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Memory Loss


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
hello mojo welcome to the fun asain ehhhhhhhhh i'm really a wolf in sheeps clothing i'm just being nice because of my eldest. but once he's had enough of her he he he i'll be nice but she will know how i feel !!!

hey neil yes i'm tryn to just keep me well stocked with meds :)

speaking of here's few pics the BlueBerry-Kush all 4 in 2 liters now the other 11 shacks soon few more days.

the 2 in the rear seem to display the blueberry traits kinda tall skinny leaves some have twist like my grape krush dose i think maybe the 2 in front are more of a kush pheno more squat slightly wider leaf.

and in soil as of tonight both Lavender and 2 of the 3 OG Kush other OG and the ML bonsai mum's top need more roots :woohoo: :woohoo: growen growen growen keepn them headies going smoken DA bombbbbb lol

now lets see here just what is growing now hum
Sugar Shack
Grape Krush
Memory Loss cuts from plants B,C,D
BlueBerry Kush
OG Kush

no wait theres still more to come forks spoons and animal crackers :yummy:





phew lol
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Snow Grower ~OGA~
phew is right! :yoinks:

You got a lot on your plate brother. And I get to sit here and watch it all unfold :lurk:

Lookin good :yes:


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
MPH wipes the sweat from his brows

:wave: hey TML thx yes plate is gettn full heres 11 more Sugar Shack

i do believe the end of this month i'll germ and plant the


get that a rockn and rolln i'm truely prayn for a male there this cross sound's very very interesting :woohoo:


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
Ahhhhhhhhhhh MPH takes well deserved break and exhales that hit he's been holdn for last 2 min's lol. done some rearranging tonight heres the 4 BBK and 11 Shack's part B of my 1st bigger run. 3 strains 28 plants thats a little lol
140w mixed color cfl's and 150w hps 290w bet they fill in most of the erea by next wk.

here's the cab crammed full 13 - 1 gal bags and 7 - 2 liter bottles lol

the sugar shack and ML straw d pheno sacrificed @ 45 days to make much needed room in cab. right now they sit off to the side of the room havent chopped them as of yet, may let them chill another day or 2-3 lol

top of shack plant

top of the ML

:joint: :joint: :joint: on break until later this wk when i'll play hey Mr.Carpenter man frame my upper closet for me duder he he he . i've really gotto get the other 400w light from my other bro arghhhh lol my cab in closet gose where my book shelves in the pic are now lol. then i go from a C25 style cab to full 2ftD x 9ftW x 8ftT closet i know i could run 15 - 1gal bags under each 400w hps in 2ftx3ft erea. and i'm sure i could pull 1oz fram each plant dry so this 1st run is only a partial run lol 28 plants next run will be 30. soon as i get the cab from the closet and re setup for veggn i'll pop the
CHERRY AK-47 X STRAWBERRY DIESEL 4sure and possibly
BUBBA KUSH X WHITE MUSTANG also :woohoo: :woohoo: prayn for a "WHIRLY BIRD" male lmao :bat: :bat: :yummy: i would consider a cherry ak pheno male a true blessing :kissass: on JA there lol


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
glad you got all of that transplanting done uncle.my circulation sucks in my legs when i do that crap too. you are lookin good. core you think you cant keep up. i swear i go over to his pad every other day and see with my own 2 eyes and i still cant keep up. this man is the real deal.
yo im glad you got two phenos from the BBK. i sadly lost all mine to stem rot in the rAPID ROOTER. SHYTT. it ok though i have new methods. no mo RR for me. bubble bubble from now on.
thank god you are gonna pop those beans i was gonna explode soon. ill be over today to peep the garden again. sorry i left so quickly the other day i wanted to peep it then. damn girlfriends always gettin in my way but its ok she loves me and my hobby. yo the other day when we smoked a joint of my shack and then a spliff of yours i was way high. like ripped up like when i blaze up the kush. the results just keep getting better. if you cant get that 400from G let me know i will let you use mine for a run, i just need to know so i can make a cover story and say its in storage or some shit. i can get away with it for one run. and after you will be able to pick one up theyre cheap. for $350 i can get you a 600w digi with hortilux bulb. so i figure 250-300 for the best 400w our boy carries. that is nothin considering your harvest. give up one zip and viola. you got your own.
I got my 600 for like 260$ Maj but my old lady ordered it on-line for me, You can get lots of good stuff cheap on the website I go to. I cant remember what its called but ill tell big N and you guys can check it out?? Just a suggestion grow on bro!!!!


