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Dabney Blue or M39? debate inside!


Active member
ograskal said:
...Myself, CC, and Jimmy all have the same cut....~ogr

Add me to that list....and here's a fact: it's still just another M39 Clone,and not as good as mine,at that. :smile:


My boys in co have had the m39 since 90 i bet it is close to yours rez. Pretty strong if i remember haven't smoked it in years! Wasn't as good as the dogbud but people liked it more than Pbud from what i remember. Hey rez have you had it a long time?


Active member
REZDOG said:
Add me to that list....and here's a fact: it's still just another M39 Clone,and not as good as mine,at that. :smile:

Oh yeah, I forgot you have her too....So are you saying that M39 and Dabney are from the same seed line.....So are you going to ditch the Dabney cut then....Theres really no reason to keep them both then if your M39 is Superior....I think the Dabney was Decent but i wont be runnin her anymore myself....I have a few freinds holden on to her though.....~ogr

Mr. Nevermind

REZDOG said:
Add me to that list....and here's a fact: it's still just another M39 Clone,and not as good as mine,at that. :smile:

Care for a friendly wager? I would love the chance to prove you wrong. Let me know but i would gladly put up 5k saying you're incorrect. I respect your opinion and you know that but in this case i do believe its a matter of getting a mislabeled cut of dabney.



Active member
Forget the bet...I just want to see a pic of the 'Real' Dabney if it's different after this thread has dragged on for 16 pages.


Active member
Wow, this is still on? I already learned, and figured the rest of you had too... Only Alex has the real Dabney. You know it's legit if it's completely invisible! That's why he knows that nobody's pics are legit, cause you can see the plants! In Alex's imaginary garden, all the magical plants can only be seen by him and WhiteRapperFag. Dontcha know?

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Well, here's the part that's perplexing... if we didn't get the real Dabney, why did several of us get the same exact clone from totally different hookups, at different times? That's just way too much of a solid cross reference to believe it was just coincidence. Nothing's impossible, but what we got was definitely known as Dabney Blue by more than one community in the world. Just too weird to not notice.


Active member
That's funny.
ImvHo take that $5K and buy a camera and post some shots of this 'dabney' thing you seem to see that nobody else does.
A shitload of us ALL have 'dabney',from different sources,and we all get the same,exact results.
Hence,we have 'dabney,and it's a simplr fact: It's another 'm39' clone,mislabelled. In twenty years of growing I've seen shitloads of Blueberry,and I can assure you,what you call 'dabney' ain't no 'blueberry'.
Btw,I have a few 'dabney' cuts in flower,themn it hits The Bin. Like I said,my M39 Clone whups its' ass in every way-so,into the (proverbial) shredder she goes. :smile:
(I need another,lesser M-Clone like I need a hole in the head,lol!)



REZDOG said:
That's funny.
ImvHo take that $5K and buy a camera and post some shots of this 'dabney' thing you seem to see that nobody else does.
A shitload of us ALL have 'dabney',from different sources,and we all get the same,exact results.
Hence,we have 'dabney,and it's a simplr fact: It's another 'm39' clone,mislabelled. In twenty years of growing I've seen shitloads of Blueberry,and I can assure you,what you call 'dabney' ain't no 'blueberry'.
Btw,I have a few 'dabney' cuts in flower,themn it hits The Bin. Like I said,my M39 Clone whups its' ass in every way-so,into the (proverbial) shredder she goes. :smile:
(I need another,lesser M-Clone like I need a hole in the head,lol!)

I say M39 two !!!!! it does have a funky smell though ... i'll see when i wack it in anouther 4 weeks .... then anouther few to dry lol
It looks very m39 and mine is a verified dabney x true blueberry cross
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Well-known member
REZDOG said:
That's funny.
ImvHo take that $5K and buy a camera and post some shots of this 'dabney' thing you seem to see that nobody else does.Cheers!

the "imaginary Dabney"?
heheheh.......yea, just post up a picture or something
you always say how much you trust this site mr nevermind ...so post up a pic

you've been talkin' out yer ass in this thread since 7/28 !!
a solid month and a half of BIG BULLSHIT "talk" from you

put up or shut up.......
if you want to talk shit , then pay the admission price and POST A PIC!!!


