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Do you even OGKB 2.0 Bro??? Let them eat Cookies!


ICMag Donor
It hurts to lose flowers it really hurt when I started cutting colas in half but every single plant responded differently because every single plant was an individual seed plant even with the loss there’s more than enough for me It’s probably at least quadruple of what I produced last year and that lasted me all year long for income and head stash


Well-known member
It hurts to lose flowers it really hurt when I started cutting colas in half but every single plant responded differently because every single plant was an individual seed plant even with the loss there’s more than enough for me It’s probably at least quadruple of what I produced last year and that lasted me all year long for income and head stash
Wow a yield multiplied by 4 that's huge, you had a lot more plants outdoor this year or they were able to grow a lot more than past years? A bit of extra income is always welcome😄
The grey mold is still my worst feared enemy, I don't have to battle against it as much indoor but if I grow too big flowers it will strike. That's why I grow multi colas plants, the smaller flowers are less prone to mold than really big ones. During winter grows I have more freedom of action as the heaters are drying the ambiant air so I can make some SOG or grow massive plants with their natural shape without too much risk of loosing some part of the buds.

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
ya I hear you guys about needing more time to finish.
Fighting late season here too. Mine are in a greenhouse/coldframe so are protected from the rain at least.
Was -2 yesterday morning .... celcius that is. Rainy and 10C today...... not good


Not Veteran
I'm gonna take mine Friday



Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
ya looking real good ;)

sadly my plants need a good 3 weeks yet....... kickin myself for not doing my usual light dep.
Got a couple smaller ones I might be able to bring inside and finish under a light which is easy enough but all the others are too big for that LOL
Lots of growers I know are pulling early here across Canada...... no late summer like last year :(


Not Veteran
This one is done to perfection, it's time to harvest her, it makes such a difference in the end product when the outdoor plants are harvested while fully mature. This plant here is gorgeous, what is it and what lat. are you to get such maturity this early?
It's the 2.0. Sadly I don't think the clone of this made it so I will have to find it again next year to run it again. Would definitely be interested in whatever @Tynehead Tom was able to make in seed form of the 2.0 to make it potentially easier to keep the plant as its a favorite of mine. Everything in my garden seems to be finishing a bit early this year and it's been nice getting to full term for a change lol. I think it might be the weather as its been very sunny and hot this year causing a drought where I am but honestly I don't know.


Well-known member
Funny story my close friend and neighbor had a few plants in his grow tent in his basement…one of them was neglected so bad…dry as a bone with one little piece of green sticking out of the small stalk…he decided to give it some water and try to keep it alive…well fast forward a few weeks and he told me that with the little tlc that stick has responded and growing bunches of new shoots…I was over to his place the other day and I asked him if I check the plant out…we went down to look and he was right… looks good for the future…I finally asked if he knew the strain and he said no but I think it’s one I got from you…there’s still a tag in there…I can’t see or read it maybe you can…I went down and looked at there tag “OGKB 2.0” I said WOW!!! I’ve got a few in my cloner right now and if for some reason they don’t take I’ll be by to grab some more…he said no problem…so believe me as the group the Byrds sang “Feel A Whole Lot Better”



Well-known member
We’ve lucked out weather wise here in CT. It’s been pretty dry the last month. Forecast now is for one rainy day in the next 13 so might finish out ok here. I’ve got a Dogwalker and a Glue in the ground. These are pics from this past weekend. My dad had his roof replaced this year so there’s a bunch of debris in the buds going to have to wash them


passing the gas
🤞for a good end of season and a great quality in your flowers, do you think this year could be a grand cru for you?


These are from last Thursday when I started picking tops. my early dried samples I'm smoking are great so far. I've probably pulled 75% so far and stayed ahead of the budrot mostly but it's been a week of late nights. swamp growing takes it out of you at harvest time...



Well-known member
This flower and those plants are looking really great, impressive outdoor flowers, with enough care ,good genetics will make great buds as we wan see here. You still have a few weeks of intense work before being able to sell your flowers.Good luck (y)


Elite StrainCloneHunter
high dude nice to see your next OD session is going well and it be enough nice nugs for X-Mas and more !

sticky & good quality of med