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
hey Sir :wave: yes i'm sure glad JA has blessed me and my grow as for the BBK's yes im very glad to what seems is 2 phenos. 2 of them cuts look just like most of the blueberry grows ive seen here. the RR plugs i wasnt happy with my results w/em and why i switched to a bubbler now i'm very very happy 100% sucess. that light might be good idea because G or K isnt returning my calls :( thier just real busy and then laken on the wkends lol.
peace cya l8r today bro :)

hey UN :wave: thx buddy

hey INB :wave: online ordering of this equipment isnt my thing bra lol that leaves 1 nice paper trail for LEO to follow even though theres many uses for this kind of equipment. pluss if theres any problem with said ordered equipment it must be repackaged and shipped back to be fixed. if i buy it locally and have problem i just return it and get a loaner or replacement. not to mention i really like to owner of the shop i go to shes very very nice person. tis a drag i dont have any extra ML cuts right now or i would send few up with Sir for ya :) maybe next time.

well all peace be safe puff puff passn


Grower of fine herbs...
Hey major congrats on the harvest and all of the new genetics you and sir got to try out now. I gotta say im most excited about the SFV x White Mustang hopfully it will carry the potency of the SFV and give you a decent yeild, let alone the idea of the combined flavor of the two. but to end my rant all your gear is looking great, keep it growin.

takes the joints puffs... puffs and passes right down the line.

Im agree online is sketchy and i wish I had the access you had to hydro shops and equipment like you do. I DO NOT like my situation up here supplies wise. i have to drive 30 miles for dirt and nutes it sux!!!! Im gonna come down there soon with some $$$ and a list to stock up. Im gonna get in touch with ya when I do!!! If thats cool?


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
ill get you that light tomorrow ok. probably by the time you read this. hopefully we can keep it there for fifty 60 days before we need it for veg at my spot. i will make it happen.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
thx bro as ya know it is very much needed :( :) i just pray i can stay long enough to finish them need till aug 10-12. so 'll be in new place w/in 2 months otherwise i'll be moving plants and shittn bricks the whole time lol

july 31 the 1st - 13 plants will be done and the other 15 long as thier in by the 17th this month they'll be ready 10-12 aug!!


Grower of fine herbs...
WOO HOOO nice score on the much needed 400 watter!!! Hope everything is kickin ass for you Maj u rock dude!!!



On the road to clone only...
I know what ya mean by shittin' bricks..I had to move a 6 plant grow about 30 miles..I was freakin'..


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
i just did the same. i mean moving plants. i moved six and like 15 clones. wew glad thats over. i tok neighborhood streets for like 15 miles to keep safe. tonight i get to move the equipment. wont that be fun( hell no ) but it has to get done. see ya later maj.


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
INB you also got that piece of shit scrubber online... so you never know what youre gonna get online at discount. unfortunately


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
hey NK :wave: yes when the light gets here lol tis a nice very needed score thx for the props

hey scrappy :wave: chittn bricks isnt fun for sure and hurts lmao, if i have to move before 7-31 i'll have 28 plants in flower alone :chin: and the reason why i'll be chittn. then i'll have 20-22 other plants to move :chin: the veggers dont bother me but my in flower smells to high heaven w/out the scrubber on.

hey Sir :wave: ya musta got hung up tonight lol be safe cya soon

heres a few pics for those following the grow :) :joint:
the 4 urkel phenos plant C Memory Loss 10 days 12/12 stretch seems over they kinda got crazy in the 1 gal bags lmao

top view

in the back ground of the above pic is a ML urkel pheno plant D that didnt stretch hum.
heres the other 3 grape krush against the right side 3 straw d pheno plant B 3 other plant D's

heres 3 of the 5 shacks in the 2 liter bottels that where twice FIM'd they'll be done 30th this month and what i'll have to smoke when scrappy come's to town. these shacks are gettn hit every watering with guanos now

heres better pic that shows the GK's structure 3 plants on right side

heres the other 15 coming alone nicely also in pic is the straw d pheno ML bonsai mum in training

heres 14 ML and GK cuts taken the other day the larger cut is the main top from the straw d ML bonsai also in pic is my 1st bonsai mum of Sugar Shack she was a cut taken 6-6-06 i've kept her alive and well for 1yr now shes in despert need of a trim. lmao ifn i had another bubbler i would shave 15-20 cuts from her also, trust me i could pull that from her now n/p

heres the 3 OG Kush and 2 Lavender cuts doing nice the wilted OG was just planted last night she'll stand up day or 2 n/p

well about all for now in MPH's garden just busy busy with a move on the horizon


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
yeah i got hung up sorry. i had to eat dinner with my mom and two hours later i had dinner and a movie at my girlfriend's mom's. get there tomorrow. i forgot about the dinner plans cause they are the least important thing on my mind lately. sleepy is comin to town eh.... have to get him lifted for sure if i meet him.
peace til manana.

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