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The Impeachment Of Trump

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Active member
Hello all,

I think the idea of introducing articles of impeachment at this stage is with regard to obtaining the the grand jury info from the mueller report if it is not released to congress underacted.

But that is speculation on my part.



Well-known member
Hello all,

I think the idea of introducing articles of impeachment at this stage is with regard to obtaining the the grand jury info from the mueller report if it is not released to congress underacted.

But that is speculation on my part.

interesting idea
might just be the plan, of course that's escalation
and escalation is what's needed

Mr D

interesting idea
might just be the plan, of course that's escalation
and escalation is what's needed

That would be a great idea, Rep. Collins suggested that the other day.

Professor Joseph Mifsud, Professor Stefan Halper, Whistleblower Dennis Montgomery and attorney Larry Klayman are some names to keep in mind as this moves forward.

I have to go watch Nadler, Schiff and Warner's heads explode after what Barr said about spying on the Trump campaign.


Active member
Barr dropping bombs today... but hahahahaaaaaa AG suggesting investigating FBI over spying on Drumpf campaign.... lmfao.... how will the left ever recover? #LearnToCopeKids #STILLyourPresident


Active member
Hello all,

"Barr, appearing before a Senate panel, did not say what "spying" had taken place. He later said he wasn't sure there had been improper surveillance but wanted to make sure proper procedures were followed. Still his remarks give a boost to President Trump and his supporters who insist his campaign was unfairly targeted by the FBI."


I will just leave this here:
Barr's testimony...

“For the same reason we’re worried about foreign influence in elections, I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal,” Barr said. “I’m not suggesting those rules were violated but I think it’s important to look at. . . . I think it’s my obligation.”


Well-known member
Windmills cause cancer.

This guy is an idiot.

No the people that think it is idiotic are idiots.

So you believed it when they said cell phones cause cancer. Then they said it didn't.

EMFs can cause cancer.

You believed it when they said meat caused cancer, then it didn't, then it did, then it didn't, then it did. Same with coffee. It is good for you, it is bad, good, bad,good, bad.

First some info... Cancer is an abnormal growth of cells. They take up space, they can come back after incomplete removal and they can spread. They can kill you without spreading because they take up space and can injure surrounding tissue and organs.

A tumor is an abnormal growth of cells. They take up space, they can come back after incomplete removal. They just are not metastatic, they don't spread. They can kill you because they take up space and can injure surrounding tissue and organs. Sometimes they grow in areas that they can not be removed or easily removed, like in the brain, liver or heart.

Brain cancer or brain tumor. Neither one is good.

Trump just clumped tumors with cancer which many if not most people do.

A lawnmower makes 105 decibels of noise. A moderate size wind turbine makes 105 decibels. The huge industrial ones can be 120 or more. Now imagine if you had them everywhere you would need them to help supply the power for the nation just using wind, water and solar.

John Hopkins University Hospital and other places have done studies. It shows that constant exposure to sound greater than 80 decibels at work, in the home or outside can cause an Acoustic Neuroma Tumors. Brain tumors.


So yeah Trump was real off base. NOT!!!!

Stop listening to the political and media swamp.

I can't believe that FOX news hasn't put this info out there.

Read it and weep Zeez. You were wrong again. Your side is wrong a lot.

Wind turbines can cause brain tumors. In this day and age EVERYTHING is suspect in causing cancer or tumors.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Did you even read your link mate? Literally the very first thing it says is they are not cancerous tumors. "These are non-cancerous tumors that affect hearing and balance when they press on the nerve the nerves in the inner ear." I know a lot of people think Trump supporters are dumb, but, ummm, well, uhhh.....


Well-known member
Hello all,

"Barr, appearing before a Senate panel, did not say what "spying" had taken place. He later said he wasn't sure there had been improper surveillance but wanted to make sure proper procedures were followed. Still his remarks give a boost to President Trump and his supporters who insist his campaign was unfairly targeted by the FBI."


I will just leave this here:
Barr's testimony...

“For the same reason we’re worried about foreign influence in elections, I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal,” Barr said. “I’m not suggesting those rules were violated but I think it’s important to look at. . . . I think it’s my obligation.”

That was a good answer by Barr. He shouldn't be jumping to conclusions like the powers that be did on Trump. You can make your last ditch effort to save your position based on Barr's statement minds_I but it isn't what you think.

Barr is going to find out that laws were broken and the spying wasn't properly predicated. People are going to go down. People on the opposite side that you thought were going down.

I keep thinking about the back stabbing, lying, sneaky and dishonest Obama's saying over and over "When they go low, we go high". No! No they didn't. They were always going low and Trump was always on the high road.


Well-known member
Did you even read your link mate? Literally the very first thing it says is they are not cancerous tumors. "These are non-cancerous tumors that affect hearing and balance when they press on the nerve the nerves in the inner ear." I know a lot of people think Trump supporters are dumb, but, ummm, well, uhhh.....

Did you read my post at all? I know exactly what the link said. I even pre educated you about cancer and tumors. Brain cancer or brain tumor? Which do you have because your brain ISN'T WORKING.


Well-known member
Did you even read your link mate? Literally the very first thing it says is they are not cancerous tumors. "These are non-cancerous tumors that affect hearing and balance when they press on the nerve the nerves in the inner ear." I know a lot of people think Trump supporters are dumb, but, ummm, well, uhhh.....

You are the dummy. LOL! I love it when stupid people call people stupid. Now I will be blamed for starting the name calling. Rinse and repeat!

From the article... A large tumor can press on the facial nerve or brain structures.

Now go read my post. They can kill you.


Well-known member
I think if the whole Mueller report would come out not redacted it would even further prove that Trump didn't do anything wrong. The democrats are faking their outrage on it being redacted. They want to keep having something to cling on to so they can keep harping about collusion and obstruction hoping it sways the election in their favor. However, it won't matter either way, redacted or not redacted. After the evidence firmly points to all the democrats involved in the biggest political scandal of all time Trump will win in a landslide. Lock her up will become real. Maybe Clinton and Obama can be cellmates.


ICMag Donor
Tarzan, you know I will not rebuke you, If you want to believe windmills cause cancer - I'm happy for ya. Just repeat after trump wwheeuuu - wwheeuuu - wwheeuuu.


Active member
Hello all,

For your perusal:

So just how noisy are these turbines?

The closest that a wind turbine is typically placed to a home is 300 meters or more. At that distance, a turbine will have a sound pressure level of 43 decibels. To put that in context, the average air conditioner can reach 50 decibels of noise, and most refrigerators run at around 40 decibels.


So the verdict of idiocy is all but certain in this one.

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