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Dabney Blue or M39? debate inside!


Active member
Mr. Nevermind How can you be so sure they arent the same plant??????....Have you ever actually grown the Dabney Blue or M39?????....You Seem so sure of yourself but I doubt you have even grown any of them....Am i right????...CC is growing them out side by side in the same environment....He is also Smokin them side by side.......Have you done either of these things to back up yourr statements????...I could really care less if they are the same cuz I prolly wont be runnin her anymore anyways....My partner will be holding on to the cut, he just loves her to death....I will just call her Dabney cuz thats what SHe was given to me as.....I dont think we will ever find out the truth...But CC's side by side grows Says ALOT!!!!....~ograskal


Active member
Better yet, I will just call her the (Dabney aka M39) until we get to the bottom of this...My brother swears that this cut does smell like Sweet Blueberries all the way.....Remember that some peeps can smell things a little different than others....~Raskal


Active member
My dabney collection: from what I can tell those are identical cuts, maybe they are the same and just mislabeled, it happens ya know? Nothing to get all upset over, jeesh. There has been a lot of true things said about the dabney, she can be fluff or rock solid, she likes plenty of nutes, she loves being in direct light, and smells of blueberry/skunky sweetness. I think we should ask indodro, he just grew an entire room of it :rasta:


OG bub

ICMag Donor
this has been, and always will be, one of the problems with "elite" cuts...

hype, drama, deceit(sp), ego's... and sometimes, a good plant!

Ive only really 'feind' for 4 cuts in my life.... Ive gotten 3 of them..

peace folks, enjoy the plant.
oh, and some nice pics here in this thread!


Resident pissy old man
Well, Damn. I'm so worried that some of my elite clone onlys will turn out to just be knock offs of a super elite Petunia that some one else has. Guess I will go ahead and smoke them anyway. I didn't get them for the hype, but for the med value.

BTW, I see in website support that another person was just banned. There are more people banned from this website accused of trolling Mr. Nevermind than for any other reason. No one else seems to draw this much attention. What's up, MR. Nevermind? Someone just doesn't like Italians?
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OG bub

ICMag Donor
right on pops, some folks LOVE their elite's, thats good! n if they work for yer meds, thats even better!

to each their own, Im just not much of an "elite" guy..

this is a good thread, n I hope folks will take something from it, what ever it may be!

peace, bub.


Resident pissy old man
Bub, there are some pics of my Afghan Bullrider x Princess Diesel in Test grows. I hope to Hell it doesn't turn out to just be a duplicate of someone's Skunk #46 x Lowryder. I will be so disappointed! I wanted to get famous and sell cuts for $5,000 each!

BTW, I really liked UG rather than OG. Much more distinctive!

bugs bunny

RalphDog said:
Nevermind, did the Dabney guy ever show?



Active member
ICMag Donor
OG bub said:
this has been, and always will be, one of the problems with "elite" cuts...

hype, drama, deceit(sp), ego's... and sometimes, a good plant!

Ive only really 'feind' for 4 cuts in my life.... Ive gotten 3 of them..

peace folks, enjoy the plant.
oh, and some nice pics here in this thread!

do tell us what these 4 are Bub cmon cmon...puhhhhhlease! :jump:


The Voice of Reason
Speaking of trolls...
Buggs bunny, you are only here with a shit stirring agenda...
None of your post have any content...
Your rep messages are rude and vulgar...
You think you're slick, but acting like a cartoon rabbit to keep in 'character' while you build a post count with meaningless drivel, isn't a very good 'troll cover' for ya...

Go back under your pgbridge with the rest of your ilk, and leave the growers alone, eh....

Mr. Nevermind

Pops said:
Well, Damn. I'm so worried that some of my elite clone onlys will turn out to just be knock offs of a super elite Petunia that some one else has. Guess I will go ahead and smoke them anyway. I didn't get them for the hype, but for the med value.

BTW, I see in website support that another person was just banned. There are more people banned from this website accused of trolling Mr. Nevermind than for any other reason. No one else seems to draw this much attention. What's up, MR. Nevermind? Someone just doesn't like Italians?

You didnt get the memo? Thursday was "fuck with Nevermind day", sorry you didnt get the memo. I will make sure it gets to you next time. I guess i am troll bait, who knows and who cares. People act up people get banned. I guess there are a few disgruntled members whom dont like me. I dont lose sleep over it.

Nevermind, did the Dabney guy ever show?

