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Gorilla Glue #4

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Me and 5leggoat got SLH seeds before they where released to the public. We both had to do a grow report for GHS. When we gave our reports to GHS they raised the price of these seeds. Sorry guys that was our fault lol..
LOL! never bought GH fortunately... even when they offered a pack of free SSH fem to try when I blamed their marketing pic of SSH, I said naw.

I'm hyped by the Shanti VS Arjan story...

they can start to fem and sell GG4 anyways anydays... Arjan is an Arjan. and Franco is not that franco.


I got a pack of super lemon haze an didn't get even 1 keeper they all kinda lacked potency an density tasted good tho. I see people sayin how awesome it is an wonder if I just got a bad pack. Once bitten twice shy tho....lol


I met with WeCAN, Perry the MMJ lobbiest, a seed bank owner, 2 growers from Oregon, 2 other growers from Nevada, and a few other organizations were in attendance at the meeting. From this meeting, I understand that there is no legislation currently written for clones in the way MMJ can be sold from one person to another to grow a crop or medicine.

The guys who are crafting these bills are doing right now. They are in Nevada working on it. The lobbiest we have in Nevada is one of the same lobbiests who crafted the laws for full legalization in Oregon.

As far as clone houses go? Its being done, clone houses, but they (clones) are not being genetically certified. What myself and the growers were upset about was how clones can be branded as one thing, but they are something else. With GG4 in my pipe, my mind was all about protecting the rights of the original breeder(s) of mother plants, much like the peach industry protects the rights of seed breeders. Clones have to be represented in the laws.

Arent they just starting to map cannabis genetically? Wont it take time to build a data base for reference and a reliable an cheap testing method?
I dunno, id rather run a few fakes than be tracked too, this is the next step in my eyes, what now they know how many clones you buy an exactly which strain you run.
Next step is the irs at your door saying you bought 10 blue dream clones they yield a max of 10lbs per plant pay up...
Think it wont happen?
I got a buddy who bought 2 gram containers to distribute his .5 gram doses of concentrate to patients in... irs comes thru an says you order 2000 of these they hold 2 grams a piece heres your bill, he explained an provided photo evidence via his weedmaps ad that he only sold .5 gram doses.
But they simply said you cannot prove they werent full, pay up or go to jail.
Whats to stop them from applying the same math to plants?
More freedom less regulation.
quit lookin for big brother to protect you. Knowledge is power
Im all for gettin the creator of a strain like the glue rewarded but we don't need to take lessons from monsanto.
I dont know if I agree with copywrtiting nature. Theres gotta be a better way.
What happens when one company buys up all those copyrights quietly?
Then we find out most cannabis is related... what does ANYONE but that company have now?
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Arent they just starting to map cannabis genetically? Wont it take time to build a data base for reference and a reliable an cheap testing method?
I dunno, id rather run a few fakes than be tracked too, this is the next step in my eyes, what now they know how many clones you buy an exactly which strain you run.
Next step is the irs at your door saying you bought 10 blue dream clones they yield a max of 10lbs per plant pay up...
Think it wont happen?
I got a buddy who bought 2 gram containers to distribute his .5 gram doses of concentrate to patients in... irs comes thru an says you order 2000 of these they hold 2 grams a piece heres your bill, he explained an provided photo evidence via his weedmaps ad that he only sold .5 gram doses.
But they simply said you cannot prove they werent full, pay up or go to jail.
Whats to stop them from applying the same math to plants?
More freedom less regulation.
Crack a seed an maybe learn the trade, quit lookin for big brother to protect you. Knowledge is power
Im all for gettin the creator of a strain like the glue rewarded but we don't need to take lessons from monsanto.
I dont know if I agree with copywrtiting nature. Theres gotta be a better way.
What happens when one company buys up all those copyrights quietly?
Then we find out most cannabis is related... what does ANYONE but that company have now?

Hey High Stoney! Thanks for the response.

I was told that their are 5 labs that have completed both a data reference and a cheap test. Of these 5, only two are in the USA and both are in Calif.

This is the talk so far... mind you... JUST the talk that I was listening to.

As far as the lobbiest was saying, There is no tracking in place for anyone who makes a purchase. What they are suggesting is a license for a certain plant, and that plants' genetic make-up is in the license. A person keeping mothers and cutting from mothers would get a set of certification forms. This insures the owner of the mother plant is getting paid.

What your buddy did is pay no taxes at all, and that always generates the IRE of the IRS. :) Had he paid them or tracked what he had sold, he could have showed he sold some for less, some for much more, some he gave away, but if he has no records, the IRS wins.

