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Dabney Blue or M39? debate inside!


Another bites the dust. :ban: This flaming and trolling in open forum isn't tolerated. If personal disagreements are not kept in pm's...this is what happens.

And...yes, the tou does apply to Nevermind as well...is easy to see that there might have been an 'inference' in your post Nevermind about sending things out...the tou specifically states 'soliciting', meaning for example like saying 'do you have...can i get...will you send me...please send me...does anyone want ***, etc' but your wording around discussing of shipping things in open forum in the cited post can be construed to imply the same thing....so although this is not a clear breach of tou, it sure is in a grey area...be warned...it happens again and you know Admin will not hesitate to enforce the consequences of not abiding by the tou.


Mr. Nevermind

Dutchgrown said:
Another bites the dust. :ban: This flaming and trolling in open forum isn't tolerated. If personal disagreements are not kept in pm's...this is what happens.

And...yes, the tou does apply to Nevermind as well...is easy to see that there might have been an 'inference' in your post Nevermind about sending things out...the tou specifically states 'soliciting', meaning for example like saying 'do you have...can i get...will you send me...please send me...does anyone want ***, etc' but your wording around discussing of shipping things in open forum in the cited post can be construed to imply the same thing....so although this is not a clear breach of tou, it sure is in a grey area...be warned...it happens again and you know Admin will not hesitate to enforce the consequences of not abiding by the tou.


Yes ma'am. just to clear up something about that statment. I do not trade clones or send anything out to members of this site. I do have friends that i tlak to alomst daily, on my personal phone & personal email that want dabney and have nothing to do with this forum. I dont want Pm;s of addresses from anyone nor do i want pm's asking for it. Never used your site to trade and i doubt i will. All of my trades and things of that nature are done offline.

I understand i wasnt very specific in my wording and for that i apologize. But hopefully my post above has cleared that up



Resident pissy old man
Well, another troll bites the dust. Mr. Nevermind, I hope you aren't cutting notches in your keyboard like the old gunfighters did their gun handles. Pretty soon you will have nothing to type with!

H3ad, when did you become a mean mod? I always knew you were argumentative, but never mean, well, almost never mean.lol


interesting stuff CC . have to agree from your pics they look very similar . S1s or such might reveal different ;)


The Voice of Reason
I'm never mean until I'm provoked, Pops... :spank:
Just like I'm never argumentative until someone disagrees with me... :wink:
I'm also not a mod... I have limited mod powers in my help desk only...

Buggs bunny said some nasty things to me in a rep message, right after posting up a public compliment and saying +k and all...

Upon reviewing all of said wabbits posts, none had any substance whatsoever, and were attempts to up a post count with comments about wrong turns in albequirky, carrots and 'what's up Doc'... An obvious attempt to establish a persona, not to contribute or question... Not even a real attempt to be social... Outing trolls and pretenders is never mean, imho, but is quite necessary for the well being of the community...


Resident pissy old man
You are never mean until provoked and don't argue until someone disagrees with you! Are you sure you aren't my ex-wife in disguise?


The Voice of Reason
I guess facetiousness is hard to communicate in writing... I don't have a mean bone in my body, I was just tryin to be funny-ish...
Troll slaying ain't being mean brother, It's just troll slayin'....


Active member
So, is Mr. Nevermind claiming that there are only 2 people in the world who have DB, and they are both on the East Coast? But every grower in America knows about it? So is Mr. N full of shit, or are his 2 friends and he's just gullible enough to believe them? It's obviously one or the other, cause anyone can smell that bullshit.

Mr. Nevermind

sirharrynuggz said:
So, is Mr. Nevermind claiming that there are only 2 people in the world who have DB, and they are both on the East Coast? But every grower in America knows about it? So is Mr. N full of shit, or are his 2 friends and he's just gullible enough to believe them? It's obviously one or the other, cause anyone can smell that bullshit.

No they are not on the east coast, they are in OR. This debate is pointless. I cant believe its still open. As said earilier, the debate is about buds, not words and that is all that thread is words. Noone can admit that they may have gotten a mislabeled cut since m39 and debney aint the same so why bother. Those who want to know will in a few months. Til then, feel free to argue amongst yourselves and think i am full of shit. makes no difference to me.

