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Dabney Blue or M39? debate inside!

Scay Beez

Active member
I haven't grown or smoked m39 but I've grown the dabney four times now. M39 is supposed to finish as early as 40 but best weight/potency at 55 if I understand correctly. I also think hydro doesn't show the plants true apperance as much as it does with organic soil, IMO. I always detect subtitles in growth, apperance, taste, and smell way better with organics. I was puffin some dabney the other day and went to the fridge for some organic blueberries and they definitely smell similar. Closer to blueberry than dj short's blueberry, IMO. Sleepy indica high but not devistating like G13 or PI.

So if dabney takes 65-70+ days to finish... that alone should tell you they are not 100% identical. old blue X m39 ?

Respect cc, smokey, jimmyz, mr. nevermind, m.steelers, and hieagle.

- sbz

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Well, M39 IS more of a 70 days strain than 55. It can be harvest so early because it bulks so quickly. True ripeness is more like 70 days. So even THAT is the same as what most people are experiencing with their cuts of Dabney. M39 will NEVER be finished at day 40, that's just not close to true at all. 55 days is the earliest you want to harvest it, the EARLIEST.

Scay Beez

Active member
70 for m39... wow that's a new one on me! Funny how everyone was under the impression it finishes 25-30 days early. I guess that happened with myself and others with bubba kush the first time (8 wks instead of 10). skunk #1 can go 10 weeks, so not out of the ordinary. I went back and checked 88-89 SSSC cataloge and it doesn't say anything about flowering time, just heavy high and big yield which matches up. I guess beaster growers spread the info about the "quick finish time" aka early heavy budset. The picture on the next page of SSSC cataloge looks just like pics in this thread.

Well I've been hoping to get m39 to compare it to other commercials but looks like I already have it! This is still a nice cut regardless of what its called.

Good detective work guys!

- sbz


Active member
Here are my Dabney Blue's. I grew out the exact same cuts also. My take is that there are subtle differences in the smell. The Dabney does have a lighter more berry like smell during flower. But ends up losing most of the sweetness late and during cure. And really ends up smelling and smoking like m39. It's possible that some other genes were added to it.

Dabney Blue



Active member
Hmm this is kind of a dissapointment since I thought the dabney was the end all of blueberry pot. Now it seems that it doesn't even taste like berry much at all, much less blue berry.


Active member
The 'dabney blue' clone from Swerve and my M39 (Skunk#1/Basic 5) Clone could be kissin' sisters.
I have 'em both,side-by-side,and tend to agree with CC.
One thing's for sure:There ain't no 'blueberry',as known to DJ Short,in the 'dabney' clone.
My M39 Clone simply isn't ever handed out,(see this month's high times) so there's no way its' been part of any mix up.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck,simply put-it's a f*cking duck.
There are only vague differences between my M Clone and the 'dabney' Clone,certainly not enough to call the dabney something other than what it clearly is.

The screams may commence. :D


Mr. Nevermind

REZDOG said:
The 'dabney blue' clone from Swerve and my M39 (Skunk#1/Basic 5) Clone could be kissin' sisters.
I have 'em both,side-by-side,and tend to agree with CC.
One thing's for sure:There ain't no 'blueberry',as known to DJ Short,in the 'dabney' clone.
My M39 Clone simply isn't ever handed out,(see this month's high times) so there's no way its' been part of any mix up.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck,simply put-it's a f*cking duck.
There are only vague differences between my M Clone and the 'dabney' Clone,certainly not enough to call the dabney something other than what it clearly is.

The screams may commence. :D


I think this is the million dollar question....

Does anybody Know where Swerve got his Dabney Cut from??????

Because it seems alot of the confusion can be traced back to him. We need swerve to pipe in and say what it is he sent out and if it was mis represnted.

Cuz it seems that all these clones passed out have no hint of blueberry to them so to say Dabney isnt a blueberry based off of people passing around mis labeled cuts is just silly. people passing M-39 around and saying its dabeny doesnt dicount the fact there there is a true dabney blue out there, just means that you didnt get it sent to you.

I understnad the m39 clone isnt supposed to be passed out but when everyone in the thread had a cut sent out to em and it looks exatcly the same as m39 chances are that the rule was broken. But Dabney is no figment of the imagination. Just a figment to the person that sent you the cut perhaps


cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
i will have to say, with my personal experience with both elites, that i dont know what im talking about.
because i have never grown either of them :)
but i'm dying to try them and run a study.
hint hint


Nevermind the answer to where Swerve got it is already in this thread, take a look back a page or so. It is not a great mystery.

To say that there is no blueberry smell in the cut is a bit of an overstatement... Quite a few people have had it and came back saying it was blue.

Instead of conspiracy theories, there could be another side to this... Could Dabney be another pheno of m39 relabeled? Could it be a hybrid? Could it be something else with Skunk1 and NL5 in it that ended up looking like M39? A lot would depend on the release of the m39 base genetics and the timing of Dabney's "arrival" in OR... I dont know that info offhand but I'm sure many do... I also dont know how it's possible to talk in certainties about 80% of the elites out there... doesnt mean they arent good tho.

The bottom line is HE420 has been the one with this particular Dabney cut for years.... He just started to pass it out a couple years ago tops... If there is some other mysterious Dabney, I dont know that anyone has ever posted a pic of it here, or anywhere that for that matter. If someone has a link or name of a book with that information, please provide it.

HE knows where he got it, and will eventually show up here for the discussion. He's probably enjoying himself on vacation or something.

Until then..... :joint:
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what everyone is forgetting (when talking about how tightly held the m39 clone is) is that m39 was a commercially-released seed line and there have to be other people who still have seeds/clones of it. maybe this dabney (real or not i dont care) is an m39 cross or slightly different pheno of m39. i havent grown or smoked either so i cant give any personal opinions on that.


