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Dabney Blue or M39? debate inside!

i was the one that named dabney. my dog dabney ate my bag of blueberry seeds. i collected the seeds out of her shit and low and behold a special blueberry was born. so try feeding your dog seeds and fishing them out of its shit.

what you calling me a liar? well im just as credible as every other lying fuck.
and my story is filled with just as much shit.


flame on

Scay Beez

Active member
ograskal said:
Hey Wassup Scay Beez....I just visisted My Bro's House Yesterday and He opened up a jar of his Dabney and His Did have a Nice Blueberry Smell to it....He chopped his down at day 63.....I was also smellin a little bit of that Alchol/Amonia smell in there too but the Blueberry smell stoodout alot more this time......According to Mr.Nevermind if your smellin any kind of Cough Syrupy type smell in there than you Most Likely dont have the real DAbney!!!!..LOL...SOunds like we got Fake Cuts....LOL......Great Post...~ogr

Hey OGR! :wave: Always good to have another bloodhound nose on the scene. Remember my sour d, bubba, and dabney are all fake.

On a serious tip -> nutes and environment play a big roll in how this cut comes out. When I had some heat problems last year, it calxyed out and got fluffy and the alcohol/ammonia smell was nowhere to be found. Also, make sure not to fall behind on N feeding after lights are flipped into 12/12 cause too much N feeding when it flowers causes it to calxy out, IME. Takes more nutes than a DJ BB, roots super fast, grows very fast.

Big thanks to HE for spreading the love!

- sbz
Same fucking plant! The DB is is a little further along I'm guessing (maybe a week or two). M-39 is on my To Grow List. Nice work.

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Alright. So, what we seem to have here is more of the same.

This is what I see... M39 and Dabney are the same, or are so DAMN close, there's no point in having both. M39 CAN be imagined to smell like berries. Some people who smoke the M39 around here consider it the best stuff because of the sweet smell. That tells me that IF I were to start calling it Blueberry, the name would stick and folks would immediately start to imagine it smelled like blueberries. If Dabney IS M39 renamed (which I'm starting to believe), it would not be hard to imagine someone getting the M39 clone long ago, people saying it smelled like blueberry muffins (which M39 CAN smell like, especially organic), and the grower renaming it to keep the blueberry nomenclature alive.

Now, what does this all mean to me??? Not a damn thing. :) I care very little if someone renamed the clone, I don't care if there are 100 names for it, not at all.

The point of starting this thread was to make the comparison, and challenge someone to show a Dabney that doesn't look like M39 - which I still haven't seen in this thread by the way. ;) Everything shown here could be M39. Ask any (experienced) M39 grower and they'll tell you all the pot in this thread looks like M39.

The name-calling and overall rudeness that pops up in these threads is a real let-down. Accusations of drama were the most dramatic part of this thread... isn't that ironic? hehehe Dontcha think? Nothing new though.

So in the end I would sum this thread up like this... If Dabney and M39 are the same... who cares. If Dabney and M39 are different... who cares. There are assholes acting like assholes, assholes acting like nice guys, nice guys acting like assholes, nice guys acting like nice guys, and everything inbetween. Business as usual on the cannabis boards. :)


hehe, someone shoot me a dabney cut, i been wantin to grow the M39:D



Active member
Looks Like M39 and Dabney are the same cut........CC, What you said in your last post makes sense......Is there anybody else growin both Dabney Blue and M39????.....So Crazy Composer, WHich one of the cuts will you be keeping since they are Practically Identical I know you wont be Keeping both of them.....

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
^^^ I don't even have a Dabney cut anymore, just this one plant flowering.

Remember, I smoked Dabney grown by a really good grower before I had even flowered mine. I was already convinced that what he grew was either M39, or something so close that it didn't matter. After smoking Dabney BEFORE flowering her, I already knew it was an M39 or damn damn close.

About 8 years ago I grew out a pack of NL Special, from which I grew a plant with a REAL blueberry smell. This plant wasn't cloned (stupid), and so we ran it only once. The people who smoked it STILL talk about it like it was some of the best smoke they could imagine. The smell of blueberries was absolutely there and unmistakeable. I have not smelled a real blueberry smell since then... even in all the DJ Short BB's and crosses thereof I have grown.

I KNOW what blueberry pot smells like, real blueberry pot. M39 can be said to smell like blueberry muffins, I can see why people would come to that conclusion. I wouldn't say so, but only because I have smelled pot that REALLY smelled like blueberries. M39 is close to the description of blueberry muffins, especially when it's all together in a bag. The house reeks like sweet baked goods, as Dabney people describe it to be. The blueberry scent is arguable to anyone who's smelled a real blueberry smell in pot before, but Dabney/M39 WOULD be the closest thing to blueberries that most smokers would ever come across, which is why I believe it's a renamed M39.

