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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member

Potential to Disrupt the Global Financial Order

Yup. There is always a potential. 1% is a potential. So is 1/2 %. All potential, lol.
I watch markets because they always tell the truth. And never lie. Many folks do.
Too many story tellers in this world looking to profit off of gloomin and doomin.
Duckin, and dodgin, and weavin. Always speaking of the Boogie Man. And Fear.
And rapidly changing the topic, whenever they get called out. Or are pinned down.
No money to be made telling folks they are going to have a good day. All is A-OK.
I don't want to live in a world of make believe. I don't have time for that nonsense.
I want to enjoy my life today living in the known. Enough banter for me about this BS.
If you enjoy and have an inordinate amount of time for worrying, bully for you. I don't.
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Well-known member
Agreed. Any job you need to actually be there to do, like all the trades, have far more job security than ‘pushing a pencil’ since the cushy jobs can be outsourced or done by a computer/AI. Robotics could affect the trades eventually as well but it will be difficult to program all of the permutations that arise in many hands-on careers. A robot can tighten a bolt but is unlikely to be able to identify that the bolt is securing a rusted out flange on a pipe for example. The garbage soft degrees colleges are selling are a money grab. Training in a trade or getting a technical degree and working hard more importantly is where the money is going forward.
And AI can’t fix a clogged toilet line…


Well-known member
Premium user
Hey @Gypsy Nirvana . I found something that you might think is interesting. I collect dirt, rotted hay and rotted cow manure to grow plants. I collect it where I feed hay on my farm in the winter. Also, I reuse all my dirt from the previous grows. So imagine my surprise when I dump the dirt out of a flower pot and find this.
View attachment 19023256
It had to come out of the ground on my farm because we dont bring in any outside hay and I have never bought dirt of any kind. I dont know when metal arrived in Ohio but Im sure it was long before the white settlers appeared. So I wonder “how old is it”? realisticaly it might be thousands of years old. Do people still find old artifacts in England very often? You have such a long history. 🌈

Beautiful arrowhead Magu. Yep Gypsy, absolutely quartz.

I lived in Ohio (Cuyahoga River Valley) all my life and we used to hang out and play along the river. This was an area where the Indians took their canoes out of the Tuscarawas River and walked along the Portage Path to the Cuyahoga River. The entire area was full of old Indian camps and we used to find arrowheads and tons of other cool Indian stuff all the time.

However, according to recent Federal Law, that arrowhead belongs to the American Indians and you are required to turn it in to the nearest Bureau of Indian Affairs. EDIT: Not correct. Sorry about that, chief.
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Feeding the ducks with a bun.
Good morning !



Well-known member
I've been retired about one generation (20 yrs) and before retirement saw changes in the attitude and perspective of the MECOP engineering students whom we hired for the summer their junior and senior years and paid them full entry level wages.

We assigned them projects and mentored them to give them a taste of reality while holding their hand to ensure their success.

What I noticed a generation ago is that the engineering students were less and less inclined to go out and look to see what reality was, and more inclined to sit at their desk and rely on their computer.

A problem if using design blueprints showing how something was supposed to be built, rather than an as built print showing how it was actually done.

A good example being building plan views showing support post location. If you don't go down and verify each post's actual location before doing your layout, you are almost guaranteed that one of them will end up smack dab in the middle of a walkway or piece of equipment.

I can only imagine how perspective has changed after yet another generation later..................
It’s awful now. Kids grow up not even knowing how to sweep. I’ve taught many apprentices how to sweep the work area properly. Their parents never made them sweep or taught them how to do the most basic things.


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
Beautiful arrowhead Magu. Yep Gypsy, absolutely quartz.

I lived in Ohio (Cuyahoga River Valley) all my life and we used to hang out and play along the river. This was an area where the Indians took their canoes out of the Tuscarawas River and walked along the Portage Path to the Cuyahoga River. The entire area was full of old Indian camps and we used to find arrowheads and tons of other cool Indian stuff all the time.

