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Joe Biden Thread



I'm pretty sure that's a look or horror, if you watch the video of when that picture was taken grandpa joe grabs her hard by the arm then forces his way into her personal space and steals a kiss from that poor young girl.

I can only imagine how she felt with his cold leathery old man hands all over her and then to have to smell his Ensure stinking old man breath as he leans in for a kiss.

It was a real #metoo moment


Comfortably numb!
The worst part about it all is that there may be a lot of basis to much of this and that may have been the plan all along. Hillary wanted Donnie to be her Pied Piper and maybe now Joe is doing it for Donnie(though honestly Joe just seems lost most of the time). We're in a situation where we have a president who has hinted he might not leave office willingly and criminal investigations that might provide basis for arresting Biden. We have never had a sitting president arrest a president-elect. Its important to consider the possibility. Trump has replaced nearly 1/3 of the entire judiciary and completely stacked SCOTUS; he can easily muddy the waters on this for a couple years and there are unhinged loonies all over the place willing to obey him like he's their big orange god.

Each time its all about using the most absurd choice from each side and using them to scare the other team so bad they stop questioning the idiot on their side. Meanwhile nobody offers any real policies that really fix anything and the world lives in fear of drone warfare and imperial ambitions of several major world powers. It truly makes me wonder if there's any hope for humanity even in the short term(obviously there isn't in the long term). Trump and Biden are both such deeply contemptible people, and millions of people are handing them money and getting all excited about them. I just don't seem to have whatever brain worm most humans have that lets them see a massive bag of shit as a gift to humanity. How do we keep ending up in this position as a species?
What else is new?


Well-known member


  • w52qcr0ih1v51.jpg
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Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
I'm pretty sure that's a look or horror, if you watch the video of when that picture was taken grandpa joe grabs her hard by the arm then forces his way into her personal space and steals a kiss from that poor young girl.

I can only imagine how she felt with his cold leathery old man hands all over her and then to have to smell his Ensure stinking old man breath as he leans in for a kiss.

It was a real #metoo moment

you should look into a new and less creepy hobby...maybe stamp collecting...


you should look into a new and less creepy hobby...maybe stamp collecting...

There is zero excuses for what Joe does to children and women. He deserves to be publicly shamed for his disgusting behavior and the people that voted for him need to be reminded of what they did when they gave their vote to that total pervert and creep.


The worst part about it all is that there may be a lot of basis to much of this and that may have been the plan all along. Hillary wanted Donnie to be her Pied Piper and maybe now Joe is doing it for Donnie(though honestly Joe just seems lost most of the time). We're in a situation where we have a president who has hinted he might not leave office willingly and criminal investigations that might provide basis for arresting Biden. We have never had a sitting president arrest a president-elect. Its important to consider the possibility. Trump has replaced nearly 1/3 of the entire judiciary and completely stacked SCOTUS; he can easily muddy the waters on this for a couple years and there are unhinged loonies all over the place willing to obey him like he's their big orange god.

Each time its all about using the most absurd choice from each side and using them to scare the other team so bad they stop questioning the idiot on their side. Meanwhile nobody offers any real policies that really fix anything and the world lives in fear of drone warfare and imperial ambitions of several major world powers. It truly makes me wonder if there's any hope for humanity even in the short term(obviously there isn't in the long term). Trump and Biden are both such deeply contemptible people, and millions of people are handing them money and getting all excited about them. I just don't seem to have whatever brain worm most humans have that lets them see a massive bag of shit as a gift to humanity. How do we keep ending up in this position as a species?

it really is sad, but thats where we are. idiocracy is just around the corner, but there will be a highly educated core of elites who program the rest of us using ai powered bot networks to influence and distract public opinion with divisive nonsense while keeping us well entertained with videos of people getting kicked in the balls etc.


Active member
It's funny watching the right try and parse words.

Sorry Trumpers. Words do have meanings and are clearly defined.