I could be wrong, but they're all but identical when compared side-by-side.
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CC i will get you some pick of the Dabney that i am growing this weekend. You are right that they both taste similar. I remember smoking your M39 and thinking it was great weed. At that time i had not harvest my dabney.


bamboozled said:
you mentioned his name 5 times in one post, HE, HE, HE, HE, HE, lol think HE can make you look more credible?..hope so, you need it

and Im not trollling you nevermind, most of your posts make you look so full of shit im just saying...

nobody is immune from people callin them on shit, even you bro, i copuld be wrong but if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck...

ive got a dabney mom, have grwon her out too many times to count



nevermind has such a big ego

remember the thread where he was talking about how gangster he was, going to the strip clubs, ya my girl, she lets me have blowjobs by the strippers

wtf kind of human being is that ?

and yeah, look at him talk, he has lots to prove :p

love you nevermind, even tough you act like typical beast

Mr.Nevermind : not really, what i was saying is that m39 and dabney bear no resemblance to each other so i was saying if next to m39 youhave dabney and it smells like m39 , tastes like m39 and smokes like m39... then its m39 not dabney.

Its all confusing ...these cut stories.

yeah.... alll confusing..... these cut stories....

dude , your calling everyone a dick sucking troll, go ride a dick, go suck a dick

obviously you have an obsession with penises

look at yourself :), I am happy the community sees through you

one of the nicest persons here for sure

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Mr. Nevermind

johnnyboy said:

nevermind has such a big ego

remember the thread where he was talking about how gangster he was, going to the strip clubs, ya my girl, she lets me have blowjobs by the strippers

wtf kind of human being is that ?

and yeah, look at him talk, he has lots to prove :p

love you nevermind, even tough you act like typical beast

How gangster i am? i dont recall that one. Sure i got Bj's from strippers, thats what they are there for.

I think its really sad that yall remember such things about me. You guys must have no life to remember posts from OG which was years ago. Keep your "love" i dont need it. I dont have a big ego, if you knew me you would know that. I am confident and any man should be and there is nothing wrong with that.

Lets talk more pot and less nevermind. If you guys have a problem with me take it up in PM. no reason to trash threads cuz yall dont like me. Here is a tip you all can have, its one of the best features of this site and one f the most under used features, the ignore list. If you think im a typical beast of have a big ego, put me on your ignore list, problem solved. Wont hurt my feelings none and may make your IC experience a bit more enjoyable. If not , then you are just looking for something to bitch at


Mr. Nevermind

johnnyboy said:
shutup, we want to expose you for who you are, that's it :)

Expose me? wow, thats funny. Go for it bro. I see you didnt use the ignore list yet huh?



Mr. Nevermind said:
If you guys have a problem with me take it up in PM. no reason to trash threads cuz yall dont like me. Here is a tip you all can have, its one of the best features of this site and one f the most under used features, the ignore list. If you think im a typical beast of have a big ego, put me on your ignore list, problem solved. Wont hurt my feelings none and may make your IC experience a bit more enjoyable. If not , then you are just looking for something to bitch at

and specifically.......

Mr. Nevermind said:
no reason to trash threads cuz yall dont like me. Nevermind

yes, there is a reason, it's called flaming/trolling...and is not tolerated. posting members being banned for breach of tou....if they do it to you, they'll do it to others.


Mr. Nevermind

Dutchgrown said:
and specifically.......

yes, there is a reason, it's called flaming/trolling...and is not tolerated. posting members being banned for breach of tou....if they do it to you, they'll do it to others.


Thank you DG, i tried to tell em to ignore me but they chose another path. I wish more peopel on IC would use the ignore feature if they have a problem wiht someone. would make it a better place for all.

Anyway....less trolling more Herb talk!!! i still say it aint no damn m39 but that s my opinion... and you knwo waht they say about those right? they are like assholes , everyones got one and they stink! Hopefully one day we can get to the bottom of this , cuz to say dabney is a skunk NL cross is just crazy to me


Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor

Anyway, Nevermind, you see a difference between the two plants I showed for a comparison?

Mr. Nevermind

Crazy Composer said:

Anyway, Nevermind, you see a difference between the two plants I showed for a comparison?

Nope, i have no doubts what you have is M39. But what i am saying is that m39 is not dabney. Im not trying to start a fight or anything like that at all. Just saying that dabney aint m39 and m39 aint dabney. if you can confirm your m39 and you have a cut that is labeled as dabney but is m39, then might be you got a wrong cut or something. Cuz unless it has an unmistakable blueberry smell and taste ( not a kind of berry smell) then you dont have dabney. Plain and simple.

I have smoked dabney and can tell form the pics that you hav ethat it isnt the same plant i smoked. I dont kno whow the confusion took place and to be honest this thread ahs turned into a huge pissing match not getting anywhere close to the point of thread. all i can say is in a few months there will be dabney samples sent out to those whom claim they have it for comparison. So at best this thread is to be continued.

CC, you have been more than cool in this thread and Pm. Im sure at some point we will get to the bottom of it. Thanks for keeping it civil bro



Resident pissy old man
My. N., I have a Dabney cut in veg that was sent by a friend in Texas who got it from someone in Cali. It is going to be a long time before I get it in flower, but it will be interesting to see if it is M39 or Dabney. From what you are saying, everything out here(and there is a lot), is probably a fake since the dude has never released it, except to the guy with a garden full of Borg. Funny, how so many can be duped in the frenzy to collect elites.

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