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Fungus gnats or WINGED ROOT APHIDS???


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You didnt have to kill everything you should have took cuttings and washed them real quick and bagged them shut. Then you'd just have to reset. Sorry for your loss. 10% bleach solution and rinse or at very least micronized sulfur dunks on all incoming and finished rooting cuts from now on. You wont have any more bug problems.


Most Loved
Unfortunately the fuckers are still present... I think I knocked them back but they're still around and now also doing visible damage again. What a nightmare. As I can't get my hands on any botanigard here in Europe (only option is to order from the US and then it gets way too pricey) I have found an alternative product containing Beauveria Bassiana at a fraction of the cost and will give it a try. It's a fungus and from what i've read it gets into the bugs and kills them from the inside and others have said it did the job nicely. Back shortly oh man...
i've been fighting em too the past few months. i spray my veg plants with soap+oil+essential+hydrogenperoxide try cinnamon oil and rosemary and peppermint together with the standard teaspoon of soap and teaspoon of vegetable oil mixture you would make as a leaf wash. i add hydrogen peroxide because of its effect on living cells. i assume maybe it'll help kill the adults. since the larvae live on leaves i tried bti water (mosquito dunk) mixed into the water when im not using the hydrogen which i assume would kill the bacteria. but between that spraying all my plants in veg as near to daily as i could manage... definitely gonna have to get a 3 day streak going to start seeing any benefit, same as with spidermites... the colder weather cooling down the space, aggresive leaf removal and spraying the top of the soil also. i think i've beat them out of my grow area. theyre still present somewhere near my houseplants which dont seem to get effected in other parts of the house. but if i put a seedling or seomthing under the same light as my houseplants ill start seeing the telltale signs.

thats how im sure i ended up with them in my grow room in the first place. but yeah try spraying daily with soapy oily water. when you shake up the bottle it should be like a white colored water not too bubbly. if its bubbly, too much soap, if its oily instead of white when you shake it up then theres too much oil in the mix. when you spray your plants it should leave em a little shiny on the leaf, but not oily and greasy looking.

all else fails, most bugs die in the cold so you could try making it below 60 in your grow ...overnight at least.

im high. this is a thread about aphids i thought i read thrips for some reason lol.
i've had aphids too. same thing really except instead of essential oils i was using garlic and pepper mixed in with the standard oil+soap mix. i noticed when they were in my garden they loved my marigolds and wouldnt touch the rosemary. maybe rosemary oil?

i kept the chopped garlic and habanero in a little satchel that i kept in the sprayer. kinda like making a tea. gotta change it after about a week or its gonna get some kinda grimy from decomposing. i guess you could brew the tea part separate then add it to your sprayer.

for any kinda larvae that lives in the soil i just use mosquito dunks or let the plants dry up for a while and water from the bottom a while till they go away. those ones are easy. its the bugs that live on the plant that kill me.
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Well-known member
The new peat free composts are bad for the gnats… too much undigested plant/wood material in them.
Like a gnat magnet.
I’m glad I’ve found some peat based stuff, but a good strong circulation fan helps as it makes it hard for the little buggers to land


Well-known member
Ran out of coco bricks a while back, bought a pricey $11 bag of fancy fox farms pre-mixed coco, bam, no more fungus gnat issues.

Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
Hi guys,
Quick update... as I said I sourced some product containing Beauvaria Bassiana spores in Europe and it got them good. No flyers for now, will apply once more and report back.
This is the stuff that is in Botanigard, which is hard to get here in Europe (unless shipped from the US).

Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
It appears the Beauvaria Bassiana Fungus has killed them for good. Nothing flying around, nothing visible in the soil.
In the meantime I've harvested and broken down the grow and about to start another round. Will bleach clean and/ or exchange most equipment and re start.
I'd give any product containing BB a try if you've got root aphids you can't get rid of, there are many different pests but in my case the BB resolved it quickly while for example BTI was not having any impact and I could not control the aphids by physical means

NorStar Genetics

Active member
It appears the Beauvaria Bassiana Fungus has killed them for good. Nothing flying around, nothing visible in the soil.
In the meantime I've harvested and broken down the grow and about to start another round. Will bleach clean and/ or exchange most equipment and re start.
I'd give any product containing BB a try if you've got root aphids you can't get rid of, there are many different pests but in my case the BB resolved it quickly while for example BTI was not having any impact and I could not control the aphids by physical means
That stuff works good, I use it as a spray and drench.

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