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Dabney Blue or M39? debate inside!


Well-known member
far as i know , everybodys still waiting for you to back up your words mr nevermind

where's this "real" dabney you speak of? lol


Mr. Nevermind

Hey Mtnjohn, do me a favor and **** off. I dont need to prove anything to snitches and their associates


Mr. Nevermind

Everyone? You mean the snitch you hang out with? Go piss in the wind snitch. I dont need to deal with your kind. All its gonna lead to is someone gettting banned and im in no mood for you. Got something you want to get off your chest then do it. If not your trolling is a bit lame. DOnt you and your female friend have peopel you need to rat on?



Well-known member
back up your words on that dab....like you said you would , you liar

i asked you a legit question.....where's the dabney punk?
you have ZERO credibility



Well-known member
yea , yea , yea...........ZERO credibility = mr nevermind ..and you hate that :wave:



Mr. Nevermind

I have never tried to get credibility from snitches. No desire to prove anything to them. There are some members ( whom didnt get banned for being a rat) that will get a chance to be proven wrong. But snitches get nothing from me and hardy can call anyone credible. Do me a favor and go find someone else to troll, it already got you banned once.



Active member
Arguments aside, I do want to see this "real" dabney that was claimed by you bro.

Pages and pages of heated text, name calling, qualifications from you, and nothing to show for.

Not hating but you mentioned it yourself Nevermind, and I'd like to compare it to my "fake" cut... put your money where your mouth is. If you have nothing to prove why are yo so involved in this thread?

Drama aside, Gato is a great person and we (the misses and I) trust him fully. I'm only mentioning this cause it sucks to see a friend who you know is safe badmouthed.

Mr. Nevermind

stretchpup said:
Arguments aside, I do want to see this "real" dabney that was claimed by you bro.

Pages and pages of heated text, name calling, qualifications from you, and nothing to show for.

Not hating but you mentioned it yourself Nevermind, and I'd like to compare it to my "fake" cut... put your money where your mouth is. If you have nothing to prove why are yo so involved in this thread?

Drama aside, Gato is a great person and we (the misses and I) trust him fully. I'm only mentioning this cause it sucks to see a friend who you know is safe badmouthed.

I dont really know you very well, there are some members in this thread that have exchanged PM's with me and i will be meeting with mutual friends and they will get a chance. Sorry not everyone on this thread that asks will get a chance. But i do know a few people and we will be meeting up soon. They will report their findings. I truly have nothing to prove to most on this thread, but some are interested and trusted members and they will get a chance.

"great people " dont troll online, espicially if they got banned for it already. And as far as someone being "safe" when someone is banned for snitching one should pay attention to those that associate with those kind. Its well known his firend is a snitch and he still associates. Thats suspect.

Anyway, i got better shit to do than piss in the wind with MTNjon. Those that i have spoken with in PM and trust will get a chance to hang out and see what the deal is. Others, well they will always find something to troll and bitch about.

I have a good idea, lets stop the trolling and bitching and keep this thread open. Mtnjon. go find someone else to troll, this thread dont need to be shut down

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Well-known member
mr nevermind you are just full of shit and a straight up liar

so afraid that the peeps here will know the facts about what kind of person you are

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cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
To the dudes beefin with each other:
You both know I got no kinda beef with either of you...and I aint tryin to start one. I've seen both of you cats callin each other all kinda snitches and rats back n forth in several threads. neither of you has offered up any proof that the other is a snitch(like in the form of on such date, dude told me that if I didn't shut up, he'd out me, or post my addy) sorta thing, so as far as I can tell, neither of ya is a snitch, you two just don't like each other. It's all good, as I don't like every single member here. That being said, let's see if we can avoid getting Crazy Compozer's thread binned, as that would be a bigtime dick move toward him.
So I guess what I'm saying is take it to PMs, take it to the street for a fistfight to end all fistfights, butthe constant bickering back n forth is kinda silly, and is just trashing a lot of threads. I believe Crazy started the thread with somthing like "keep it civil"
so uhhhh, let's keep it civil, focus on the plant, and keep this site a cool place for us all to chill.
To get the thread back on track....hell, somebody got a mislabeled cut somewhere. Much love to all.
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Mr. Nevermind

You got it all figured out Mtnjohn. youre a regular freaking genius. Shame all that intellect is used to troll. Seriously dude, stop the trolling . Its really pathetic, for a grown man to act like a child is truly sad to watch. Grow up, get a hobby and quit trolling.



Well-known member
ElGato said:
far as i know , everybodys still waiting for you to back up your words mr nevermind

where's this "real" dabney you speak of? lol


here's my first post in this thread

me nevermind said:
Hey Mtnjohn, do me a favor and **** off. I dont need to prove anything to snitches and their associates

this was your reply^^^^^

now , who's a troll?



Active member
Mr. Nevermind said:
I dont really know you very well, there are some members in this thread that have exchanged PM's with me and i will be meeting with mutual friends and they will get a chance. Sorry not everyone on this thread that asks will get a chance. But i do know a few people and we will be meeting up soon. They will report their findings. I truly have nothing to prove to most on this thread, but some are interested and trusted members and they will get a chance.

"great people " dont troll online, espicially if they got banned for it already. And as far as someone being "safe" when someone is banned for snitching one should pay attention to those that associate with those kind. Its well known his firend is a snitch and he still associates. Thats suspect.

That's perfectly understandable... I want to see the proof on these boards, nobody mentioned meeting. I hope these "mutual" friends of yours are credible members of this site otherwise it's a moot point.

[edit: can't wait to hear/see!]
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Dusty Bowls

ograskal said:
Nice Pics Dusty....But how do you figure that She's "WAy" more Frostier than the Pics that CC put up.......I hardly see any Frost on those ladies at all....Could be the pics but really though....Were is this Extreme Frost your Braggin about??????...~ogr

hey raskal i will have to takes some other pics with my camera, my buddy took these, looking at the actual plant its frosted up like jimmys or yours


Active member
this thread is great
he even said at the start to keep it civil
nevermind must have it in with the ops
ive seen people banned for much less of a personal attack
i gotta backup my friend el gato john on this one
whater he says. is right


Active member
Dusty Bowls said:
hey raskal i will have to takes some other pics with my camera, my buddy took these, looking at the actual plant its frosted up like jimmys or yours

yeah, The Dabney Blue isnt very Photogenic....Looks alot more Frostier in Person than in pics....Myself, CC, and Jimmy all have the same cut....~ogr