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D. B. Doober

Boston, MA


Well-known member
That's just it, you are getting it but global warming was to difficult for people to grasp because they took it to mean everywhere on the planet was getting hotter. So they switched to Climate Change since that's what Global Warming causes. Places that used to get lots of rain get less rain, places that used to get just a little rain get less or none. Places that used to be really hot are less hot and places that were cold are warming up,,, like the polar ice caps. Most of the world's fresh water supply is/was locked up in the polar ice. Now that it's melting at unprecedented rates in recent history it disrupts the salinity of the oceans which in turn slows down the global ocean conveyor belt. Which brings warm water up from the south and takes the colder water from the north and moves it southward. This process places a critical role in maintaining climates in the Northern regions during the verious seasons. The big fear is if too much fresh water mixes in with the salt water it can shut the convery down and you get a scenario similar to what was depicted by the movie, "The Day After Tomorrow".
This all may be true, but the cause of it is NOT humanity!

It's the natural order of things. Forcing humanity to 'pay' for it is a power grab.

Here's why:

**A deal we made before we got married.
Our's is "There's no divorce!"


Well-known member
Figured I'd pop back in to share a bit of awesome news (for me anyway).

My landlord just sent a text letting me know that he expects NO RENT
paid for the remaining of the year. HUH? Whoop!

I suppose this is my 'karma' for being such an awesome tenant.

Good news no matter.
Hello new freezer and that 1/4 cow to fill it :)


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Figured I'd pop back in to share a bit of awesome news (for me anyway).

My landlord just sent a text letting me know that he expects NO RENT
paid for the remaining of the year. HUH? Whoop!

I suppose this is my 'karma' for being such an awesome tenant.

Good news no matter.
Hello new freezer and that 1/4 cow to fill it :)
Wow. You must be a really good tenant.


Well-known member
After getting busted for some rather nice Manali hash back in '85 - then spending a month in jail because of it - a victimless crime no less - I started to formulate ideas of how to prevent this from happening again - not just to me - but anyone - I figured that those who needed or wanted cannabis could just grow it at home/garden - but to do so would take seeds and instructions - then they wouldn't have to smuggle it - and risk getting penalised - and the more growers I could encourage to grow the better - so initially I started a seed company (Seedsdirect) - that gave free seeds with every order - on condition they would be shared - hopefully creating a new grower with every order - and was Overgrows first advertiser when it took off in 2000 - and by 2003 had designs on starting my own growers site - so launched ICMAG - aimed at growing more growers - and breeding more breeders of cannabis - and creating a community 😀 - as we still have today - and over the years we have helped to grow 1000's of growers worldwide - and continue to do so -

My seed business took a dive when I got arrested in the Philippines - due to an indictment from the USA for seed sales - back in 2013 - and never really recovered - much of the stock I had became inviable to sell - by the time I had eventually cleared my name - and the USA had dropped the charges by 2018 - after 5 years of attrition - an attempted extra judicial rendition - 2 and a half years in a Philippino detention jail - and a failed extradition attempt and a failed appeal in the High Court of Justice by the USA from the UK - 🇬🇧 - but finally I was free - but relatively broke financially - since my seed biz was no more - and these days I try to live off the advertising that comes into ICMAG - which is sporadic and not enough sometimes - but still have managed to keep the lights on around here - and hope that will continue - into the future - so if you know some bizz that might want to advertise here - just let me or @explosiv know about it 😉
This is exactly the kind of story one needs to document!

Found this app that's a personalized story book. Their could be others??

If you have older folks who 'tell' stories, those 'stories' go away when they pass on.


Or you could write a book...?
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Well-known member
Well to be fair you are making an assumption there. I've never seen or tried one of these chocolate bars. I don't know if they are milk chocolate or dark chocolate. I know you have your "ALL SWEETS ARE BAD" thing go on but if it's dark chocolate there is much less sugar and dark chocolate due to it's flavinoids has heart health benefits when eaten in small doses. Also I never said thse chocolate bars were medicine or being sold as medicine. I mean maybe they are but only if they managed to get that law passed for use in mental health treatment. If not then it's just an item in a head shop meant as much for getting high as for being used medicinally.
My reply is not personal.
It is based upon many years of learning about refined sugar
and it's damage to humans and the Earth.

The subject of sugars added to items that also contain healing substances,
is a topic that has been on my mind to discuss for a very long time.
Your post only provided an opening to speak my opinion based on
the years I've been looking into it.

I assumed nothing... I research.
Had zilch to do specifically w/ said chocolates; cacao/ sugar ratios.
Nor does it have to do with (your assumption) of an "ALL SWEETS
ARE BAD" 'thing' on my behalf.
It's not simply "a thing" and... just as well as; I have never stated such.
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Well-known member
So if yer gonna dump on Whitey, you'd also better include the Mayans, the Aztecs, the Mongols, the Egyptians, the Romans, and a truly endless list of genuine ratbastid conquerers of weaker cultures.

It is simply a human condition. We are predators.
Which is why there better not be a race war in the US...

Don't piss off the white folk...!

Do you know where the practice of scalping started? It wasn't a native activity it was imported. Of course there were scalps in the teepees. It was by that time when the whites were routinely hunting Indians down. That scene in Little Big Man (a dramatization) wasn't the first treaty the whites broke. At that point I imagine for Indians, scalping a white man when they saw one was more a matter of survival.
Also, scalps were easier to carry than a skull...


Cabana’s bitch
I hurt just thinking about that..my back would go on strike if I attempted that...
I live with chronic pain but have found that working out may hurt today but the strength I gain will help me get to tomorrow...exercize is the best thing a person can do to keep the body as strong as as possible...granted, I have medical demons but I don't let them dissuade me from trying to keep my bones moving...I'm certain my workouts will give me a better quality of life and may even prolong it some...


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
I live with chronic pain but have found that working out may hurt today but the strength I gain will help me get to tomorrow...exercize is the best thing a person can do to keep the body as strong as as possible...granted, I have medical demons but I don't let them dissuade me from trying to keep my bones moving...I'm certain my workouts will give me a better quality of life and may even prolong it some...
Absolutely spot on. Move it or loose it. Good for you Boo. I'm sure not doing what you just did today. My lower back wouldn't stand for that. But, I know my limitations and do the best I can to do what I can to keep myself going.

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