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The Impeachment Of Trump

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Well-known member
Hello all,

So you would agree that tRump is not qualified to do the job but is qualified to fuck things up?


If low unemployment and a rocking economy on top of a conservative dominate supreme court is fucking things up im totally satisfied. The TDS is just a wonderful bonus.


Active member
Here is a bunch of good ones. Atlanta Olympics security guard, Condit and many more. CNN's pants are on fire.


When you post a link of Tucker Carlson demanding an apology because CNN covered the endless lying about Russian contact with the Trump campaign you have no credibility, just like Carlson.

If Obama, Hillary would have had all that contact you’d be ok with it?

CNN no doubt covered stories that changed as more info was revealed.

Not the same as lying, or making shit up like Tucker does daily.


Well-known member
Something tells me he will fit right in :tiphat:

As far as environmental regulations goes that is the last thing im worried about, the economy is more important for me.

The economy is fucked almost any way you look at it. Its based on an underpaid workforce overspending and using credit to purchase poorly built consumer garbage. It has nothing to do with caring for or feeding anyone. In fact it it designed to enslave and dumb down the population. Worked so good idiots elected shithead to repair the failed system the love and depend on so much.

Shithead may crash us quicker and with more hookers but this shits been spiraling down for a long time.


Well-known member
The economy is fucked almost any way you look at it. Its based on an underpaid workforce overspending and using credit to purchase poorly built consumer garbage. It has nothing to do with caring for or feeding anyone. In fact it it designed to enslave and dumb down the population. Worked so good idiots elected shithead to repair the failed system the love and depend on so much.

Shithead may crash us quicker and with more hookers but this shits been spiraling down for a long time.

Im not worried about caring for or feeding anyone, people should take care of themselves not rely on the government. The economy is rolling in my neck of the woods. Everyone is working and living a decent life. If I can make enough money to own my own house and live happily and that's all that matters. I could care less if other people have more money than me. Seems like a good number of Americans approve of Trump's economy so im not alone. :tiphat:

White Beard

Active member
I drive by ones on people's properties daily. They have .25 to .5 acre lots. The wind turbine is in the yard next to the house and maybe 50 to 100 feet up. It isn't possible to be 300 meters away. That is 3 football fields. 900 feet. LOL! Planes and choppers have to stay above 500 feet. They would still crash into your wind turbines.

You also forget the numbers that will be required. When hundreds and thousands of them occupy large areas the combined noise won't be sufficiently diminished by being 300 meters away. They would need to be everywhere there is space for them. They use Neodymium, a rare earth mineral to make the magnets in wind turbines and hybrid cars. The mining of rare earth minerals is a messy, dangerous, polluting business. It uses toxic chemicals, acids, sulfates, ammonia. The workers have little or no protection. It has cancer/tumor risks.

Wind turbines need to be combined with huge battery arrays that store the energy. There are cancer and health risk associated with marine, car and lithium batteries. The chemicals in the batteries and the energy field around them.

You are right about the certainty of the verdict. It is firmly attached to you and Brother Nature.

I have a dear friend who is an engineer who has designed a silent, bird-safe windmill capable of being mounted on a rooftop. Others are pursuing the same end.

I notice that you don’t mention solar (because ‘windmill cancer’) but the cost of solar panel production has gone down (across the board, not just in China) - WAY down, and continue to get cheaper: there is NO sensible reason for any government building /military installation to *not* have solar roofs. Doing so would by itself reduce the need for big-tech / big-problem approaches.

(Cue lecture on ‘free stuff’ in 5..4...)
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Well-known member
Hello all,

I will just leave this here:

Fox Business issues correction for botched Trump approval poll.



Stupid mistake by fox but I liked this part, 58% of Americans approve of Trump's economy. From your link.

"According to a poll from Georgetown University, 58 percent of respondents approved of the president’s handling of the economy. That portion of the graphic was right," Burman said.

Awesome, if the dems push for socialism Trump will lock in 2020. MAGA.


Well-known member
A bit overdramatic don't you think?

Other than hookers and porn stars the majority of what shithead has done has been lower environmental regulations. Partially in effort to attract industry, mostly to fix up problems his businesses have following enviroment regulations.

What do you think that means? Suddenly the pollution coorperations will suddenly go green because shit head said you can pollute more, its good for business.

Lol. Not.

And by feeding and caring for the health of the people I meant by not poisoning them. By providing clean, water and growing quality food instead of importing pesticides from wherever.


Well-known member


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White Beard

Active member
Stupid mistake by fox but I liked this part, 58% of Americans approve of Trump's economy. From your link.

"According to a poll from Georgetown University, 58 percent of respondents approved of the president’s handling of the economy. That portion of the graphic was right," Burman said.

Awesome, if the dems push for socialism Trump will lock in 2020. MAGA.

Ah, a *poll*...possibly conducted by the same individuals who made a point of creating the current mess...asked - WHO, exactly?

My guess is they asked each other
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Active member
It's amazing how worked up the lefty's get when the FBI and DOJ just might receive a lil bit of oversight. Your deep state daddies, must be allowed to decide who is going to be the president. No, voters don't get to, at least not Republicans. Damn Republican voters can't be allowed any votes. Lol. You guys crack me up. I should be sending money, it's the most comedic thing I have read in a long time.

But, but, but, but. Wait, if they did nothing wrong they should welcome the investigation, just like you guys said about Trump. Lol. The hypocrisy is amazing.

Back to the real world for me enjoy your bubble, it would be a shame to see that bubble burst.
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