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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
This all may be true, but the cause of it is NOT humanity!

It's the natural order of things. Forcing humanity to 'pay' for it is a power grab.

Here's why:

Our's is "There's no divorce!"
Dr Shiva ran for the Senate against a phony Indian here a while back(the irony of Fauxcahontus running against an Indian American was pretty sweet). He is a genius and scrutinized the voting data. He won his district 60-40. He lost all others at 60-40. Not approximately. Exactly 60-40. The odds of that are infinitesimal. BTW-we use voting machines here which in 2016, were the subject of protest by Fauxcahontus.


Well-known member
Premium user
I have smoked marijuana everyday almost without exception since 1969..... thinking I might just be addicted.

Me too. My exact date was July 4th 1969. And, other than a handful of times, I have smoked pot every single day.

I am definitely an addict and I acknowledge it.

Curious, what's your average usage? I am about 20 joints a day. So, about 3 ounces a week. Lot a fucking pot. LOL


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
I've spent the day cleaning house due to being sore...I decided to contact my lawyer to institute another law suit...first I am evicting a tenant that won't pay his rent...secondly I am suing the next door neighbor for telling me I have no legal rights to the community well...I have the legal agreement showing do own the rights to said well...dated back in 1984...I also have proof the new owner asked me to pay for repairs after he owned the property proving I have legal interest in said well...after this is over I am suing the dude who owns the truck that ran over Ivan a year and a half ago...I'm just tired of all the fuckery that is pushing at me and now I will make the bastards pay...time to go play with the boys...I toss the ball for Ivan and Dutch and I watch...
Fortunately since I retired I have only seen an attorney to renew my will and now this simple loan extension. Before I retired the dealership had an attorney on retainer. There was always something going on. I have been to small claims court more times that I can count. Civil court several times. Fortunately I know when to settle and when to fight.....Glad those days are long past me.
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I've not been in court for decades but these lawsuits are as much spite and revenge as it is about money...again, I'm tired of the fuckery...spent the last hour loading mags...I forgot I had so many...
Mans gotta live by something.
Plant done prolly should plant some more of them taters and mound the ones already started.
Wife decided the zeal vape and dry hash is better than dabs as well so I had to order another one.
Saw they had 220 volt euro units on site for you guys overseas now.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
I've not been in court for decades but these lawsuits are as much spite and revenge as it is about money...again, I'm tired of the fuckery...spent the last hour loading mags...I forgot I had so many...
I would go to court rather than blasting away. If you are right justice will prevail. Go to small claims and be prepared.....dates and times are important. Like i said if your are on the side of the law it is easy to win there.


Well-known member
I've spent the day cleaning house due to being sore...I decided to contact my lawyer to institute another law suit...first I am evicting a tenant that won't pay his rent...secondly I am suing the next door neighbor for telling me I have no legal rights to the community well...I have the legal agreement showing do own the rights to said well...dated back in 1984...I also have proof the new owner asked me to pay for repairs after he owned the property proving I have legal interest in said well...after this is over I am suing the dude who owns the truck that ran over Ivan a year and a half ago...I'm just tired of all the fuckery that is pushing at me and now I will make the bastards pay...time to go play with the boys...I toss the ball for Ivan and Dutch and I watch...
Probably have to go to court 1 more time to sue for all the damage he does to the unit before he moves out and everything that he steals.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
So white people are SO superior to everyone else they should have known better than to scalp.........is that the lefts premise now?
Surrender peacefully is a European concept not a north american one.
The tribes did not take adult prisoners.
They fought harder than the Europeans even when there was no chance why,because capture meant extreme torture till death.
The best lesson one can learn is............police the borders or be destroyed.




On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Okay we'll have to agree to disagree even in what you provide in that link says it's a hotly debated topic. With some saying it's 20th centery scholars trying to clean up the Indian image but that's not based on hard evidence, it's based on 2nd and 3rd hand accountings. It could also be said that this peiece you posted is someone's attempt to clean up the role of the white man in the break down of troubles between the Indians and the Europeans.

the scalping shit didn’t happen around these parts , Cheyenne , Kiowa , Arapaho until after the Big Sandy Massacre when Colorado guardsmen brutally slaughtered hundreds of peaceful Indians camped out on the Big Sandy Creek

the white soldiers mutilated the corpses of the Indians with scalping and other atrocities

the Indians returned the favor at the Little Big Horn , you know , the Custer thingy


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
When a small claims court awards you the win, how easy is it to collect?
Usually not there to collect. Most cases I am defending a frivolous law suit. Example.....guy sued us cause he burnt up his transmission and we wouldn't fix it under warranty. Nissan denied it because once we tore it down it was easy to determine he fried the torque converter by riding the brake with his left foot all the time.
We even told him that is what he was doing and wouldn't listen.

We knew he was gonna sue us so the last time he came in we took a video of him leaving the dealership. That was small claims.

Last civil case was on a 12,000 mile lease for two years. Customer turned the car in with 50,000 miles on it. He sued us because he didn't want to pay the mileage penalty. Open and shut case but went on for a year before we went to court.