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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
This is true sadly. As a person who is 1/4 Iroquois I know that the natives killed each other on a regular basis before the whites arrived. Ironicaly, my white ancestors were given this farmland so that they could protect the other pioneers from the native attacks. Suffering is no respecter of race. ☹️
Yes yes the Iroquois were on the side of the settlers (English and Dutch) which is part of the other "Politics" I mentioned that led the Susquehannock to attack in the Peach Tree War.

Here is a bit of the history/Politics beyond Peaches:

"The Susquehannock tribe liked the colony of New Sweden, which had been founded by Peter Minuit in 1638 on the western bank of the Delaware River near Wilmington, Delaware. He, as dismissed director of the Dutch West India Company's New Netherlands Colony, understood the region and tribe. The Dutch and English had never been able to come to terms with the Susquehannock in their attempts to colonize the area; Minuit contacted the tribe and paid for the right to settle there. The Susquehannock did not like the Dutch because they liked their rivals the Iroquois and had recently lost their English trading partner in Maryland. Minuit and New Sweden, trading European goods for furs and pelts, became the Susquehannock's main trading partner and protectorate.

The English and Dutch did not recognize New Sweden, with the Dutch building a fort south of Wilmington in 1654, Fort Casimir, in an attempt to dislodge the colony. That did not work. New Sweden attacked Fort Casimir and expelled the Dutch, gaining a new fort they renamed Fort Trinity. The Susquehannock were happy. The Dutch were not. They attacked by ship between September 11-15, 1855 under the leadership of New Netherlands Director-General Peter Stuyvesant and siezed the colony of New Sweden. The Susquehannock would not stand for that.

Allied with local tribes Lenape and others (they were out of their territory), they attacked New Amsterdam, Lower Manhattan today, with six hundred warriors, racing through the undefended streets. They crossed the North (Hudson) River and attacked Pavonia (Jersey City), as well as New Netherlands settlements in Harlem, Staten Island, and the Bronx. One hundred and fifty hostages were taken to Paulus Hook, later ransomed and housed in New Amsterdam as many of the settlements in New Sweden territory were abandoned until rights for settlement were repurchased from the Indians by Stuyvesant and then fortified.

So why was it called the Peace Tree War? Was the war really over peaches? No. Well, kinda. An Indian girl named Tachiniki had, on September 15, taken a peach from the orchard of New Netherlands resident, Cornelis van Tienhoven (other sources state the name as Henry Van Dyke, although van Tienhoven seems more accurate as stated in Council documents of 1655). He killed her. As Stuyvesant and the New Netherlands soldiers were south taking back New Sweden, the Susquehannock and their allies took the opportunity to attack. The attack lasted for three days; it is estimated that one hundred Dutch settlers were killed. So the battle got its name from the Peach Tree, although the reason for the attack may or may not have had large reasoning with the girl or the peaches, but political implications against their rivals, the Dutch, and their allies, the Swedes.

At an 1655 Council, a document refers to the incident, "Whoever considers only his last transaction with the savages will find, that with clouded brains filled with liquor, (van Tienhoven) was the prime cause of this massacre ... he has laid the first foundation ... and given the most offense by killing one of the squaws for taking some peaches. If this is true, then we wonder (why) no more mention is made of it, and (why) he has not been brought to justice as a murderer ..."



Well-known member
Micro dosing mushrooms is all the rage these days haer, not enough to tri[ but enough to feel a difference. They've been having so much success with treating depression and mental illness with it that way that some states were looking into legalizing them. I don't know if the are having any success with that though. I do know that on the West Coast in certain dispensaries you can buy these big chocolate bars that's sectioned off in multiple smaller squares. Supposedly if you eat one who;e bar by yourself that what the call a Heroic dose and you should trip balls. Ihear though if you just eat one or two of the smaller squares it's considered a micro dose and it just makes your day a bit happier, maybe with a little more color? :bigeye:
I enjoy micro dosing. This evening I will partake again for my 3rd and final installment of
the current reset. I generally need no more than 3 days micro dosing to feel balanced
once again.

I have always held issue with combining natures healing 'fruits' with sugar.

The absolute most addicting substance currently known to man which is
also toxic to the human body. Has been proven to feed cancer cells, cause
a plethora of health conditions, ie diabetes, obesity etc., that otherwise would
be avoided in the largest percentage of the human race...

Then to refer to it as medicine? Nah, tis not medicine at that point, it is
now in part, poison.

Is this some subconscious mental reference to Mary Poppins singing:
"A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down"?

