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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Oddly, I prefer to just "listen" to you guys who have BTDT.
It's definitely safer for me thataway, and who knows if some old skeletal memories from my different past might come out of the closet clicking their teeth.
Our past shenanigans are always there, they are not erased. If you suspect a possible negative experience, then perhaps you have the right approach.

Good day to you Unca Walt


Well-known member
Micro dosing mushrooms is all the rage these days haer, not enough to tri[ but enough to feel a difference. They've been having so much success with treating depression and mental illness with it that way that some states were looking into legalizing them. I don't know if the are having any success with that though. I do know that on the West Coast in certain dispensaries you can buy these big chocolate bars that's sectioned off in multiple smaller squares. Supposedly if you eat one who;e bar by yourself that what the call a Heroic dose and you should trip balls. Ihear though if you just eat one or two of the smaller squares it's considered a micro dose and it just makes your day a bit happier, maybe with a little more color? :bigeye:
Hi Hempkat, I have heard many positive comments regarding the use of shrooms for mental stability. From my own experiences I believe this to be true about the beneficial effects of shrooms.
Recently in Canada I read of a man who was irate because the government would let him use the medical system to take his life but they would not allow him to use a few mushrooms. It's possible that it could be legal one day. I mean I can go and buy shrooms in a retail business these days and the sellers continue to operate. Why hasn't the gov't shut them down? Maybe they really don't care.

Good day to you Hempkat


Well-known member
I live with chronic pain but have found that working out may hurt today but the strength I gain will help me get to tomorrow...exercize is the best thing a person can do to keep the body as strong as as possible...granted, I have medical demons but I don't let them dissuade me from trying to keep my bones moving...I'm certain my workouts will give me a better quality of life and may even prolong it some...
Have found the same relief going back to the gym.


Cabana’s bitch
At your age and condition?
can you imagine me not going to the gym for 9 years...my guts are a mess but working out, while painful the next day, my body is far stronger than most folks 20 years younger than I...my doctors tell me that working out gives me a stronger me to fight all the disease I have contracted...it's not easy but the options of a rocking chair on the porch isn't an option...

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I live with chronic pain but have found that working out may hurt today but the strength I gain will help me get to tomorrow...exercize is the best thing a person can do to keep the body as strong as as possible...granted, I have medical demons but I don't let them dissuade me from trying to keep my bones moving...I'm certain my workouts will give me a better quality of life and may even prolong it some...
Yup, use it or lose it................................

The gym gets tedious and boring sometimes, but it is way better than the alternatives...............


Well-known member
can you imagine me not going to the gym for 9 years...my guts are a mess but working out, while painful the next day, my body is far stronger than most folks 20 years younger than I...my doctors tell me that working out gives me a stronger me to fight all the disease I have contracted...it's not easy but the options of a rocking chair on the porch isn't an option...
I quit for about 2 years and currently had to make it a lifestyle and definitely paying for it and it sucks


Well-known member
Hi Hempkat, I have heard many positive comments regarding the use of shrooms for mental stability. From my own experiences I believe this to be true about the beneficial effects of shrooms.
Recently in Canada I read of a man who was irate because the government would let him use the medical system to take his life but they would not allow him to use a few mushrooms. It's possible that it could be legal one day. I mean I can go and buy shrooms in a retail business these days and the sellers continue to operate. Why hasn't the gov't shut them down? Maybe they really don't care.

Good day to you Hempkat


Cabana’s bitch
going to the gym may be a chore for some but one of my dearest friends pushes me to do my best at his gym...after 9 years I have come to love Chris for the man he is and what he has done for me...my back is toast but it's gotten much stronger when I push it...I enjoy the following day when I recover...I hurt like hell due to my demons but I'm stronger and leaner than I was 10 years ago...use it or lose it is true, stop working out for a while and see how you feel...I'm gonna leave a damn fine corpse...:)


Well-known member
I think I’ll enjoy a day buzz with them tomorrow. Already getting close to my bedtime and I worked hard in the yard and sun. Got my pots ready for the outdoor plants. Not doing the actual transplant until after the house getting power washed on Friday. Decided to let a pro do it this time as I’m getting ready to paint my porch and shutters to match our new front door we are getting in a few weeks. Still have to pick a shutter color to match the pistachio door.

so yes maybe shrooms tomorrow will help me pick an awesome matching color that goes with pistachio. 😁
Psychedelic...here we come. Be the first in your neighbourhood.

Good day to you Sub


Well-known member
Looks like I need two years and three months to move from the 1.9% to the 0.5% and have been shot and stabbed, so sounds like a glass of Hemlock and standing in traffic should put me over the top on secrit antibodies.

Alas, as far as celibacy, how soon do you have to start and does masturbation count? Asking for a friend.

Unendurable Pleasure Indefinitely Prolonged sounds like more fun than celibacy and can understand why the monks switched.

My guess is that the monks started out studying pigs to learn the technique. https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/100659-longest-orgasm-in-mammals
Hello GW... when I lived on the beef ranch, twice I seen cattle die from water hemlock. I am not so sure that's a good idea.

Good day to GW


Well-known member
Welp it started the area is damage riddled from storms and here come the vultures.
2 calls in 5 minutes with one almost demanding to get on my roof.
The wife got a call and I just got one.
There's been stuff on our neighborhood net site that shake down artists are around.
The archangel modified mossberg 12 is out I catch some mother fucker on my roof it's gonna be a long drop and they'll be buried and vehicle burnt
What in the f....


Welp it started the area is damage riddled from storms and here come the vultures.
2 calls in 5 minutes with one almost demanding to get on my roof.
The wife got a call and I just got one.
There's been stuff on our neighborhood net site that shake down artists are around.
The archangel modified mossberg 12 is out I catch some mother fucker on my roof it's gonna be a long drop and they'll be buried and vehicle burnt
What in the f....
Good luck and good shooting.

To think they stopped making these due to lack of sales.
I said bring them back let me do sales online for 5% and let's make some money.
$75 was the retail price made in china.
My most valuable tool in my box and none to be found anymore....... zero manufacturing marks on or in them can't even find the factory.