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The Impeachment Of Trump

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Well-known member
That was a good answer by Barr. He shouldn't be jumping to conclusions like the powers that be did on Trump. You can make your last ditch effort to save your position based on Barr's statement minds_I but it isn't what you think.

Barr is going to find out that laws were broken and the spying wasn't properly predicated. People are going to go down. People on the opposite side that you thought were going down.

I keep thinking about the back stabbing, lying, sneaky and dishonest Obama's saying over and over "When they go low, we go high". No! No they didn't. They were always going low and Trump was always on the high road.

The laughable part is the liberals had no issue with AG Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton meeting on the Tarmac during the Clinton investigation to talk about "grandchildren", but when AG William Barr actually does his job they cry foul.

White Beard

Active member
I think if the whole Mueller report would come out not redacted it would even further prove that Trump didn't do anything wrong

The democrats are faking their outrage on it being redacted.

They want to keep having something to cling on to so they can keep harping about collusion and obstruction hoping it sways the election in their favor. However, it won't matter either way, redacted or not redacted.

After the evidence firmly points to all the democrats involved in the biggest political scandal of all time Trump will win in a landslide.

Lock her up will become real.

Maybe Clinton and Obama can be cellmates.

iTarzan predicts! The guilty conscience of congressional Democrats! Their motives! The outcome of the next election! Trial-free incarcerations! Co-ed prisons! Detroit turns to jello! Robots win 18-12! Ho HO! Who cares!


Active member
I think if the whole Mueller report would come out not redacted it would even further prove that Trump didn't do anything wrong.....

Hello all,

And yet, we still have not seen it un-redacted have we?

If it is so exonerating....you betcha ol' dirty donald would have it out there.

Same with the fisa warrant apps, same with his tax returns....

Nothing I have seen demonstrated from this poor excuse of an American president shows me he is innocent of anything for which he has been accused. But that is of course my opinion.



Active member
The laughable part is the liberals had no issue with AG Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton meeting on the Tarmac during the Clinton investigation to talk about "grandchildren", but when AG William Barr actually does his job they cry foul.

Hello all
Oh contraire mon frère...

She was in my view the least crooked....



Well-known member
Hello all,

For your perusal:

So just how noisy are these turbines?

The closest that a wind turbine is typically placed to a home is 300 meters or more. At that distance, a turbine will have a sound pressure level of 43 decibels. To put that in context, the average air conditioner can reach 50 decibels of noise, and most refrigerators run at around 40 decibels.


So the verdict of idiocy is all but certain in this one.


I drive by ones on people's properties daily. They have .25 to .5 acre lots. The wind turbine is in the yard next to the house and maybe 50 to 100 feet up. It isn't possible to be 300 meters away. That is 3 football fields. 900 feet. LOL! Planes and choppers have to stay above 500 feet. They would still crash into your wind turbines.

You also forget the numbers that will be required. When hundreds and thousands of them occupy large areas the combined noise won't be sufficiently diminished by being 300 meters away. They would need to be everywhere there is space for them. They use Neodymium, a rare earth mineral to make the magnets in wind turbines and hybrid cars. The mining of rare earth minerals is a messy, dangerous, polluting business. It uses toxic chemicals, acids, sulfates, ammonia. The workers have little or no protection. It has cancer/tumor risks.

Wind turbines need to be combined with huge battery arrays that store the energy. There are cancer and health risk associated with marine, car and lithium batteries. The chemicals in the batteries and the energy field around them.

You are right about the certainty of the verdict. It is firmly attached to you and Brother Nature.


Well-known member
Mr. D. so the first person caught working with the Russians is a democrat. LOL! More to come too.

Later people. Enjoy the news. It is good news and about to get better.

President Trump

He flipped it, dipped it and reversed it!

Brother Nature

Well-known member
There are cancer and health risk associated with marine, car and lithium batteries. The chemicals in the batteries and the energy field around them.

You are right about the certainty of the verdict. It is firmly attached to you and Brother Nature.