I sold registered angus cattle. I took nine rail cars to auction, didnt claim the cattle as they were my brothers. IRS sent me a bill for 20 more head than I had, because my brother didnt have the damn blue moving tags. Its the same thing that happened to your buddy. If you are running a LEGAL business, then you have to keep records, or IRS will guess what you owe them. And they dont guess well on your side. :(

If you want to prove what you sold.. or didnt, then keep legal records!! We arent talking about running MMJ businesses as illegal companies, and when you are legal, you have to keep records.

This is coming guys, so while we have a chance to put the bug in the ear of someone who is writing legislation that will help.. or hurt.. clone breeders, then lets think about what we want the laws to say, or they will write them without us having a voice.

I am just thinking of Josey.. and how all these clones of his.. should have made him a multi millionare.. but it didnt. That needs to change.

Crack a seed and learn a trade? :) Umm.. I currently am running 9 strains. I come from a background of commercial fruit growers, specifically peaches. I can drive forklift, fly an ag cat, or drive a bobtail, and nothing compares to the joy, and frustration of growing this plant called cannabis.

I am certainly NOT looking for big brother to protect me! I am letting you know that people that control big brother are currently writing legislation that will affect clones. They asked for input from real growers. Only five people there were growers who actually had planted, vegged and flowered cannabis.

What I am more concerned about is this legislation taking away control from the very growers who are breeding mothers. The way they were talking, they were not considering clones at all, because the guys are all politicos and lobbyists, not growers!

Having watched and having first hand observation of Monsanto tests run on orchards in the 1970's in the Sacramento valley, I can assure you, I want nothing to do with that sort of testing.

I agree with you about copywriting, I dont think thats the right way either. It doesn't give a genetic tag or marker to an individual plant for clones.


Sorry about the crack a seed comment... was uncalled for, I actually removed it within a couple minutes.
My friend actually did pay taxes believe it or not, he had accountants an the whole shot went to a lot of effort to stay "legal". Scared me right out of the dispensaey game an back into my rooms.
Thats the thing that got him unfortunately, he did report and he did pay but they saw the money and said gimmie!
I think some sort of organizing needs to be done but it shouldn't be legislated.
Perhaps a growers coop like the Sunkist growers? I think our power is in organization and representation not legislation.
Id be interested to hear jw speak up, it doesnt seem to me he had any intention at all of makin a million dollars. In fact he passes em for free an asks others to do the same.
Why does everything have to be about making the most money you possibly can?
Are we the new pharmaceutical industry???
It could work like what you say an protect new people without another source but its ripe for abuse in so many ways thats whats scary.
Provide easy cheap genetic testing an leave it at that.
Perhaps provide a centralized forum to publicly report genetically verified fakes and their vendors. Thats a reaource id love to see
The market will handle the rest on its own I think, cant imagine fake clones sellers gettin many repeat customers.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Chop chop tonight.. You think there's 4oz there he he

Sorry about the crack a seed comment... was uncalled for, I actually removed it within a couple minutes.
My friend actually did pay taxes believe it or not, he had accountants an the whole shot went to a lot of effort to stay "legal". Scared me right out of the dispensaey game an back into my rooms.
Thats the thing that got him unfortunately, he did report and he did pay but they saw the money and said gimmie!
I think some sort of organizing needs to be done but it shouldn't be legislated.
Perhaps a growers coop like the Sunkist growers? I think our power is in organization and representation not legislation.
Id be interested to hear jw speak up, it doesnt seem to me he had any intention at all of makin a million dollars. In fact he passes em for free an asks others to do the same.
Why does everything have to be about making the most money you possibly can?
Are we the new pharmaceutical industry???
It could work like what you say an protect new people without another source but its ripe for abuse in so many ways thats whats scary.
Provide easy cheap genetic testing an leave it at that.
Perhaps provide a centralized forum to publicly report genetically verified fakes and their vendors. Thats a reaource id love to see
The market will handle the rest on its own I think, cant imagine fake clones sellers gettin many repeat customers.

Stoney.. damn skippy! I love your comments!

I took no offense at the "crack the seed" comment. I figured because I was female, you'd suppose I had no skillz. S'ok, get it all the time. :)

Sounds like your friend needs better lawyers, if thats the case. Thats illegal, and he should/could sue. He needs an IRS lawyer. That fuckin sucks. I went down the same road when I was audited, but I had a great lawyer. Damn.. really sorry to hear about that happening. It shouldnt have.

