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Joe Biden Thread


Active member
With Biden he's basically just left of nazi on drugs and has a history of blatant racism and he's been a career flip flopper so much so that even on the campaign trail he will flip flop on the same subject more than twice in the same week. He also lies out his ass on a regular basis as the can barely remember where he is half the time. All the while doing almost nothing in his 47 years in office aside from his claim to fame 1994 crime bill that disproportionately put thousands of blacks in prison for small amounts of drugs.

You don't seem to have any clue whatsoever what the Left-Right spectrum is supposed to mean and where Nazi fits on that spectrum. Its a sad testament to our education system that you can't seem to figure it out. You can be "Left" of a Nazi and be almost anything.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Looks like the pics are of Hunter fucking his (then underage?) niece. Turns out he had a porn hub channel where he was posting his vids and used a pic of her ass as the wallpaper for his little channel. Now Joe is traveling around with her keeping her close because she is an important witness/huge liability. ..which is why Guliani turned over the evidence (because "these witnesses need to be protected").

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
So, what was the dem's october surprise? ..that trump paid a filing fee for his taxes and the fee was $750?

It's going to be a historic victory!
Trump 2020!

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
You don't seem to have any clue whatsoever what the Left-Right spectrum is supposed to mean and where Nazi fits on that spectrum. Its a sad testament to our education system that you can't seem to figure it out. You can be "Left" of a Nazi and be almost anything.

Nazis were environmentalist, anti-capitalist, socialist, globalists who believed in 'social justice' (their version of it), and believed that all of lifes problems were the fault of one particular race of people and that the world would be better off without them.

So, what am I missing here?


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
The fact that a moderator here repeatedly and consistently attempts to shame members for recognizing and calling out Bidens' immoral behavior, is beyond any depth of reasoning IMO.
This is very unbecoming and not funny in the least.

How did you become a moderator again? How do you even feel good about normalizing this type of behavior?

As a young victim, I certainly recognize the terror in that young ladies face.

Do you not recognize the body language the children he gropes are displaying?
If not... you then are a part of the ever growing problem.

The lack of ethics and integrity shown here thoroughly and completely disgust me.

Would be nice to be able to put mods on ignore.

In my experience, moderators are generally just overseers to keep order and are intended to be unbiased and umm "moderate". Not parading around proud of their "ban hammer", insulting members and the rest of the outright bs you pull.

This description however suites you much more succinctly me thinks:


An internet virus.

A very little man, probably the spawn of J. Edgar Hoover with Cromwellian tendencies of stamping out opposing views on internet forums and chat rooms and rewarding sycophants. He's long given up the stakeout, the binoculars and the wire taps in favor of online activities behind the scenes. The more banal the website topic or thread, the crueler his tactics and iron fist becomes. His past is riddled with rejection, inability to hold a job or maintain friendships. And this arena, or "forum" is precisely the drug he needs to fulfill his illusions of grandeur and the taste of power over others."

From the Urban dictionary.

Gonna follow me around now trying to find a reason to ban me? Maybe check other threads to see if I really grow weed? pfft smfh.

good stuff...

the boss asked me,that's how i got to be a mod,feel free to take it up with him...

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Better to think of these things as a ring. On one side you have the third reich (fascism) and on the other you have the abolitionists (liberty/equality).


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
You don't seem to have any clue whatsoever what the Left-Right spectrum is supposed to mean and where Nazi fits on that spectrum. Its a sad testament to our education system that you can't seem to figure it out. You can be "Left" of a Nazi and be almost anything.


Only nine states and the District of Columbia require one year of U.S. government or civics, while 30 states require a half year and the other 11 states have no civics requirement. While federal education policy has focused on improving academic achievement in reading and math, this has come at the expense of a broader curriculum. Most states have dedicated insufficient class time to understanding the basic functions of government.

nevermind global governance, history, economics.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I'm pretty sure that's a look or horror, if you watch the video of when that picture was taken grandpa joe grabs her hard by the arm then forces his way into her personal space and steals a kiss from that poor young girl.

I can only imagine how she felt with his cold leathery old man hands all over her and then to have to smell his Ensure stinking old man breath as he leans in for a kiss.

It was a real #metoo moment

I certainly agree and did watch that video and a number of others which I found sickening. Personally, I believed they ended the deal for Biden but I was wrong and here we are. > one old pervert VS one old equally scummy pervert who is 6 times as dangerous and evil. What's up USA?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Looks like the pics are of Hunter fucking his (then underage?) niece. Turns out he had a porn hub channel where he was posting his vids and used a pic of her ass as the wallpaper for his little channel. Now Joe is traveling around with her keeping her close because she is an important witness/huge liability. ..which is why Guliani turned over the evidence (because "these witnesses need to be protected").

Did the DOJ come out,and disprove the hunter laptop along with emails,texts,photos ?


I certainly agree and did watch that video and a number of others which I found sickening. Personally, I believed they ended the deal for Biden but I was wrong and here we are. > one old pervert VS one old equally scummy pervert who is 6 times as dangerous and evil. What's up USA?

What could be more dangerous than a senile career politician?

Biden has been in office for 47 years if american history and has a proven track record of voting against and undermining the best interest of america for all of those 47 years.

Think of the war on drugs, think of abortion rights, etc.. erc..Biden has always on the wrong side of history.

Now trump, regardless of how you feel about him as a person he is a lot of things but he is not a politician.

He has not been in office for the last 47 years voting against America and putting more laws on the books to rape more tax money and out americans in jail like Biden has.

Watch bidens speech on the 1994 crime bill the guy is basically foaming at the mouth with hard on for the idea of locking ppl up.

The only thing worse is kamala the phony african american puppet that blew a married mayor to advance in politics.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
What could be more dangerous than a senile career politician?

Biden has been in office for 47 years if american history and has a proven track record of voting against and undermining the best interest of america for all of those 47 years.

Think of the war on drugs, think of abortion rights, etc.. erc..Biden has always on the wrong side of history.

Now trump, regardless of how you feel about him as a person he is a lot of things but he is not a politician.

He has not been in office for the last 47 years voting against America and putting more laws on the books to rape more tax money and out americans in jail like Biden has.

Watch bidens speech on the 1994 crime bill the guy is basically foaming at the mouth with hard on for the idea of locking ppl up.

The only thing worse is kamala the phony african american puppet that blew a married mayor to advance in politics.

Now that is just your propagandized side talking. Trump certainly is a politician. Before he ever entered politics, I knew him as a conman thief along with all his morally corrupt activities. I viewed him also as a whiney cling-on wannabe, trying to hang out with Hollywood types...sucking up to Clintons, Epstein and whomever would have him.

I highly doubt that you have taken an objective survey of Biden's career. However, were he a ham sandwich, which is not far off the mark, I'd vote for him over Trump.


Trump has been solid as a rock saying the same things since the 80s.

Donald Trump: "I don't want to be president" - entire 1987 CNN interview (Larry King Live)


Trump on the oprah show 1988



Well-known member


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