Captain Red Eye
Active member
one man in a party who's base depends on hating those exact minority groups
I think gay people that want the State to approve their marriages are going about it wrong.
"Gay marriage rights" in context with government is a misnomer and word abuse.
Straight people that wish to get married usually seek government permission to "officialize" their marriage, they pay a fee (cha -ching! ) and hope the government grants them a license.
Until relatively recently government decided who all people could and could not marry. They still do, just not as much as they did. If an external party makes or reduces your choices for you, we're not talking about a right. Rights don't require permission to be exercised, those are revokable privileges.
If gay people want the same marriage setup as straight people, they would only be getting "equality of oppression", not gaining any kind of actual right. Equality of oppression is not worth fighting for.
Gay people and straight people and anyone seeking to be married should only need the permission and agreement of the person(s) they are marrying.
Conservatives don't suffer any damage to their own marriages when they seek to block gay people from being married. It's their way of letting out their inner control freak. Liberals. have control freak behavior too, they just don't like to admit it and hide behind imaginary constructs like "society and "social contracts" as lame explanations for their controlling behaviors.
Arguments between ultraconservative types vs gay people seeking gov't approved marriages, is really like a slave on slave bickering session. "Oppress us gay people equally government"
Funny for me to watch really.