Yeah HL, I was making an edit while ya typed that... those are likely possibilities, as long as the timelines make sense.


Lifetime Member
ICMag Donor
Didn't Sensi get the M39 from SSSC, and call it shiva skunk? I think thats what I read some where..If true, then theres plenty M39 around..just gotta find it in the seeds..mitsu


Active member
I'll stand by my thoughts, that Dabney is a different pheno of m39. Or a hyrbrid of same. As it really has a blueberry bread smell early in flower. That I believe is the only difference between the two.

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Smokey, I swear, I am in the room several times a day trying to pick out subtle differences in smell. But what I notice is... even among the M39s there's differences in smell, depending on where in the room the plant is. The ones directly under the lights are sweeter beause they're using their nutes faster, the ones on the edges of the room smell more nuted, because they're not getting the strong light. Same clone, different conditions. If I brought you here right now and let you go to town trying to pick out the one labeled Dabney, you'd be extremely hard pressed to pick it out. This morning, the M39s were smelling more like blueberries than usual, but that goes away as the day progresses. The smell of a plant is GREATLY determined by what time of day you smell it, how much it has eaten, how much salt build-up is in the soil, where in the room the plant lives. When you first mentioned that they were a little different smelling, I figured it was the same difference you'd get with the same exact clone, in slightly different conditions. Now that I have them side-by-side, I still think you we re smelling these differences, not genetic differences.

I try to convince myself something's different about them, but I just can't see any differences.

Apparently the guy who came up with Dabney Blue is going to review this thread soon, and maybe we can hear from him if this is the Dabney.

I'm not going after this to ruffle feathers, I just want to clear up any confusions about the clone before it gets handed around as something it may very well not be.

If we find out this IS Dabney, well... I wonder what the point is... to have two M39s floating around out there.


I'm not sure that we'll ever be able to come up with the beginning of the line for the DB... I vaguely remember HE saying that he got it from an old cat on OG some years ago... I think all this info is out there but who has time to look nowadays...
Anyways, peace to all.


Active member
Let me first say that I haven't grown either of these clones and I just stumbled uopn this thread 20 minutes ago...but reading up from page 1 till now..this is one of the things that stood out to me.....

Quotes from Mr. Nevermind:

All I know is that most of what i have seen looks nothing like dabney and talkng to the dude that named it yesterday confirmed what i thought. That it hasnt been passed around by either of em.

Due to golf course being caqlled dabney, naming the herb dabney blue and the name he used for a screen name for a while the name stuck and word got around.

I can attest that there really is a Dabney blue out there. I can attest that is hasnt been traded on boards since the holders of the cut have no ideas about IC mag or any other site...

He only gave dabney out to one guy Jeremy and someone in thread said they got it from J. Too bad we called J and it was quickly denied that it was ever put out. And if you guys say J's garden you ouldnt want a cut from there anyway...

One from M. Steelers:

I vaguely remember HE saying that he got it from an old cat on OG some years ago.

then one from Bamboozled:

if one person gets a cut...theyll give to at least one other person....who will give it to at least one other...and so on and so one........its like a damn std

no cuts remain exclusively elite forever, if you think they do...
thats one heluva fairy tale to beleieve


What I'm saying is....isn't there a strong possibility that Jeremy...knowing how popular the cut was...passed it? He's being left out of the equation just because Neverminds friend called him and he said he didn't pass it....but in the same breath Nevermind reminds everyone that the guy sucks as a grower and the cut has been going strong for a decade.

Also does Dabney herm...what about the possiblity of a bagseed being grown out and labled as Dabney since this is the name it would have been sold under? I mean you guys did say this cut has been grown for the last 10 yrs atleast and that peeps from LA etc...have driven all the way up to score some...just a thought....

There a million possiblities and I'm eager to see what the original holder of the cut has to say about the pics, descriptions, etc......one more thing Mr. Nevermind...was Jeremy asked if he ever ventured online....I mean HE scored the cut from someone on OG if Steelers remebers right....just throwing out theories...


I have taisted M39 and i can say it definatly doesn't taiste like bluebery's lol, it is sweet but nothing more than that. Now i have a few (supposed)Dabney Blue x DJ True Blueberry sativa, and all i know from taisting m39 and true blueberry is that i am going to be a happy MAN :).
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slips said:
I have tasited M39 and i can say it definatly doesn't taiste like bluebery's lol, it is sweet but nothing more than that. Now i have a few (supposed)Dabney Blue x DJ True Blueberry sativa, and all i know from taisting m39 and true blueberry is that i am going to be a happy MAN :).

Sounds like you can't go wrong with that cross Slips...sweet blueberries sounds good to me. :yummy:




They look alike,but i cant tell ya anything?
Except theres a lot of BULL out there........
hahahaaaa nice pics!!

Scay Beez

Active member
Dabney definitely smells like some blueberries, without a doubt in my mind. I've opened up a jar to several people and blueberry is what people always say without knowing what it is. Its sweet like some candy and has an earthy musky blue smell without the pine smell of DJ short's BB. There also is a very slight sharp ammonia/alcohol like smell that makes you think cough syrup. The smell is stronger at day 65 than day 70, IME. Potency best at 70 as stated before by hieagle.

So m39 doesn't smell like blueberries???? I know everybody's smell and taste can differ and nutes make a huge difference, IMO (no offense to anyone). I wish I dive my nose into some organic m39 and then I'd know. It definitely feeds heavier than any dj short bb I've grown (currently 2 different DJBB heirlooms and a couple dabneys).

He was one of the first to pass around the AG13 clone so I wouldn't doubt my boy has the real dabney.

- sbz
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