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Dabney Blue or M39? debate inside!

Dusty Bowls

That's even enough time to get some cuttings to those people who were on his list who were all people that didnt really have anything to do with it anyway...and everyone who could prove or disprove something uh....get hated on?


Mr. Nevermind

I have no desire to prove anything to Dusty nor Mtn jon. Never been worried about impressing members like them. I mean in Dustys world everything people has is a fake anyway ( look at most of his posts) and Mtnjon? Well, considering who he asssociates with im not really inclined to prove anything to him since i dont like proving things to snitches or their associates. Those whom are of value to this site will post soon enough, those with no value ( and have been banned for their BS) i dont have time for.



Well-known member
well then , why dont you prove to all the other members
that are interested in the dabney cut that your not just full of shit?

dusty and i arent the only ones that think your talkin out yer ass

6 weeks lol....you silly jokester :bashhead:



Resident pissy old man
Didn't realize that this thread was still going. I believe the snitch that Mr. Nevermind is talking about is not MtnJn, but POMH who was banned after an argument with Mr. Nevermind. Some strange stories came from that event, but I won't go into them.

Mr. Nevermind, I believe I was the one who mentioned getting a cut of the Dabney from Texas. The person who sent it to me got it from HE. You said that you believed that HE might have the real cut. That would mean that the person in Texas has the real cut,as do I. Or maybe there is no real cut, and we all have fakes. It is even possible that marijuana is all a government plot and really doesn't exist. We are all just smoking Petunias and the high is psychological.

Mr. Nevermind

well then , why dont you prove to all the other members
that are interested in the dabney cut that your not just full of shit?

dusty and i arent the only ones that think your talkin out yer ass

Tis none of your concern ,So find someone else to troll . Rest assured that once proven it will still have no bearing on you or your grow so its of no consequence to you . All you are doing is trolling in the end, so kindly take a nose dive off a cliff, you dont matter to me.

MtnJohn a snitch? That's preposterous.

Why did his girl get banned ( POMH) ? According to DG she is a snitch, anyone who knowingly hangs with a snitch is either one themselves or a complete idiot. Either of which i have no time for

but POMH who was banned after an argument with Mr. Nevermind. Some strange stories came from that event, but I won't go into them.

No POMH didnt get banned for fighting with me, she was put on my ignore list long before she got banned. Check DG's post as to why she actually got banned and dont listen to silly rumors.

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Well-known member
perhaps you should let go of POMH once and for all ....she's been gone for months ya know. you keep dredging up stuff that has no bearing in this thread...none whatsoever

everyone on this site knows that you are the questionable one, so why not just adress the topic of this thread and quit sidestepping!!!

you've been going on for 6+ weeks about the dabney...so back up the BS or shut up!!!

again....put up , or shut up ...you liar

everyone wants to see your "real" dabney......so lets see it...lol

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m.steelers said:
MtnJohn a snitch? That's preposterous.
johns my boy, and i seen plenty roll through his cab, he is not a snitch, its so ridiculous, i cant even come up w a smart ass analogy to prove my point, but if you think he is a rat, you need your radar diagnostically checked. one,lime

p.s- the real dabney cut is littering up the country, i dont see the point in trying to deny it,,,,,,,tons of very self sufficient growers getting there paws on each and every good strain,,,there is this thing called the canna community that could care less about arguing about strains, and cares more about pumping out elbows and keeping good company.........


ElGato said:
perhaps you should let go of POMH once and for all ....she's been gone for months ya know. you keep dredging up stuff that has no bearing in this thread...none whatsoever

everyone on this site knows that you are the questionable one, so why not just adress the topic of this thread and quit sidestepping!!!

you've been going on for 6+ weeks about the dabney...so back up the BS or shut up!!!

again....put up , or shut up ...you liar

everyone wants to see your "real" dabney......so lets see it...lol


WORD!!!! MtnJohn is no snitch and neither was POMH,I remember the nonsense and it was purely political.Why the need to keep bringing her up?She is my friend too,now I suppose I am a rat bastard too.John just said it,17 pages of your sidesteppin,Why dont put up just to prove to yourself,I think you really do believe your shit!!
Now thats from a nobody,me....I just read the whole thing and it is transparent,your full of Mielda Nevermind! :wave:


Everyone needs to let this thread be about the Weed. I think it's disgusting that in the want to be Right everyone involved in this thread is acting So WRONG. Those who are so sure of themselves haven't provided anything more in terms of proof (besides #s) than anyone else. Just another Dog Pile IMHO. Let time tell or be happy with whatever you choose to believe. When did y'all stop growing what you like to smoke and start growing weed for it's "name" ? If the M39 Dabney is weak why do you keep it ? What happens when Nevermind gets Herb the Dabney he speaks of and Herb gets the M39 Dabney to compare it to and they end up being different ? Am I then going to be a liar too ? I know what will happen if they are the same ... I'll say so !


Your right Herb :respect: I get caught up in the fever every now and then,wether its real or not I bet they are both Dank!!And it is about smoking what you like and not the name. :wave:


Considering El Gato isn't putting anything up either ... Someone needs to take their own advice. You were the starter of the False SNITCH accusations ... Where's your proof on that ? Where's your Dabney mtnjohn ? where's your M39 ? You're only here to bash someone when they appear down. Tell these fine folks how you speak of IC Mag on the other 5 sites you post at ... what a gnikcuf whiner you are. What's the matter Pussy Cat is the Milk Sour HeHeHe


Resident pissy old man
I only have one standard. If my med patients like it and it helps their condition, it stays in my garden. If it doesn't, it goes. If it is Dabney or M39 and it is good,I'll keep it. I have about 8 weeks of flower left, so I will find out after it is dried and cured and sampled by the patients. If it doesn't make the cut, it is gone.


Mine dabney x true blue has started to really pack on some weight, and smells like rotten fuel - Blueberries hmmm and should be done for birthiday in Oct 9 how fun :) Very indica I like IT!!!!
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Pops said:
I only have one standard. If my med patients like it and it helps their condition, it stays in my garden. If it doesn't, it goes. If it is Dabney or M39 and it is good,I'll keep it. I have about 8 weeks of flower left, so I will find out after it is dried and cured and sampled by the patients. If it doesn't make the cut, it is gone.

I like your standards Pops. I judge in much the same way....I think I might have lower standards though...need to build up my selection so I can raise my standards and get rid of something.:D



Well-known member
WeedWrapperMan said:
Considering El Gato isn't putting anything up either ... Someone needs to take their own advice.

i dont have to put up anything, i havnt been making claims of another dabney for 6 weeks ......your kinda thick eh?

WeedWrapperMan said:
You were the starter of the False SNITCH accusations ... Where's your proof on that ?

whats a false snitch? lol.....this is a dabney blue thread , i've never mentioned anything about snitches......twas your boy>>>from the beginning

WeedWrapperMan said:
Where's your Dabney mtnjohn ? where's your M39 ? You're only here to bash someone when they appear down.

appear down? wtf does that mean in this situation?

my dabney is in my veg closet...but it's the same one everybody except
mr nevermind has, thats why , after 6 weeks of talk we want to see
this other "real" dabney....havnt you picked up on that?
jebus man ....you are thick

WeedWrapperMan said:
Tell these fine folks how you speak of IC Mag on the other 5 sites you post at ... what a gnikcuf whiner you are. What's the matter Pussy Cat is the Milk Sour HeHeHe

all i've ever seen mtnjohn say was that there are some great peeps here at IC
and i dont drink milk
....what is it with you and mr nevermind , always sidestepping and shit ?

this thread is about dabney blue.....remember?

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I am so glad I didn't follow through with you Pussy Cat. Even though we are geographically "pretty close" (and you'd have never known that unless "someone" had told you or you were "they"). You're just not my kind of people. I know that hurts your feelings. I used to like chatting with you. What a shame. I'm not going to be baited into a battle of wits with an Unarmed Opponent. Until I have something to add, or some Info comes to light, on the Dabney (and by now it'll take DabneyDog himself to post up and authenticate it) I'm outta here.


Active member
I'm also interested in seeing this REAL Dabney cut that Mr.Nevermind is talking about......I have the Same Dabney that everyone else has and would like to see some pics to compare.....Maybe some Nug Shots or late flower shots will do...I'm very curious to what it looks like.....~ogr

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