Mr. Nevermind

REZDOG said:
That's funny.
ImvHo take that $5K and buy a camera and post some shots of this 'dabney' thing you seem to see that nobody else does.
A shitload of us ALL have 'dabney',from different sources,and we all get the same,exact results.
Hence,we have 'dabney,and it's a simplr fact: It's another 'm39' clone,mislabelled. In twenty years of growing I've seen shitloads of Blueberry,and I can assure you,what you call 'dabney' ain't no 'blueberry'.
Btw,I have a few 'dabney' cuts in flower,themn it hits The Bin. Like I said,my M39 Clone whups its' ass in every way-so,into the (proverbial) shredder she goes. :smile:
(I need another,lesser M-Clone like I need a hole in the head,lol!)


If you look at that pic on th left hand side there is a table and if you look, what is sitting on it? A camera! I have a camera to take pics with and have had one the whole time i have been on IC, however

The 'cannabis castle' has been empty for many,many years,Dusty.
(You must have some old high times in a box somewhere,loll!)
Generally,I don't post pics of my rooms,it goes against security protocols.

Like you, i have my own reasons for not posting pics of my grow. Besides i could post a pic of a gold bar but it dont necessarily mean its mine or its real , could be chocolate filled. One would have to test it to see its value, same as pot.

I know that alot of dabney ( bud not cuts) was sent to LA and kids still drive up from LA to Or to get Dabney. It could be possible that the kids jacked the name of a superior product to sell some cuts they had or some gear they had. Kind of like the LA kids calling everything kush. So its not unheard of. Its like someone in this thread sayint hey got theirs from some dude in texas. When its not traded out by the owner of it i find it hard to believe it made it to texas. Just a thought.

You know it's legit if it's completely invisible! That's why he knows that nobody's pics are legit, cause you can see the plants! In Alex's imaginary garden, all the magical plants can only be seen by him and WhiteRapperFag. Dontcha know?

I also have indiana bubblegum ( got it bout a month or so ago) its not invisable either and just cuz i dont post pics of it dont mean i dont have it.



There's a cut circulating parts of the UK which smells and tastes of blueberry but is supposedly from an 80's Sensi Skunk#1. i'm a newb so i don't think there's any relevance to my post.
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Well-known member
Mr. Nevermind said:

If you look at that pic on th left hand side there is a table and if you look, what is sitting on it? A camera! I have a camera to take pics with and have had one the whole time i have been on IC, however


The forum is called Flower Pix. the thread is about a certain strain, you have talked shit for 6 weeks and can't show any proof to back up one single claim that you have it, or even have ever grown out a single plant in your pitiful life.

If you are too scared to post about growing then stay out of these threads cuz growers dont buy your bullshit. You are a joke to most here.

You were asked to post pics of this nevermind-only elite cut and you post a pic of a camera on a table in a hotel room, what?.... to prove you own a camera but dont know how to use it.

You obviously can't run with the big dogs here in IC growers forums, so put that puppy dog tail between your legs and run back to the Tokers Den where you belong. Your audience awaits you.

so please , with sugar on top sweety.......put up....or shut up



Well-known member
Dusty Bowls said:
Get 'em ElGato. Scratch Feva... :bashhead: :cuss:

heya dusty....man , i just wanna see this real dabney like everyone else.

6 weeks ago "the dabney dude" was at neverminds house.....surely in that amt of time a cut could've been procured and maybe some bud too....and then shared with sombody here at IC who might have posted pics.
.....but no , we'll just talk about it forever without anything whatsoever to back it up. thats alot of talkin imho, just talk tho

i mean 6 weeks ....c'mon


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