I wouldn't get all twisted up about it mate, I won't be able to reproduce anyways according to your logic as I ride a motorcycle most days with a lithium battery right under the seat. My swimmers are probably fried and my boys on their way to tumor-ville, from the cancerous energy field. So you and your intellectual trumpets won't have to deal with my inferior intellect much longer, or in subsequent generations.

Thank you for your knowledge doctor Tarzan, it's been illuminating.


Well-known member
I wouldn't get all twisted up about it mate, I won't be able to reproduce anyways according to your logic as I ride a motorcycle most days with a lithium battery right under the seat. My swimmers are probably fried and my boys on their way to tumor-ville, from the cancerous energy field. So you and your intellectual trumpets won't have to deal with my inferior intellect much longer, or in subsequent generations.

Thank you for your knowledge doctor Tarzan, it's been illuminating.

See the news keeps getting better. LOL! j/k I really don't want anything bad to happen to anybody in this thread.

Mr D

Mr. D. so the first person caught working with the Russians is a democrat. LOL! More to come too.

Later people. Enjoy the news. It is good news and about to get better.

President Trump

He flipped it, dipped it and reversed it!

No he was not working with the Russians he is tied to Manafort like Podesta.

On another note a DC circuit court ruled that grand jury information can not be released and must be kept confidential pursuit to rule 16.

So by law Barr can not release that information to congress. Better believe that Nadler, Schiff and the rest of the insane clown possee already know that.

It's the MSNBC, CNN informed people who post here that don't know shit and only parrot what they are told that have latched on to that BS. Once those outside the Maddow fan club realize the BS talking point is a farce they will pivot.

You can tell they are getting desperate when they start calling Barr a conspiracy theorist.


Active member
No he was not working with the Russians he is tied to Manafort like Podesta.

On another note a DC circuit court ruled that grand jury information can not be released and must be kept confidential pursuit to rule 16.

So by law Barr can not release that information to congress. Better believe that Nadler, Schiff and the rest of the insane clown possee already know that.

It's the MSNBC, CNN informed people who post here that don't know shit and only parrot what they are told that have latched on to that BS. Once those outside the Maddow fan club realize the BS talking point is a farce they will pivot.

You can tell they are getting desperate when they start calling Barr a conspiracy theorist
Hello all.
you sound scared bro...you scared?



Active member
Hello all,

Christmas is going to be awkward this year...

Trump's sister retires as federal judge, ending tax fraud investigation.



Well-known member
Julian Assange arrested in the UK and will be extradited to the US for fake crimes. Large social media blackout on the subject.

Yay imperialism.


Well-known member
Julian Assange arrested in the UK and will be extradited to the US for fake crimes. Large social media blackout on the subject.

Yay imperialism.

could be
interested in what else comes out in his trial
also curious about back room deal that triggered the arrest
he had been in limbo for quite a while, he's an old man with a beard now


Active member
No he was not working with the Russians he is tied to Manafort like Podesta.

On another note a DC circuit court ruled that grand jury information can not be released and must be kept confidential pursuit to rule 16.

So by law Barr can not release that information to congress. Better believe that Nadler, Schiff and the rest of the insane clown possee already know that.

It's the MSNBC, CNN informed people who post here that don't know shit and only parrot what they are told that have latched on to that BS. Once those outside the Maddow fan club realize the BS talking point is a farce they will pivot.

You can tell they are getting desperate when they start calling Barr a conspiracy theorist.

Democratic politicians don't care about laws. Ha ha. Laws are for everyone else. Lol. Nothing changes. I am not convinced the mindless CNN, MSNBC crowd will ever come back to reality.

Anyone else see Clapper claiming Barr looking into the origins of the fake Russia bullshit, is dangerous. Hum, I wonder why? Dangerous to hateful hacks, who line their pockets on the Russian crap fest.

I am pretty sure treason is a nightmare for Comey, Clapper, and the rest of the clowns. Isn't the penalty for treason death? Sure as hell should be. Then these idiots might actually do their fucking job.
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