Weezard has been claiming this works since at least 2011. He had a thread going somewhere else on it. Other folks took his advice and all reported great success. Keeps spider mites at bay as well. Sure he'll elaborate for us. Dryer sheets, gonna wrap my mommies up like mummys lol.
Now hold on there, that's not right.
I have no evidence that the mites give a sheet about them sheets.
I do occasionally see a leaf with mite bites, but when I investigate, they are usually gone, something has already eaten them.
Therein lies a tale.
5 years ago, I was using tanglefoot, and moats to keep the ants off my plants.
Because, back on the mainland in Ca, the ants were aphid ranchers.
They would bring their "cows" to graze on my weed.
Here, is quite different. When one of dem ants tried to eat a hole in my leg, I took a closer look.
Under a scope, they look fierce, Those mandible were obviously those of a predator!
Did some research and found that they are an invasive species brought here by the Sugarcane farms to control cane borers.
So I put them to work as my mite minions.
Removed the moats, stopped with the tanglefoot and hung out a welcome sign that said, No poisons on these plants.
They patrol my crop all day long and I've actually seen them gobbling mites.
Some days, you eat the bear, yah?