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My first Red poison, jack47,sweet cheese,creme caramel all autos, first autos ever



OK sorry nabz forgot about them Lol I'm useally the first to ask about em

So yeah there will deffo be a yeild and smoke report in a few weeks but I think it'll bridge the gap between diary's if there is one


OK so I'm going to visit my mate in jail tommorow

It always leave as me feeling propper deflated so I'm taking an early side branch with me !

Yeah I know,I know !

Can't be good speed drying a little bud but I'm just trying to get a guage on heavyness

Thought I'd share this with you though peoples as I feel real naughty right now so I thought I'd confess my sin


[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=63172&pictureid=1507055&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

OK so I'm going to visit my mate in jail tommorow

It always leave as me feeling propper deflated so I'm taking an early side branch with me !

Yeah I know,I know !

Can't be good speed drying a little bud but I'm just trying to get a guage on heavyness

Thought I'd share this with you though peoples as I feel real naughty right now so I thought I'd confess my sin

Haha iv been guilty of the same crime

How are you planning on doing the speed dry?


[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=63172&pictureid=1507055&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

OK so I'm going to visit my mate in jail tommorow

It always leave as me feeling propper deflated so I'm taking an early side branch with me !

Yeah I know,I know !

Can't be good speed drying a little bud but I'm just trying to get a guage on heavyness

Thought I'd share this with you though peoples as I feel real naughty right now so I thought I'd confess my sin

Looking good bro! Have you ever tried speed drying with dry ice? Works pretty well as a quick dry method. Leaves the buds tasting a bit minty though.



Nice man. U happy with your sweet seeds chosings???

Well worth running again, ok don't answer that yet we'll wait til smoke report!


How old is that Dr chronic lighter mate???

Spent lots of money with him in past.. Who runs the shop these days his son?? Isit still a family business? And do they sell seed still??

Had tobe pink the lighter ay? Lol love a pink lighter never seems to go walkies when ya mates piss off home
Just dropped in on this thread and really looking forward to what you get for yields and such, I was very interested in those Red Poison autos and looks like you've had a decent grow!


Lol lads

Right @narstie I got it at productearthexpo and yeah they still do seeds and other evidence !!
It's a young fella that runs it I've got he's email around here somewhere and a discount code if I find it il send it on bruvvvah,pink is clearly the only option for any clipper cos it keeps the lighter theifing cnuts well away from them ,I got loads of lighters from there mate apparently my house eats them so the more the merrier !!and the stink in my front room kind of shows me people will love it just by smell alone lol

@biggreen come on in bro your just seeing the tail end of this thread but are around to see the birth of my next one!! Also if its the red family your interested in then hold tight mate I've got some dark devil in the bean fridge and I'm under the impression I've got a few more red poison on The way
Also cheers for the love mate its all good round here!


@nabz I've just discovered my mate doesn't really dry he's ,he just pops it on the vape but k can't work out what he loves about the chlorafil taste

@DZ nah mate never heard of it but I'm thinking of getting a few. Hunks for my next grow so I can boost co2 in the tent ,I might end up giving it a go for an early branch next run

Ooooooh new big bang theory and new blacklist ,guess I've got my travel viewing downloaded now

Roll on tomoro
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It's a lovely place to be all us lot are a little bonkers but as you can see everyone is real helpful
It's a lovely place to be all us lot are a little bonkers but as you can see everyone is real helpful

Haha I noticed! This really is a very friendly community and I'm excited to contribute in any way I can, probably not for a while since I'm still a noobie but I'll work my way up! :woohoo:


Dude we all started somewhere tbh I've only really been messing around over the time I've been growing ,now I've joined up here and done the diary here I feel like part of a great team !

I havnt been here long mate so most of what I know has been researching and trial and error I think I could have been a lot more descriptive about my feeds and changes in this diary (so even diary's are trial and error !)

I'm hoping to be a constructive part of community over the next years !!!

And my growing experiences I will be sharing with all you guys of course!

On a different note though this cream caramel has a lovely white ash when smoked and doesn't have a cut grass taste !! It's a little green tasting but there is definitely another sour creamy sweet vanilla sort of vybe to it and its taken the edge off the stressful trip so far ,I'm very glad to have them two buds with me !

As it goes I have a little heavyness to my eyes and a warm fuzzy feeling in my cheeks after just smoking my first doobie out of it

Quite impressed so far I definitely think anyone who thinks autos are not as strong as photos might need to pop a couple of these sweet little gems I really am quite hopeful for this strains potential in another few runs I rekon I can nail it

Cheers for dropping in


Quite impressed so far I definitely think anyone who thinks autos are not as strong as photos might need to pop a couple of these sweet little gems I really am quite hopeful for this strains potential in another few runs I rekon I can nail it

Cheers for dropping in

I can second that iv been well impressed with the potency of the auto kush and even the yield. Looks like one of the phenos is gonna produce about 3 0z ++. Still to try the white diesel haze thought and it's a little bit behind in production so no prediction on yields of yet.


Yeah nabz my man ,I rekon the hazez and sativa leaning phenos could go another week after I chop a couple Indy's not sure how to deal with this for future grows so I might be going back to photos after this next run of autos because then I can scrog and use less plants per grow

I'm loving the scrogs I've been looking at (shout to deeppurpz for smashing he's go at one btw)

Really inspiring stuff so meh we will see but I do know my next grows are not going to be with such a laid back attitude I'm looking to polish my techniques and get some new pb weights on my digis


Yeah nabz my man ,I rekon the hazez and sativa leaning phenos could go another week after I chop a couple Indy's not sure how to deal with this for future grows so I might be going back to photos after this next run of autos because then I can scrog and use less plants per grow

I'm loving the scrogs I've been looking at (shout to deeppurpz for smashing he's go at one btw)

Really inspiring stuff so meh we will see but I do know my next grows are not going to be with such a laid back attitude I'm looking to polish my techniques and get some new pb weights on my digis

Hmm what to do, what to do :)

I know the feeling, iv got a stash of all sorts of beans. As this was my first run with autos and iv been pretty impressed I'm thinking I may give em another chance. I have a couple of fast and vast and 2f2v that I was thinking of running side by side.

Rather than 6 in a 1.2 x 1.2 I might just cut down to 4 or 5 this time as I found it getting a bit crammed in there.

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