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Dabney Blue or M39? debate inside!



did very well with the original Sensi NL about 10yrs ago when it was loved then & still making crosses ...its when you don't let money turn you into a complete dickhead & keep it nice n' real as you truck on down the " humble river of life" . Humility is always a rare trait in human beings but very becoming when its found ...even if it is faked well , lol. That was kind of funny ....hehe

would liked to have seen this NL/Blueberry pheno (grown indoors) stack up a bit more but it was selected for the aromas which are so deep in the blueberry/honeysuckle zones & the stone so rich & full just had to keep it around ....and is just alright with me . ;o)

Dam long finisher though @ about 10wks unfortunately but outdoors its an indestructable plant ....very stout . Sure would love to try some M39 or some dabney blue....(anybody ? ;o)

week 9


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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
hennessy- if you got the cut going around cali, i am convinced it is not blueberry-however, i could have gotten a mislabeled cut-or maybe she didnt like my nutes, i dont know. one thing is for sure, she was very good smoke. if i did not have access to so many cuts, i would have been happy to run her again. couple friends who got to try her really liked her and wished i had kept it. good luck, hope you love her.....sub

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
Have to agree with my boy El Gato...
Looks like a ton of sidesteppin' goin' on round here...But that nothing new....LOL...
Afraid to post pics,,,yea right....

Dabney cut from Hieagle!

Pic most wouldn't post but I will...

Oh no now I'm worried.......Not!

Mt.John being a snitch....Now that F'n classic....:muahaha:
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Resident pissy old man
This is also a Hieagle cut, by way of a buddy in Texas. Good weed. Not fantastic. Not blueberry.



does it at least have a blueberry flavor, pops? i have heard it described as blueberry muffins :chin: maybe the cut responds differently in your op or you have a different cut? thanks


they are obviously different, but this can happen in a soil grow even if the feedings and the clone are the same. i have seen the same clone in the same room look like two different plants by day 60 due to the position in the room, minute difference in soil contents, and other variables, so its tough to say. if you look at the full plant side by side picture, one looks riper then the other.

maybe dabney is just a selection of m39?? maybe the minute differences in the picture are due to dabney not being re-cloned so many times? (degredation in genetics/shift in genetics) :chin: could be the same too, just like i said, have some variable(s) in the grow different.

everything starts from seed and the timing is right. right? there werent many seedbanks around when these vintage clones came into being (1980s), so who knows :)
Crazy Composer said:
We're going to keep this friendly.

I have been growing M39 and/or M39 hybrids for a few years now, and recently I was given a clone of Dabney Blueberry. I flowered my Dabney at the same time as a bunch of M39. Well, they look EXACTLY the same to me, smell the same, grow the same, flower at the same rate, etcetera.

It is my opinion that M39 (aka Skunk1/Basic5, aka B5, aka S1B5, aka Skunk #1 x Northern Lights #5) and Dabney are the same clone, exactly. I know some friends of mine would differ with that reasoning, but let me show you what the comparisons look like. ;)

The M39 is on the left in these pictures, the 'Dabney Blue' is on the right.

Let's hear what you think... are they the same, or different?


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Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
It has quite a fruity smell during flower but towards finish I get a different sweet odor that I have only experienced in a few excellent White Widow specimens from the mid 90's..
If you know that strange killer-sweet odor then thats it...I'm talking about the widows that were plain out power!Extremely strong cannabis from the first seed batches early-on...

Take care......................................CC

Everyone seems to smell something different in cannabis so it's all opinion in the end....
I may be wrong but the plant I'm growing grows different from the pics above...More coated leaves at finish...Way more trichs at finish!!!!!
Those plants are not frosted like the plant I have from He....
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Active member
Crazy Composer said:
They're different. The difference is the same as you'd get if you grew a bunch of very homogenous sisters at the same time. They MUST be the same genetics, there's no doubting that. They're NOT the same clone, although it's hard to tell that until the end of flowering.

Now, I KNOW Rez isn't lying about this for hype. That idea should be dropped fast, if you want to be right about this topic. Rez always held out that Dab and M39 were different, I was the one who doubted it... at first.

And for the record, NO ONE tells me what to think or say. I have been brutally honest my whole growing/writing career, never pulling any punches or misleading anyone - ever.

As for pics of the Dabney, I threw it in with my M39 and labeled it M39. It went to med patients as M39. It's like having two sister plants from the same parents, why keep them seperate in bags? The Dabney thing is hype IMO, and M39 is a better plant. Dabney's smell wasn't as sweet as M39, but that's ALL the difference to be found between them.

I changed my tune at the end of this crop because I realized I was wrong in thinking they were the same clone. Pride isn't an issue with me, I can admit when I was barking up the wrong tree. I kind of figured some folks would find that weird, but I am just admitting that my initial thoughts were wrong. That's all. Because this forum is for real knowledge, not personal issues of pride and prejudice.

