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Cabana’s bitch
Good day to you Pute.

No way would I be doing what Boo is doing. I would have to call myself foolish for doing such a thing.
It would be like a form of medieval torture.
it was 9 years ago...I have kept on working thru 2 serious surgeries...my legs are my strongest muscles...my best leg presses is 395 pounds...my back always hurts due to degenerative discs, herniated discs, and severe scoliosis...working out strengthens the muscles to help carry me...best medicine I've ever had...


Well-known member
Shrooms are legal in Colorado. I don't grow or partake. Pot and sipping vodka give me all the thrill I need. And BlueBerry hill had nothing to do with it.

Off to the Attorney....this better be quick.....at $450/hr there is not time to waste or ask stupid questions.
The last time I visited a lawyer he wanted to keep repeating the same information to me, trying to stretch out the time.


Well-known member
it was 9 years ago...I have kept on working thru 2 serious surgeries...my legs are my strongest muscles...my best leg presses is 395 pounds...my back always hurts due to degenerative discs, herniated discs, and severe scoliosis...working out strengthens the muscles to help carry me...best medicine I've ever had...
Don't have scoliosis but I got 2 spots 4" long of stenosis one in my neck the other mid back


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Good day to you Pute.

No way would I be doing what Boo is doing. I would have to call myself foolish for doing such a thing.
It would be like a form of medieval torture.
Yup. I think Boo has back issues as well. How in the farg does he do that....



Well-known member
it was 9 years ago...I have kept on working thru 2 serious surgeries...my legs are my strongest muscles...my best leg presses is 395 pounds...my back always hurts due to degenerative discs, herniated discs, and severe scoliosis...working out strengthens the muscles to help carry me...best medicine I've ever had...
I have mostly followed my Doc advice when it comes to exercise. Right now restorative yoga is my go to.

You and I have some similar conditions but we are taking different approaches to our well being. Because of the asbestosis breathing under a strenuous physical workout would be impossible.

If it works for you and your not hurting yourself, then carry on.

A good day to you Boo


Cabana’s bitch
Yup. I think Boo has back issues as well. How in the farg does he do that....

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thru all the pain I have developed a strong back but I can overdo it quite easily...my trainer gives me all I can handle without hurting myself...I have stenosis from C1 thru L5...I know that's gonna slow me down when and if it flares up...without working out I'd be bed ridden...
a good day to you oldman...


Well-known member
Good luck and good shooting.

To think they stopped making these due to lack of sales.
I said bring them back let me do sales online for 5% and let's make some money.
$75 was the retail price made in china.
My most valuable tool in my box and none to be found anymore....... zero manufacturing marks on or in them can't even find the factory.
Mebbe they changed the look?


this one


Cabana’s bitch
I've spent the day cleaning house due to being sore...I decided to contact my lawyer to institute another law suit...first I am evicting a tenant that won't pay his rent...secondly I am suing the next door neighbor for telling me I have no legal rights to the community well...I have the legal agreement showing do own the rights to said well...dated back in 1984...I also have proof the new owner asked me to pay for repairs after he owned the property proving I have legal interest in said well...after this is over I am suing the dude who owns the truck that ran over Ivan a year and a half ago...I'm just tired of all the fuckery that is pushing at me and now I will make the bastards pay...time to go play with the boys...I toss the ball for Ivan and Dutch and I watch...


Well-known member
yesterday I was introduced to a heavy ball...25 pounds of dead weight that I had to pick up overhead, slam the ball on the ground, and then squat to pick it up again...60 reps yesterday makes for a very sore old man...gonna ice the back while eating breakfast...
I have a bunch of rocks in my yard you would be welcome to pick up over your head and slam them onto my rock wall if you are ever in Massachusetts…😂

My youngest(the former fighter) does that exercise even though his back is a bit trashed. He says it helps his back though.