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The Impeachment Of Trump

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Active member
someone better change more than the channel....fun fact...you cant put imbecilic morons at the head of committees

trumps a shoe-in for 2020...MAGA


Active member
Democratic politicians don't care about laws. Ha ha. Laws are for everyone else. Lol. Nothing changes. I am not convinced the mindless CNN, MSNBC crowd will ever come back to reality.

Anyone else see Clapper claiming Barr looking into the origins of the fake Russia bullshit, is dangerous. Hum, I wonder why? Dangerous to hateful hacks, who line their pockets on the Russian crap fest.

I am pretty sure treason is a nightmare for Comey, Clapper, and the rest of the clowns. Isn't the penalty for treason death? Sure as hell should be. Then these idiots might actually do their fucking job.

you bet....crapper and commy are shittin rubels bout now...that stink leads all the way back to barry and his crew


Well-known member
has to be...its the only reasonable explanation....fuggin stunning

Why thank you!;)

..... in fact, I've been doing a bit of investigation of my own, and have found that there's an ICMag member's only social group run by VTA called Not a Safe Place that has many members who just happen to be posting in this very thread, backing each other up and giving K+. :tiphat:

This issue needs to be looked into by management, don'tcha think?

….. but wait, things are complicated, Gaius is a group member so he'll have to recuse himself, this situation requires a panel of unbiased Mods and another panel to investigate those unbiased Mods to see just how 'unbiased' they really are.


Invertebrata Inebriata
I've always said vta needs a support group. Glad he's getting the help he needs. Gaius bias? Shocking!:biggrin:


Well-known member
yeah, VTA, hmm, used to post frequently in this thread but now that I think about it, now strangely absent!!!;)

…. you reach a point where you have to start asking, WHY??? :dunno: :yeahthats: :whistling:


Active member
I am not convinced the mindless CNN, MSNBC crowd will ever come back to reality.

A better illustration of mindless would be yourself and others who discount entire news sources without ever being able to list credible instances where incorrect information is given.

All the trumpets cry about CNN, but when asked for examples of their lies, nothing but crickets.

Unless you want to call the Sandman kids lawsuit against them, a single undecided case that is pretty transparent, credible. Laughable to say the least.

That is the only questionable instance recited, and I’ve heard there are hundreds more, but nobody has the time to list them.

I actually believe CNN must have run some incorrect stuff, apologized, and moved on from it. Any trump fans got a list of lies told by CNN?


Well-known member
A better illustration of mindless would be yourself and others who discount entire news sources without ever being able to list credible instances where incorrect information is given.

All the trumpets cry about CNN, but when asked for examples of their lies, nothing but crickets.

Unless you want to call the Sandman kids lawsuit against them, a single undecided case that is pretty transparent, credible. Laughable to say the least. MSNBC is a joke though. MSNBC is a joke though.

That is the only questionable instance recited, and I’ve heard there are hundreds more, but nobody has the time to list them.

I actually believe CNN must have run some incorrect stuff, apologized, and moved on from it. Any trump fans got a list of lies told by CNN?

It's not so much that they lie for me it's just everything they push goes against everything I believe. I do believe they are biased but I will admit Fox is biased too. Now Donna Brazil is on fox, no wonder the DNC doesn't want Fox in the debates.


Well-known member
A better illustration of mindless would be yourself and others who discount entire news sources without ever being able to list credible instances where incorrect information is given.

All the trumpets cry about CNN, but when asked for examples of their lies, nothing but crickets.

Unless you want to call the Sandman kids lawsuit against them, a single undecided case that is pretty transparent, credible. Laughable to say the least.

That is the only questionable instance recited, and I’ve heard there are hundreds more, but nobody has the time to list them.

I actually believe CNN must have run some incorrect stuff, apologized, and moved on from it. Any trump fans got a list of lies told by CNN?

Here is a bunch of good ones. Atlanta Olympics security guard, Condit and many more. CNN's pants are on fire.



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
In what universe is it OK for a presidential candidate to get elected for saying all the poop he vomits.. No matter how bad Hillery was she wasn't scum like trump is(I didn't vote for either).. If Trump can poop all the crap out of his mouth and still his supporters say or do nothing says it all. Any with a HS education knows he is not qualified to be POTUS. Believe it or not there's Millions just like him. Trying to make any change there mind about him ain't gonna happen. There's way to many fuked up people in this world.





Well-known member
In what universe is it OK for a presidential candidate to say and get elected for saying all the poop he vomits.. No matter how bad Hillery was she wasn't scum like trump is(I didn't vote for either).. If Trump can poop all the crap out of his mouth and still his supporters say or do nothing says it all. Any with a HS education knows he is not qualified to be POTUS. Believe it or not there's Millions just like him. Trying to make any change there mind about him ain't gonna happen. There's way to many fuked up people in this world.

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Simple, he is the best Fuck You we can send to Washington DC. We hate typical politicians both Republican and Democrat.


Well-known member
Why do we want a fuck you in Washington? Does it really seem like smart voting to put a lying crooked retarded person in charge? Now that he has been there two years it is more than clear the fuck you is to everyone. How many years will it take to undo all the environmental regulations he changed?


Well-known member
Why do we want a fuck you in Washington? Does it really seem like smart voting to put a lying crooked retarded person in charge? Now that he has been there two years it is more than clear the fuck you is to everyone. How many years will it take to undo all the environmental regulations he changed?

Something tells me he will fit right in :tiphat:

As far as environmental regulations goes that is the last thing im worried about, the economy is more important for me.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Fighting with right/left is not the answer. This only makes USA weak. Why do you think he would want USA weak?. Think about that. Its obvious to me Trump is only after $$. The guy is dumb as a rock. IMO lame attempt at a Fuck you to DC. You can bet he has a political hit list with Obama at the top. When POTUS says wind mills give you cancer. Everyone should be extremely concerned.

I would like to see an Independent as POTUS. Anyway have fun throwing rocks at ea other.
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