Now, as for the skunk banging through the walls, as Rez describes it... I've never agreed with him on the smell, but he and I are constantly disagreeing with eachother on such things. Unlike many people here, I actually get tons of mileage from arguing and disagreeing with Rez, and others. When the wife and I argue, it can get heated, as long as in the end we learned something and are not mad at eachother, the argument went well.

If someone takes shit personally, and prides are hurt, then you have trouble. My pride is for my children only, it's hard to hurt my feelings by disagreeing with me. I love a good argument with another person who can take the truth - as I see it. And I love it when I'm wrong, because that means I have learned something new.

I just devulged the ground rules for dealing with eccentric, set-in-their-ways growers and breeders, and walking away with more than you came with. The great majority of people will never walk away with more, and keep getting their feelings hurt by brutally honest folks like Rez. They just don't see that he's a very experienced grower who WANTS you to prove him wrong, but will stick to his guns until you can convince him otherwise. Abrassive? Sure, but he's extremely intelligent and experienced with this plant we love, and such people can be set in their ways and often cantankerous to talk shop with. So what? Even though he comes off as rough sometimes, he's NOT a liar. He calls it as he sees it, which is why he ruffles folks with delicate sensibilities.

Dabney and M39 are as close as sisters of the same parents can be, without being the same clone. IMO M39 IS a better clone. The smell (to me) is sweeter than Dabney. Dabney is almost the same, but with less of the sweet skunk smell, more of a background skunk sweetness. I, personally, smell NO roadkill skunk anywhere in this stuff. But again, rez and I have differing thoughts and opinions about these things all the time... and yet we don't hate eachother. We've learned (and continue to learn) a lot from eachother because we don't hate eachother for our various disagreements.

I've got the answer I was looking for by starting this thread. No one's lying here, the truth is they're different, but almost identical. I no longer have dabney, M39 is the better choice IMO. That's that.
My pride is for my children only..... awesome post brother , K++++++++


Resident pissy old man
Ethereal, I am a lousy judge of what something smells like. After 46 years of smoking cigs, I can't even smell my own farts(well, sometimes ,maybe) Has a fruity smell early on that changes. It all smells like pot to me. I harvested at 67 days,and felt it could have gone a little longer.Nice plant. Good yield. hard buds. Good smoke. Not fantastic. I don't have M-39,so can't compare.


I grew the m39 version floating around and have to conclude that that clone is not the dabney at all!!!!!

Here is a cut that wonkanobe grew to be dabney, I got 15 in vegg and they look way more sativa than the m39 version I grew before.


Doesn't look like m39 in vegg either

Considering the M39 has very little flavor it's not worth keeping the cut, The real cut of dabney has more resin and has better flavor and smell and yeilds the same or more ...

the cut is also called the purple popsicle up north
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Quote:It has quite a fruity smell during flower but towards finish I get a different sweet odor that I have only experienced in a few excellent White Widow specimens from the mid 90's..
If you know that strange killer-sweet odor then thats it...I'm talking about the widows that were plain out power!Extremely strong cannabis from the first seed batches early-on... :end quote

the cut of dabney i had had a very sicklysweet-we called her BOB-for b.o.-berry-kindof stinky in a good way. def. not blu though.

i think there are so many cuts are going around, some got the real deal and some didnt-what i got wasnt bad, just wasnt what it was supposed to be. that shot of wonkanobe's looks wicked though, and slips, i cant wait to see those girls....sub
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There is a m39 crossed with Dabney that is more common in the CA club scene and suspect thats what you grew.

I don't have a very good pic but here ... one at week 5 with nute issues.

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yeah i read the thread.. u had me at.."i labeled both the cutting jpegs M39" it was easier that way....lol.....:fsu:

seems like this thread adds utter confusion and instead of debunking your M39 theory....maybe just first start with.....do i even have the right cut to compare?

where do yo cook up these sort of threads? the only one debating is you..lol...and your holy than thou outcome we are all supposed to swallow?...crazy composer suits ya well....lets edit the truth some more shall we?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
YourMom420 said:
yeah i read the thread.. u had me at.."i labeled both the cutting jpegs M39" it was easier that way....lol.....:fsu:

seems like this thread adds utter confusion and instead of debunking your M39 theory....maybe just first start with.....do i even have the right cut to compare?

where do yo cook up these sort of threads? the only one debating is you..lol...and your holy than thou outcome we are all supposed to swallow?...crazy composer suits ya well....lets edit the truth some more shall we?
what? wow, i cant really even think of something to say. its too early, wheres my coffee....
I only have experience with a quick and very indica looking m39 cut ( pump & dump strain of choice ) odor is low, starts off a little sweet and piney without a sour note.. cures to something someone could call fruity and syrupy, very faint fruity smell. nothing spectacular, spacey, dreamy, lazy high with a decent amount of brightness.

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