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My first Red poison, jack47,sweet cheese,creme caramel all autos, first autos ever


Thank-you all for your very kind words

Right @shoes ,I'm not really getting a pepper anymore ,more of an overpowering familiar whiff of skunk ,really lovely smelling though man really ain't complaining man more of a floral citrus skunky sort of jobby!!

@big-narstie ,nah mate there autos bruvva ,no cuts ,no nuts !! Give a few of em a go though bro they really do make you notice something new everyday bro ,plus you got acres of grow space compared to me ,I'd say put 4 under one of your million lights man ,that way you get some early bud half way through a crop (I really can't take credit for this idea though that one was all shoes)and we can keep the no bud blues away for next time innit blaaaad?? As far as I know I've got 4 in there mate ,and only two so far have shown the full purple look ,I cracked 4 so 2/4 gives me a 50/50 look at it man ,
Apparently it's a much as 85% chance though ,so get poppin bro

@the Phoenix ,cheers bro ,I'm glad I'm not letting the side down !!its all about the UK scene right now !!!

Oh dinner was brilliant people Hope your not getting bullied into watching the poxy xfactor ,like some of us!! (I knew the fucked bulb was only good for a mention or two ffs I've over done it ,but at least I'm getting black ops 3 out of the deal)

Lol sorry I was on dumbass mode I'm clueless on autos but JS gave me the low down on them.

I may do that mate them RP look awesome! So how long from seed to harvest with those RP's? And what would the yield averages be?
Thinking 25 per light what results am I looking at?

Nice1 bruva


im on 50 days at the moment bro
never done em before tbh
it says 8.5 weeks but you never really know do ya ?

the shoe has worked out that 80 gram a plant x 16 is about a kg

but id be lucky to hit 85 per plant at the min ,on autos anyway

they rekon 400/550gram per square meter mate


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
im on 50 days at the moment bro
never done em before tbh
it says 8.5 weeks but you never really know do ya ?

the shoe has worked out that 80 gram a plant x 16 is about a kg

but id be lucky to hit 85 per plant at the min ,on autos anyway

they rekon 400/550gram per square meter mate

85g x 12 it is bro.. takes a special shape plant to be able to get it in the 1.2 but it can be done... I'm hoping this big one I got now will fit the bill.. shes the right shape anyway.. all cola... forgot to charge camera... might be late with my update this week..

need about 60g per pot on a 16 pot square...


i really cant wait to post my final weight and smoke report shoes

having said that though i cant wait to get to the lake on friday so looks like patients are not my strong point this week


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
its good to have stuff to look forward to brother... thats why I love this growing lark.. theres always good things ahead :D


yes deep purpz i promise il do some extra pics just for you!!!!

also im fishing on friday so im hoping i can add a couple of fish pics aswell(fingers crossed)

yeah shoes i see my life in 9-15 week cycles bro if i can get a fishing tip in every month then it breaks up my grow a bit ,plus i get to enjoy some local weed for two trips and smoke my own every third lol

hope everyone is having a good week

oh just a quick heads up to anyone feeling left out,
grow some sweet seeds lads it should cement your place in our brotherhood lolololololololololololololololololol


well im not complaining shoes my man ,your updates seem to be my midweek highlights

see people i told you this is a brotherhood


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
did we miss a mid week update or am I tripping.. looking forward to sundays anyway.. should be looking proper bo :)


Yeah I missed a midweek update but was busy bangin beaver mate Lol
(Always wondered if that's where the phrase "angry beaver" came from)

Nabs me old china I think they were at 49 days not too sure tbh stay tuned for tomorrow s update and il be sure to run my finger over the calander for you mate


Yeah I missed a midweek update but was busy bangin beaver mate Lol
(Always wondered if that's where the phrase "angry beaver" came from)

Nabs me old china I think they were at 49 days not too sure tbh stay tuned for tomorrow s update and il be sure to run my finger over the calander for you mate

Loving the good life huh....well beavers like to play with wood, I know that haha



It's Sunday people you know what that means......................

Gimmi half hour I'm just running a bath ,il get snapping some shots

Today's update will include pics of all my plants including the randoms

Until then watch the video and smoke a doobie enjoy some of what I'm listening to


Day 61(that's at you nabz)

Day 61(that's at you nabz)

Right I've had a silly mistake ,I let my Mrs look after them when I went fishing,so a massive swing in my ph happened (Mrs let it rise to 7.1)

So not the happiest update but its here never the less

red poison

big red poison

cream caramel


sweet cheese

I'm gonna potter about in my tent for a lil while so I'm going to upload a few more pics in a bit I think

Hope your all well

I'm on day 61 tbh the way they look at the moment isn't as bad as some of my previous crops also I've definitely chopped them before they looked this far before as well

Oh well its not too long till the actual chop ,I rekon some in about two weeks and some a few days after tbh ,its all good really

Sorry about pic quality as well but all of my regulars know it won't be long before I get that shiney new camera and I've just blown my mixer so I can't even have a mix so I'm not in the best of moods ATM either

Having said that if there is any comments and/or questions il be happy to respond

So until later or sooner

Take care ,stay blessed and I hope your enjoying the weekend

Cheers bgb


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
I think theyre looking good bro, that big red poison looks nearly done in terms of how flushed she is doesnt she?.. how do the trichs look at this stage? ...is that 61 days from start is it ?

I agree with the 2 weeks on everything else too :)

On the up side, at least the big swing happened during the end of flowering when youre trying induce deficiencies anyway :D


Shoes I can tell the big red is nearly done as she's swallowing pistals the trichs look amazing !!!

That terpinator is doing it right now mate my smells are beautiful !!!!! And some of my trichs have warped into weird shapes and look a load bigger !!

Yeah mate 61 days from the packet !

I'm actually gonna wait for the rest to boof out a bit more and then start my flush mate that way I can gauge what I'm doing in my next runs accordingly

I'm itching to get these blackjack seeds popping ! (Black domina x jack harer)

I'm now thinking along the lines of starting my year in Jan so I can get a full 12 month of good bud and enjoy a few crash courses in auto before then (this run and next)

Well tanks for popping in mate ,my theory in this game is a bit better than my practical at the min so next runs should always be better than the last one

I want to crack the shoes theory on the 80gr plants (cos I'd love a kg it'd deffo be my new personal best)

The Pheonix

Well-known member
looking good BGB bet that room is full to bursting .

The one i fancy doing is the black jack original, 9 weeker.

ph fluctuation for a day or so is just a small blip at this stage.

be some nice sweet smokes soon m8 ;)

Peace Bro


Yeah mate fings and toes crossed pheonie

I'm just looking forward to smoking my own next time I go fishing mate

That's my idea of heaven

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