Show? Umm he has been here since saturday and is leaving today. He has been around every day this week and i was down at his place all day yesterday. The dabney debate is trivial with words. In 8 pages what have we learned? Nothing. Words are words , bud is what this thread is all about. Dabney is being sent out here this week coming and in about 80 days or so it will be ready here and samples will be sent out to those who think it is M39. That will clear up any and all debate. Till then all this thread has become is a pissing match. So as far as im concerned, those who think Dabney is m39 only got 80 days or so to think that. Then we may as well start this thread all over cuz for sure dabney aint M39 and yall need to be proven that.

intrestin read, doc


jus checkin out a certain members posts, makes ya go hhhmmm
everbody that disagrees is called troll, a patern emerges

Wow, you must have alot of free time on your hands to go pull up a post from November 2006,lol. How long did that take ya? Only pattern i see is you no having a life and making it your lifes work to follow me around and act like an asshole. I guess since all your buddies got banned you got more free time to go research year old posts. Real sad kid, actually quite pathetic. Take care junior , and find a better hobby

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bugs bunny

Mr. Nevermind said:
You didnt get the memo? Thursday was "fuck with Nevermind day", sorry you didnt get the memo.

Nevermind, did the Dabney guy ever show?

Show? Umm he has been here since saturday and is leaving today. He has been around every day this week and i was down at his place all day yesterday. The dabney debate is trivial with words. In 8 pages what have we learned? Nothing. Words are words , bud is what this thread is all about. Dabney is being sent out here this week coming and in about 80 days or so it will be ready here and samples will be sent out to those who think it is M39. That will clear up any and all debate. Till then all this thread has become is a pissing match. So as far as im concerned, those who think Dabney is m39 only got 80 days or so to think that. Then we may as well start this thread all over cuz for sure dabney aint M39 and yall need to be proven that.


i think pops meant sombodys always trolling you, not just las week, doc
i wanst searchin your posts nevermind, i looked up this 3legdog dude

you went to dabney's place all day yesterday? i thought he flew in from out west? did ya use his private jet or did scotty just beam ya up?

your offering to send samples of cannibis to members from IC in the mail, how many dumasses would take u up on that offer, ducky? isnt that against tou?
oh thas right, tou doesnt include you, i forgot

Grat3fulh3ad said:
Speaking of trolls...
Buggs bunny, you are only here with a shit stirring agenda...
None of your post have any content...
Your rep messages are rude and vulgar...
You think you're slick, but acting like a cartoon rabbit to keep in 'character' while you build a post count with meaningless drivel, isn't a very good 'troll cover' for ya...

Go back under your pgbridge with the rest of your ilk, and leave the growers alone, eh....

head, your so rude, and a mod too
you folloowed me into this thread to troll me, now stop that! shame on you!

ehh whas up doc?
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Mr. Nevermind

think pops meant sombodys always trolling you, not just las week, doc

you went to dabney's place all day yesterday? i thought he flew in from out west? did ya use his private jet or did scotty just beam ya up?

your offering to send samples of cannibis to members from IC in the mail, how many dumasses would take u up on that offer, ducky? isnt that against tou?
oh thas right, tou doesnt include you, i forgot

By somebody, you mean you?

Ok Genius, let me spell it out for you since you are easily confused. My friend flew in from OR on saturday. He flies back home today. So from saturday to saturday he has been at his family home which i have been to saturday, monday, wednesday, and friday. I drove to his families home and spent the day there on friday til about 1am. I hope that clears any confusion.

I dont need "dumbasses" to take me up on anything. I have some friends offline who are surious about dabney as well as some members whom i hang out with who are curious. What i do with members offline is none of your concern since we dont trade on this forum or discuss trading on this forum. Just two friends hanging out exchanging ideas and wares.



Well-known member
Bugs Bunny: Mr.Nevermind never said anything about sending things in the mail nor that anything was going to any IC members....you might want to read the posts thoroughly before trying to dissect them......DLB ps....go back to your hole


The Voice of Reason
bugs bunny said:
i think pops meant sombodys always trolling you, not just las week, doc
i wanst searchin your posts nevermind, i looked up this 3legdog dude
I'd wager it's not somebody, but two or maybe three somebodies repeatedly....
you went to dabney's place all day yesterday? i thought he flew in from out west? did ya use his private jet or did scotty just beam ya up?
could 'his place' not simply be the place where he's staying while in town?, geeeessh....[/quote]

your offering to send samples of cannibis to members from IC in the mail, how many dumasses would take u up on that offer, ducky? isnt that against tou?
oh thas right, tou doesnt include you, i forgot
Where did he say mail?

head, your so rude, and a mod too
you folloowed me into this thread to troll me, now stop that! shame on you!

i dont care bout no post count and i just joined PG yesterday,m thanks to you tellin me bout it

ehh whas up doc?

And you're a troll with nothing relevant to contribute, and a liar to boot...

'What's up doc?' I'm hunting wabbits..... :D
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bugs bunny

Mr. Nevermind said:
Dabney is being sent out here this week coming and in about 80 days or so it will be ready here and samples will be sent out to those who think it is M39. That will clear up any and all debate. Till then all this thread has become is a pissing match.

my bad, guess he meant "sent" as in pony express

head, your wrong, as usual.and mean as hell

eeehh whas up doc?

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