I think it a criminal practice.
Stop putting sugar in medicine for cripes sake.


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Unca Walt

Well-known member
Do you know where the practice of scalping started? It wasn't a native activity it was imported.
Nope. It was simply a case of a stronger society moving a weaker one in the practice the weaker one had always used.

"Native Americans may have invented scalping, but European contact accelerated it, and the history behind scalping is culturally complex."

The Encyclopedia of American Indian History notes that scalping gave prestige to the scalper since it furnished direct proof of a warrior’s prowess. A scalp in hand proved a warrior’s masculinity. It was also believed that through scalping, the abilities of the victim would be transferred to the scalper.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Yeah I'm pretty sure scalping was a European invention probably the 1500 1600s and the Europeans offered money for scalps. I think that's what was going on I don't know if they were doing that back then before European contact
I will have to wait till I get home to consult my library I have a couple of books on scalping and torture


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I enjoy micro dosing. This evening I will partake again for my 3rd and final installment of
the current reset. I generally need no more than 3 days micro dosing to feel balanced
once again.

I have always held issue with combining natures healing 'fruits' with sugar.

The absolute most addicting substance currently known to man which is
also toxic to the human body. Has been proven to feed cancer cells, cause
a plethora of health conditions, ie diabetes, obesity etc., that otherwise would
be avoided in the largest percentage of the human race...

Then to refer to it as medicine? Nah, tis not medicine at that point, it is
now in part, poison.

Is this some subconscious mental reference to Mary Poppins singing:
"A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down"?

I think it a criminal practice.
Stop putting sugar in medicine for cripes sake.
Well to be fair you are making an assumption there. I've never seen or tried one of these chocolate bars. I don't know if they are milk chocolate or dark chocolate. I know you have your "ALL SWEETS ARE BAD" thing go on but if it's dark chocolate there is much less sugar and dark chocolate due to it's flavinoids has heart health benefits when eaten in small doses. Also I never said thse chocolate bars were medicine or being sold as medicine. I mean maybe they are but only if they managed to get that law passed for use in mental health treatment. If not then it's just an item in a head shop meant as much for getting high as for being used medicinally.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Morning OFC. History lesson here today. Kind of a speed reading thing for me. I try to read everything but this place has gotten to fast for me.

Heat is back ..... Been cool the last couple of days.....not today.

Meeting with My attorney today. Renewing a loan on a house my daughter and SIL are buying from me. Simple procedure....all thru have to do is sign the extended contract, notarize it and the attorney notifies the state.


Cabana’s bitch
yesterday I was introduced to a heavy ball...25 pounds of dead weight that I had to pick up overhead, slam the ball on the ground, and then squat to pick it up again...60 reps yesterday makes for a very sore old man...gonna ice the back while eating breakfast...


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Nope. It was simply a case of a stronger society moving a weaker one in the practice the weaker one had always used.

"Native Americans may have invented scalping, but European contact accelerated it, and the history behind scalping is culturally complex."

The Encyclopedia of American Indian History notes that scalping gave prestige to the scalper since it furnished direct proof of a warrior’s prowess. A scalp in hand proved a warrior’s masculinity. It was also believed that through scalping, the abilities of the victim would be transferred to the scalper.
Okay we'll have to agree to disagree even in what you provide in that link says it's a hotly debated topic. With some saying it's 20th centery scholars trying to clean up the Indian image but that's not based on hard evidence, it's based on 2nd and 3rd hand accountings. It could also be said that this peiece you posted is someone's attempt to clean up the role of the white man in the break down of troubles between the Indians and the Europeans.
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One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
yesterday I was introduced to a heavy ball...25 pounds of dead weight that I had to pick up overhead, slam the ball on the ground, and then squat to pick it up again...60 reps yesterday makes for a very sore old man...gonna ice the back while eating breakfast...
I hurt just thinking about that..my back would go on strike if I attempted that...


Well-known member
I would like to lighten the mood here. Check this out. I am part native american and I am a direct descendant of “William Brewster” the leader of the Plymouth colony. So when “my people” arrived in this country, “my people” were already here to meet them. 🤪 Aint that some fucked up shit! Ha ha ha 🤣


So white people are SO superior to everyone else they should have known better than to scalp.........is that the lefts premise now?
Surrender peacefully is a European concept not a north american one.
The tribes did not take adult prisoners.
They fought harder than the Europeans even when there was no chance why,because capture meant extreme torture till death.
The best lesson one can learn is............police the borders or be destroyed.