year post agreement lapse.

Potential Projections
Fiat currency undergoes significant devaluation as a result of the lapse of the Petrodollar agreement. We can draw parallels with past hyperinflation scenarios, although the actual impact will depend on specific circumstances. Here's a hypothetical progression over the next few years:

Short-Term (1-2 Years):

Inflationary Surge: Rapid devaluation of fiat currency could lead to a surge in gasoline prices.

Possible Price Range: $8.00 to $13.00 per gallon.

Mid-Term (3-5 Years):

Continued Inflation: Sustained inflation could further push prices up, especially if alternative energy sources aren't sufficiently developed to offset demand.

Possible Price Range: $17.00 to $31.00 per gallon.

Long-Term (5-10 Years):

Market Adjustments: Potential stabilization through new economic systems, adoption of cryptocurrencies, or a new form of backed currency.

Possible Price Range: Prices could stabilize but remain high compared to historical norms, possibly in the range of $28.00 to $52.00 per gallon, depending on the success of economic transitions and energy innovations.

As you can see, AI thinks that the FRN (Federal Reserve (debt) Note, is going to be very worth-less in a short time. Note these gasoline price projections are NOT taking the compounding impacts of other inflation such as silver which is used in the refining of gasoline.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Same situation here hempkat. Social security once a month. I'm broke right now, ran out of money a few days ago. Thankfully mom lives nearby and she helps me with tobacco (grizzly snuff) and food when I run low on money. I'm not sure what to do. If I grew enough to sustain my smoking habit I would be on top of the world. Instead it's like $600 a month. Kief usually. Little flower, ounce of so every month. But kief. It's like 30 a gram and I blast a gram a day. Less kief, more flower. That's what I'm up to now. Gotta save that money. You can work the stock market and not have it effect your social security. Buy some Nvidia
Well considering that I'm lucky if I have $20 left after paying all my monthly obligations I don't see working the stock market in my future.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
There is that.

Intended as droll humor. He did specifically say he was joking and wanted a smart-ass answer instead of the technical discussion that we proffered!
Well, my solution fits all sizes: it would put the mower back mowing, and no imbalanced blades.

Simple: Just cut down BOTH sides equally from center until you have clean steel. Sharpen the leading edges, install, and you have a functioning mini-mower.


Well-known member
Well, my solution fits all sizes: it would put the mower back mowing, and no imbalanced blades.

Simple: Just cut down BOTH sides equally from center until you have clean steel. Sharpen the leading edges, install, and you have a functioning mini-mower.
I solved the problem by installing the new-this-year blade from the hunk-of-junk 20 year old mower I hadn’t tossed out yet. Now I need to buy an anvil, a forge and some black smithing tools so I can make the old $20 blade into a Hatori Hanso katana…😂


Well-known member
I would recommend the mixture of beef and poor and if you really want something special throw some land into the mix. The best lasagna I ever made I used a mixture of lamb, beef and pork in equal amounts, I used a pound of each (I like to make 2-3 lasagnas when I mke lasagna, you can call me Garfield if you like :biggrin:). It's nothing super special, it just gives it a more interesting flavor. Another thing to try is substitute the beef with bison (I haven't tried that yet because we don't get much bison in the mid Atlantic). Of course it's perfectly fine with just good beef (80-20 ground round is my prefered beef) or with beef and pork. Adding lamb or substituting beef wih bison is just about giving it an above average flavor.
Hello HempKat, We like the mix of beef and pork that's our favorite to make a blend of meats. We have used sausage meat but were unsure if we cared for it. Bison is out of the question, I was given about 40lb of bison meat one time. We eventually gave most of it away, it's very lean and not out preferred taste. My wife and are I guess fairly traditional in our tastes. My son and family are world travellers and are always trying to get me to eat something different. Most of the time we just eat what we are familiar with.

Good day to you Hempkat


Well-known member
Don't think so - had an interest only mortgage initially since 2006 - and that ends in September - was 1.6% interest rate - in September they will want 7.5% - on an extended mortgage - making life much more expensive -

Gypsy, I really feel for you and know where you are coming from. I surmise and realize that some/much of what we do is based on need, but paying an interest only loan at that percentage is akin to living nearly for free. I had a friend in Tulsa who did similar for seemingly decades, a little different in that he was actually paying off some of his mortgage, with a variable rate loan. His bubble burst a couple years ago after playing the low interest game for several years, and finally buckled down and got a conventional fixed interest loan at 6%. Life is a gamble. Though it might be humbling, and it is just an idea, but a Gypsy housing donation contribution fund might just fly here. :cool:

I hope you manage and overcome. By 2026 many people will go under. Especially the ones who had bidding wars and massively overpaid on their homes because they couldn't wait,the banks gave these loans knowing full well they weren't worth it and the future damage to be inflicted is by design. JMO.
Curious as to what you see happening by 2026. That is not very far away, so what so dramatic is happening now?


Well-known member
Gypsy, I really feel for you and know where you are coming from. I surmise and realize that some/much of what we do is based on need, but paying an interest only loan at that percentage is akin to living nearly for free. I had a friend in Tulsa who did similar for several decades, a little different in that he was actually paying off some of his mortgage, with a vaiable rate loan. His bubble burst a couple years ago after playing the low interest game for several years, and finally buckled down and got a conventional fixed interest loan at 6%. Life is a gamble. Though it might be humbling, a Gypsy housing donation contribution fund might just fly here. :cool:

Curious as to what you see happing by 2026. That is not very far away, so what so dramatic is happening now?
That is when a large amount of mortgages renew,I just meant more people will get hit with the hike,still the same, just more of them which will impact the economy in other ways .

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