Again i will use this an an example. say you are getting two cuts from someone, 1 is supposed to be sour d the other is supposed to be Romulan. You have grown out sour but not romulan in the past. You grow em both out and they both taste , smell have same structre and effects of sour d. Would a debate then start saying that Romulan is sour D? or would you say " maybe i got a mislabeled cut?" hardly any reason to debate that



Active member
I agree that he got a mislabeled clone. CC is a great grower, but neither of those are Blueberry strains. I just don't agree that YOU know the ONLY people with Dabney. Neither does anyone else. Know why?

Mr. Nevermind

sirharrynuggz said:
I agree that he got a mislabeled clone. CC is a great grower, but neither of those are Blueberry strains. I just don't agree that YOU know the ONLY people with Dabney. Neither does anyone else. Know why?

Dont know and dont care. Agree to disagree and move on with your life.



Active member
My life is continually moving on, calling a spade a spade (or in this case, a liar) is only a minute detail. So don't worry, I'm not hung up on it, only speaking the truth. Everyone else already knows it was a lie, including you. Moving on, as you wish (understandably)


Dabney Blue smells like straight blueberrys in soil with organics

Grow her in soil organically and if you dont get a blueberry smell you dont have the Dab.

M39 and Dabney look extremely similar but if you saw JimmyNitz post on her he said (before this mixup mind you) that Dabney and M39 are extremely similar all around but the dabney has a sweeter blueberry smell.

Either way, the Dabney is an all star in every aspect.

I was misinformed on the M39.. First it Banged Roadkill Skunk through walls when everyone was looking for RKS and now its a sweet smell. Huh.

Mr. Nevermind

sirharrynuggz said:
My life is continually moving on, calling a spade a spade (or in this case, a liar) is only a minute detail. So don't worry, I'm not hung up on it, only speaking the truth. Everyone else already knows it was a lie, including you. Moving on, as you wish (understandably)

if thats what you would like to think then that is fine. Other members know better. Considering you have had "ISO Dabney " in your sig for a while one could assume just cuz you cant get it others cannot. Sorry for your luck chief. Truth is the truth, if people think Dabney is M39 then they obviously havent had it.

Got anything positive to add to the thread of just feel like acting like a child?



i know the dabney that i smoke DOWN SOUTH SON, is ****ing bomb! i've only ever grown trc bb's but they sucked compared to this gem, this actually had a great taste to her! ok carry on the bickering


Active member
Funny. At least your name implies the level of regard that anything you say can be taken with, and is taken with by most on this board. I only want it so I can compare it to my cut of DJ's Original cause I can't see anything being more berry than this is. If it is, then great. If not, I'll still be happy with mine. Do you think every grower in America would be aware of the Dabney if only people that YOU know had it? Oh yeah, nevermind. Nevermind him, it's all lies.

Mr. Nevermind

sirharrynuggz said:
Funny. At least your name implies the level of regard that anything you say can be taken with, and is taken with by most on this board. I only want it so I can compare it to my cut of DJ's Original cause I can't see anything being more berry than this is. If it is, then great. If not, I'll still be happy with mine. Do you think every grower in America would be aware of the Dabney if only people that YOU know had it? Oh yeah, nevermind. Nevermind him, it's all lies.

And that level of regard has gotten those members what? Fake Dabney, boy are they smart!! Whats funny is you still dont have anything positive to this thread. Go find someone else to flame, im not in the mood for trolls like you. Keep looking for dabney , let me know how that works out for ya.



Un - Retired,
Ok this stops here
theres already enough BS here for me to close this thread
I suggest all parties stop the crap before the thread gets closed & binned
or someone gets banned



oldpink said:
Ok this stops here
theres already enough BS here for me to close this thread
I suggest all parties stop the crap before the thread gets closed & binned
or someone gets banned


And its not even a Kush or Chem dawg thread :laughing:

70s :joint: