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Memory Loss


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
Hello Maj. its been a while but i see you still got them growun like crazy....be carefull my friend when you move'm..hope you get it fixed without problems.....hope you straighten things out in the Family 2 ...i'll be sending some good vibes my friend :wave:

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey Maj. nice line up you have, they look awesome. I'm going to grab a seat and watch these finish out. Good luck man.



End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
hey Sir heck yes bra thx for the loaner 400w hps :) i honestly think my cabs running 2-3 degrees cooler with both lights on whoooo hooooooo

hey TM as for the taste on the GK i havent let it go over 55 days 12/12 so i get the grape smell n/p but taste because i dont cure it isnt there. maybe if i cured it i would get the taste:)

hey core thx for the props yes i kicked up a notch everything is turning out great so far :).

hey BR welcome to the crazy fun of mine i love the lineup i have acuriered 4sure thx for the props .

to all my friends that ive been neglecting your grows threads im very srry just i have so much going on right now and with tryn to keep sanity. now the light is at the end of the tunnel looks like the loan will be approved 5k hell yes 175$ a month payments and im offically rental house lookn now.

pls JA bless my grow and my move pls JA keep LEO at bay untill i have my family away and safe. pls JA when im out with my family send this little phillipeno home she is pure evil purest form as a inocent little girl. she has never like my family used my eldest to get here came pregnant had an abortion left the man she really loves on the island. pls JA come take here away.

soon as my move is over i'll be more like 100% on here again just soooooo much going on right now :)
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Hey major just stopping by been a while i am sorry but i havent been about so much laterly anyway. Good news on the move all the best with it and stay cool !!
Ja Bless, ~Jah Blaze tonight have a good weekend!


Nice looking major! Those 1 gallon grow bags you got there? I am about to pick up 10 1 gallons and 10 2 gallons... they look very officiant... as do your buds :D Looks good! :lurk:


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
well 2 loans fell through fn figures but it seems my brother in laws employer will loan him 5k because he has been with them total 34.6yr but back with them since jan 1984. thank god looks like i wont be fn homeless because my eldest dosent have a set of balls to stand up to his employer. who by they way placed him in this home w/my sons 50k ins settlemnt and a 7k arm loan which had this home 2275 a month all last yr then this yr it jumped to 2575 what a fn joke. my eldest told me he didnt wanna loose the home so i bumped up my closet told him to just hang on till mid aug. well he now has a apartment and is moving saturday. this leaves me wife other son his girfriend who we've had for 3yr now and my broinlaw here with what seemd no where to go. glad my bros work care enough about him, kind shitty when your own kid uses you so his boss couldnt place renters in his home like he wanted to do.told us do this and everythings fine yea right never again will this ever happen to me or my family. my eldest is gonna learn a valuable lesson here never pick married family esp when theres no love or respect over blood family. he had cancer i walked every step of the way with him stayed 45 days in the hospitial 1st 2 month's of 06. thats when we decided to live as a family unit tribal kinda not no more !!!. enough venting.

heres prolly the last update for few wks untill i get internet up again.

1st up the blueberry kush blueberry pheno males

they seem to have very nice structure
few of the babies 2 lavender 1 strad ml 3 og kush

heres the bonsai mum sugar shack she in dire need of trim hella cuts there

the closet 2 taller in back are the kush pheno BBK's 11 sugar 1 straw d ml

3 grape krush placed in flower 6-1

3 straw d pheno ML same 6-1 flowering

scraggly but catchn up urkel pheno plant d ml placed in flwr 6-1

i may cull this pheno fast veg but ka ka on yield
heres the 4 urkel pheno plant C ml this is what im sure Jaws was tryn to achieve with this cross fast veggn urkel with some weight. these where placed in flwr 5-31

hopefully i'll be back online by chop on these on 7-31.

JA pls bless my grow and move pls shroud me in secercy when i move my girls thx.