However, according to recent Federal Law, that arrowhead belongs to the American Indians and you are required to turn it in to the nearest Bureau of Indian Affairs.
What is this law you speak of ?
AFAIK finding and keeping artifacts on private property is perfectly legal.
Federal and state lands are a different story.
However if human remains are found you are not allowed to disturb them or collect the artifacts associated with the remains even on private property.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
What is this law you speak of ?
AFAIK finding and keeping artifacts on private property is perfectly legal.
Federal and state lands are a different story.
However if human remains are found you are not allowed to disturb them or collect the artifacts associated with the remains even on private property.
North American Graves protection and repatriation act

There's also looting...


Well-known member
Yup. There is always a potential. 1% is a potential. So is 1/2 %. All potential, lol.
I watch markets because they always tell the truth. And never lie. Many folks do.
Too many story tellers in this world looking to profit off of gloomin and doomin.
Duckin, and dodgin, and weavin. Always speaking of the Boogie Man. And Fear.
And rapidly changing the topic, whenever they get called out. Or are pinned down.
No money to be made telling folks they are going to have a good day. All is A-OK.
I don't want to live in a world of make believe. I don't have time for that nonsense.
I want to enjoy my life today living in the known. Enough banter for me about this BS.
If you enjoy and have an inordinate amount of time for worrying, bully for you. I don't.
My worry is in the immediate area, the politics I don't care,I know they just fill their pockets and spread bs.. Fact is no customers yet today again for me and I'm open at 6:30 and my son is working at the local bulding supply a mile down the road and instead of deliveries for new house builds,they stopped because no one is buying them so he's making shims today. It's dead here,the competitions dock is a 1/2 hour away from me and just layed off 2 operators and our other dock 10 miles north is dead too. It's not good for the trades here.


Well-known member
Premium user
What is this law you speak of ?
AFAIK finding and keeping artifacts on private property is perfectly legal.
Federal and state lands are a different story.
However if human remains are found you are not allowed to disturb them or collect the artifacts associated with the remains even on private property.

I did a quick search and you may be right. Looks like it's prohibited only on public land.


Well-known member
Premium user
My worry is in the immediate area, the politics I don't care,I know they just fill their pockets and spread bs.. Fact is no customers yet today again for me and I'm open at 6:30 and my son is working at the local bulding supply a mile down the road and instead of deliveries for new house builds,they stopped because no one is buying them so he's making shims today. It's dead here,the competitions dock is a 1/2 hour away from me and just layed off 2 operators and our other dock 10 miles north is dead too. It's not good for the trades here.
Where abouts are you?


Well-known member
Hey @Gypsy Nirvana . I found something that you might think is interesting. I collect dirt, rotted hay and rotted cow manure to grow plants. I collect it where I feed hay on my farm in the winter. Also, I reuse all my dirt from the previous grows. So imagine my surprise when I dump the dirt out of a flower pot and find this.
View attachment 19023256
It had to come out of the ground on my farm because we dont bring in any outside hay and I have never bought dirt of any kind. I dont know when metal arrived in Ohio but Im sure it was long before the white settlers appeared. So I wonder “how old is it”? realisticaly it might be thousands of years old. Do people still find old artifacts in England very often? You have such a long history. 🌈
Good to see you :)


Well-known member


Well-known member
Beautiful arrowhead Magu. Yep Gypsy, absolutely quartz.

I lived in Ohio (Cuyahoga River Valley) all my life and we used to hang out and play along the river. This was an area where the Indians took their canoes out of the Tuscarawas River and walked along the Portage Path to the Cuyahoga River. The entire area was full of old Indian camps and we used to find arrowheads and tons of other cool Indian stuff all the time.

However, according to recent Federal Law, that arrowhead belongs to the American Indians and you are required to turn it in to the nearest Bureau of Indian Affairs.
I am an american indian. 😁


Well-known member
How often is it recommended to water in Captain Jacks dead bug
to knock down the population or better... to keep at bay... the soft
bodied critters from invading? Exp. in an OD grow?

I found this method of killing off the small Thrips invasion ID to
be quite rewarding. Only took one watering at recommended
dose. So much better than having to spray regularly :)