And truely, I believe that that cops arresting people for MMJ is just like a dragon breathing his last flames, they are trying to get in everything they can because they are pissed that the voices of the people are finally being heard and we are legal. We SHOULD have been legal all along.

I agree totally that this should not be legislated. Not growers, but some sort of tracking with plants should be happening. I believe it starts at the top.. with the growers.

My dad grows for Sunkist and is part of their co-op, and much of what I want to do is a copy of what Sunkist already does, but there has to be modifications for clones. Right now, there is nothing being legislated about clones, only full grown plants for production, or seeds.

Nevada does not stipulate the difference between a full grown plant and a cutting. There is no "seedling" definition. This HAS to be put into place for plant count. Seedlings are not considered viable, juvenile plants are considered viable. This becomes very important for plant count.

In Oregon, you can have a plant that is a foot tall and a foot wide and it is considered NOT a plant, it is a clone or seedling, so doesnt count for plant count. Now understand why we need this same legislation? It matters a LOT for plant count.

Although, I started this with Josey in mind, it isnt about just him, its about ALL growers who have started incredible mothers that everyone wants and everyone will sell their soul to get. We must support those growers who find phenomes.

Those guys MUST be financially protected, so that they CAN continue to produce the wonderful phenomes they can produce.

Yes, Josey does pass out cuts for no charge, but what about the places who are claiming they have GG4 and SELLING them? Thats NOT why you give away your produce, you give it away because you want others to enjoy it. Its one thing to give something away, and something else for your gift to be the vehicle that drives someone else into money.

I wouldnt be all about this, except for I see people, dispensaries and other retail places offering GG4. If the owner of the plant NEVER wants it sold, he has NOTHING to stand on if the patent of the plant isnt protected. By doing this, then Josey has the right, as the owner of the mother, to call up the dispensaries selling his clones or dried flowers and say 'STOP, you do not have permission and you DO NOT have a true GG4 plants so you are damaging my reputation for GG4"

Thats far more valuable than money...your reputation. If Josey wants to have the plant given away, then he should be able to call ANYONE who has his genetics and demand they stop selling, or give him a portion of the proceeds.

We cant stop the sellers, but under these guidelines, we can honor the wishes and desires of the men and women who grow amazing cannabis mothers.

No, we arent the new Parm industry, but we will spawn an entire new industry for this.

You got it... this would be a way to have a centralized forum to stop fakes and their vendors, and give the growers of the mothers some legal protection.

Unfortunately, there was a massive place in Calif called Clone Depot. They WERE doing exactly what I am suggesting. They were selling clones labled as one thing, but werent the genetics they claimed. Lots of seed growers and mother owners got screwed with bad reps because the wrong clones were being sold as something they werent. Clone Depot operated for a long time before being closed by the feds. They were one of the operations that got hung in the massive fed bust they had a few years after business flourished in Calif with no legislation.

What do you think Stoney? Please tell me.. do you think this will work? I'd love to fire one up with you and talk some more. Lemme know if you ever get to Vegas!!!!
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Lol I hadnt even considered you were a woman actually, with you 100% on plant numbers, that has to be fixed. Its the genetic tradmarking that spooks me Gotta be another way, perhaps a brand?
Like sunkist does with its coop growers they meet a standard consumers expect that standard. there will always be people workin dishonestly but thats why you buy sunkist because you know that brand means quality. We will always have 99 cent store knock offs...lol
You should start a new thread for this, it is not so much a gg4 problem as a industry wide issue. Maybe canna business section?
Im gonna be in vegas right around the 7th this month pickin up my new pup.


Active member
LOL! never bought GH fortunately... even when they offered a pack of free SSH fem to try when I blamed their marketing pic of SSH, I said naw.

I'm hyped by the Shanti VS Arjan story...

they can start to fem and sell GG4 anyways anydays... Arjan is an Arjan. and Franco is not that franco.

Lucky you... huge dissappintment with GHS.
Would not doubt that Arjan will have the original (not s1, I know this isn't possible) GG#4 seeds for sale, or at least that's what it will sound like with the details.

You got that right.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Yes it is. I use be a huge oil head. It's all I used. It started to hurt to much from coughing.

Who went to the Denver cup ???


My gg4 shatter

you should try to a evo cloud from vapexhale frostbite.
Super low temp dabs wax usually kills me an I dont even cough unless I try to be a hero an take a huge rip or 2 or 3 in a row quick style.
I think its much smoother than an enail.
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