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya Major :wave:
Sorry to hear that the family shenanigans are still going on - I can relate, one of my brothers got himself into similar situations a while back. Keeping my fingers crossed for you that all works out ok, and that you get back online sooner rather than later - will miss peepin your grow! :rasta: :joint:

The plants are looking gorgeous - as always. You did a bang up job on the sugar shack bonsai mom - :yes:

Looking forward to your 7/31 update - meanwhile I'll mumble some incantations that you have a smooth and invisible move.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
thx bro i'll be gone for few wk only hopefully this place has become my 2nd home thx Gypsy for allowing me here and to Dutchgrown and rest of staff for doing your best to keep icmag running as smooth as possible


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
yea stay low and be carefull....hope all the family probs go away soon so you can chill again and concentrate on ya hobby ...be well and move house safely....sending good vibes your way


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
hey 70's thx bro i do believe i found a house will know more tomarow when i speak with my eldest's realitor friend. the house is tucked into a quite hood which is bordered by a 55+ complex with armed gaurd lol. then the real hood most are ileagel so shouldnt have any problems, the house is 10 min's away from where i'm liven now. so moving 55 plants :bashhead: wont be near as stressful trust me them girls stink :headbange so hopefully 5-6 open and spread around fabric sheet boxs and large sealed Uhaul box's should cover any stink. i open my cab tis like hello :headbange

hey NK thx buddy things are starting to look up now

hey Core im allways below radar :headbange been grown a stones throw away from a jr high school for yr now and 3 months with my sons wife in the house she has no idea hasnt even busted me filling water jugs lmao. now that hopefully found a home the problems will be gone and i can continue with just a small hickup to deal with. thx for the vibes bro :rasta: puff puff passn

now on a side note just a little vent and just incase this person just happens to be a member here or not never know lol. after all it really is a small small world

heres a shout out to the PUNK that stole the 87 GT from my driveway @ 4am if the car isnt recovered hope ya wrap it around a pole choke on it. better hope i dont catch ya with it thieves and liers i dispise.

yepper the iceing on the cake the pinicle of my trip through hell i guess with all the ka ka ive been dealing with. my nephews 87GT is stolen i had to call him 4:20am lol but not funny and tell him i feel so bad hopefully 1 day i'll be abel to make it up if the car isnt recovered in 1 peice. woulda been in the garage but when a 65 and 99 mustang are allready there the 87GT had to be out :badday:. i have taken the coil wire off the car every night since ive moved here at the old house my truck blocked it in.the 1 night i forget BAM some PUNK ass thief gets it. Dang i'll be so glad to be rid of this house here only good thing about this house is i've growen some great smoke here for myself.

hey scrappy i'll give ya a pm with my number for when ya get to town i wont be moving till next weekend so we'll hookup i'm very close to what every1 come here for :rasta: have a safe flight

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Man Major :)wave:) you've been having a run of adventures :puppydoge Hope they find the GT in one piece - that sucks man.

But it's good reading that a new place is in the mix soon. Keepin my fingers xed for ya! :friends:


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Fuckin' thieves.

Aren't those the times you wish you'd been blowing a fattie outside? Just run out and put the blunt out on his fucking eyeball, then wash it with a little ph down.

Or just bash him in the nuts with an 8 pound sledge wrapped in razor wire.

Just your personal preference really :D


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
herd that MGJ what a adventure it's gonna be soon as my nephew answeres his PHONEEEEEEE!! lol

hey NT guess we kinda tink alike eh he he

had a visitor this afternoon and what a very small world it really is, seems my visitor maybe ileagel maybe not his english was good enough for me. this person seen the car last night and made a comment to a mutual friend of the tweakn theive. his comment was on how wrong it is to steal things from hard working ppl, well this got back to the thief who in turn hunted down my visitor today. the thieve and my visitor had exchange of words but duder wouldnt mono armono type duke city. instead duder pulls a knife gose at my visitor and his girl then slashed my visitor's tires 2 of them and smashed his windshield in. this person pulls up to my home 1 flat tire and all he only has 1 spare lol and explained what happened and he knows where the car just may be. this car thief has been out of prison 2 months and stealn cars since day 1 being out. now heres the karma reaper :headbange when he is cought he gose back and guess whatttt. his stay this round wont be near as pleasent as his last because my youngest sons girlfriend's dad is there :headbange and i've raised and kept her safe for the last 3 yr she's 18 now :muahaha: yepper duder gonna have a real bad stay.

what a small small world

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
ROTF Major - now THAT"S Karma! :spank:

Sure is a small world - you never know when life will steer a chance your way. Guess he'll have to bone up on stealing skins ( ducking :biglaugh: )...

You made my weekend dude, love seeing the positive side of karma working - be safe, be happy :wave:


Grower of fine herbs...
Good shit Maj!! that fucker is gonna get what he deserves... as stated above, its nice to see the positive side of karma come and help you out. peace