Go ahead and try to convince people bleach isn't a disifectant.

disinfectant noun

dis·?in·?fec·?tant | \ ?dis-in-?fek-t?nt \
plural disinfectants
Definition of disinfectant
: an agent used to disinfect something
especially : a chemical agent that is used especially on hard surfaces and in water (such as drinking water or wastewater) to destroy, inactivate, or significantly reduce the concentration of pathogens (such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi)
NOTE: Common chemical disinfectants include chlorine, calcium and sodium hypochlorite, iodophor, phenol, ethanol, and quaternary ammonium compounds. Disinfectants are often distinguished from sterilants by having reduced effectiveness against dormant bacterial endospores.


Well-known member
It's funny watching the right try and parse words.

Sorry Trumpers. Words do have meanings and are clearly defined.

Go ahead and try to convince people bleach isn't a disifectant.

disinfectant noun

dis·?in·?fec·?tant | \ ?dis-in-?fek-t?nt \
plural disinfectants
Definition of disinfectant
: an agent used to disinfect something
especially : a chemical agent that is used especially on hard surfaces and in water (such as drinking water or wastewater) to destroy, inactivate, or significantly reduce the concentration of pathogens (such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi)
NOTE: Common chemical disinfectants include chlorine, calcium and sodium hypochlorite, iodophor, phenol, ethanol, and quaternary ammonium compounds. Disinfectants are often distinguished from sterilants by having reduced effectiveness against dormant bacterial endospores.



  • auntiffa.jpg
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Active member
The main problem is that you're so hypocritical and full of shit about all of this. Yes, Biden is a horrible creep and that is nothing new; but your team is so utterly blind to the fact that your guy is just like him. Trump can outright admit he molests pageant girls and you don't give a fuck about that because you really don't care about the kids; you really only love your demagogue

The fact that a moderator here repeatedly and consistently attempts to shame members for recognizing and calling out Bidens' immoral behavior, is beyond any depth of reasoning IMO.
This is very unbecoming and not funny in the least.

How did you become a moderator again? How do you even feel good about normalizing this type of behavior?

As a young victim, I certainly recognize the terror in that young ladies face.

Do you not recognize the body language the children he gropes are displaying?
If not... you then are a part of the ever growing problem.

The lack of ethics and integrity shown here thoroughly and completely disgust me.

Would be nice to be able to put mods on ignore.

In my experience, moderators are generally just overseers to keep order and are intended to be unbiased and umm "moderate". Not parading around proud of their "ban hammer", insulting members and the rest of the outright bs you pull.

This description however suites you much more succinctly me thinks:


An internet virus.

A very little man, probably the spawn of J. Edgar Hoover with Cromwellian tendencies of stamping out opposing views on internet forums and chat rooms and rewarding sycophants. He's long given up the stakeout, the binoculars and the wire taps in favor of online activities behind the scenes. The more banal the website topic or thread, the crueler his tactics and iron fist becomes. His past is riddled with rejection, inability to hold a job or maintain friendships. And this arena, or "forum" is precisely the drug he needs to fulfill his illusions of grandeur and the taste of power over others."

From the Urban dictionary.

Gonna follow me around now trying to find a reason to ban me? Maybe check other threads to see if I really grow weed? pfft smfh.


all of this might've mattered at some point before electing president grab a pussy. but alas here we are.

I love how you jumped right off of bernie's lap and onto bidens.

With bernie I almost kind of got it because bernie fervently believed in his communist rhetoric and has held true to his beliefs his entire political career albeit he's done absolutely nothing.

With Biden he's basically just left of nazi on drugs and has a history of blatant racism and he's been a career flip flopper so much so that even on the campaign trail he will flip flop on the same subject more than twice in the same week. He also lies out his ass on a regular basis as the can barely remember where he is half the time. All the while doing almost nothing in his 47 years in office aside from his claim to fame 1994 crime bill that disproportionately put thousands of blacks in prison for small amounts of drugs.



Active member
Ok Mr Sanctimonious, who exactly are you voting for if you're not willing to vote for a molester?

I don't get this. How does one make it okay for the other? How is this a legitimate talking point? How the hell do you cats normalize this behavior from grown men?

Oh... but but but... your guy did it too!


If those were your children would it still be a okay?

Are all you folks outta your ever loving gourds?

ah, ffs sigh.

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