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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Bluerry Day 60 flower + chop

Bluerry Day 60 flower + chop

:woohoo: Got some nice amber trichs goin now :sasmokin:

check out the Blueberry

^ Once again yield isn't all that...but the extra couple days helped build some nice tight nugs of what is there. I've already sampled some of the 2.5 grams of popcorn that I quick dried off BB-2 :yummy: It is as delicious and potent as ever :sasmokin:






She put on a nice colour show for us :canabis:

The Harvest

^ seen better...but this will do for now :woohoo:

Check out Passion #1 next :lurk:
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Snow Grower ~OGA~
Passion #1 Day 60 Flower + Chop

Passion #1 Day 60 Flower + Chop

Passion #1 Day 60

^ I finally did her justice! :yummy: She turned out alot better than expected and has come back to be a very interseting grow. Makes me wonder if I finally found a knack to growing P#1 indoors :chin:

You judge...





Maybe she couldas used a tad more flush time....she's still a little green at the end for being one of my plants :confused: Ready nonetheless :yes:

The Harvest

^ Yield on this one was higher than I expected...so, at least I met my expectations here. Those are some tight foxtails and I look very forward to smoking this up :sasmokin:

Gonna be a little busy tommorrow so pics of the Freeze and Grapes first day in the flower room will be slightly delayed.

Hope these pics can keep you tied over till then :biglaugh:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Maj.PotHead said:
real nice haul TML right on blueberry smokes nice

Didn't see ya sneak that post in on me there Maj. :biglaugh:

Thanks eh...much appreciated, the BB thanks you too :wink:


bro looks awesome and yes it does appear u have the "knack" u def have your skills bro.
keep it growing green!!!


Occasional User
Looks good TML ...are you backing off on the Nitrogen during the last month of flower? If not I bet you find that's why you are still so green at the end.

Take care bro!

The Budfather

Active member
tml just gonna remind you to change your bulb if already havent

passion is a beauty oh hey tml im using your electrical tape- cup water cloning method
i just got 100% on my hard to clone lifesaver pheno:)


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Hey Guys :wave:

walkabout - Thanks bro :friends:
I'm glad you enjoy the pics ! :smile:

BonsaiGrower - Thanks eh :smile:
Yeah...I'm not much of a feeder. Passion #1 didn't get anything but water for at least the last 2 weeks...BB was at least a month of no feeding :yoinks: Why Passion #1 didn't flush herself out :confused:
We'll be able to tell on the taste test :yummy:

BF - Nice to see you brother :friends:
Yeah, I changed the bulb the day after I mentioned it here in the thread. Was a big time difference :yes: Had to grab the shades. I'll never wait that long to change bulbs again...I'm sure I lost some weight because of that.
Congrats on 100% roots! :woohoo: I've found the electric tape on the the party cup works best for me too :yes: It's been the only way I've ever gotten roots in under 7 days.
It will be my preferred cloning method also :smile:

I got stuff to do today, but I keep procastinating :biglaugh: If I do get a chance though I'll try and come back with some pics!



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
:yes: ...i'm shure TML is a happy boy right now :D
cons on the haul buddy

Edit: you did her justice TML :joint:
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WOW!!! :yoinks: I could look at that all day. Everything looks tasty, and I can't wait to hear the smoke report on your Passion. I forgot to tell you my new lady friend does like the green. She smokes it like a champ! :joint: :woohoo:

I've gotta get something growing here soon. I might be moving in the fall but that is till up in the air. Have a good week. :wave:

Big D

You learn something everyday...

You learn something everyday...

I have never thought about it much, but... I would have never imagined Eskimo's grew herb too! Or as you would say, " holy Eskimo's growin' weed!"
TML, :wave: Nice igloo man! And just fabulous plants your growing in there!
You know... I have been growing about :chin:...26 years. And all the best bud I have smoked, had come from of small yielding plants... it seems:chin: . Dont take everything I says as gospel... I have also been smoking for 26 years!
You know what I mean?

As far as breaking branches... once I had a a plant in a five gallon pot. One day while cleaning her cage...I set her on top of a five gallon pail and knocked her off...and she flipped... and landed on her head. I had topped the plant...and had lst'd it, as you guys say. And it split the main stem all the way down to the soil! About five inches. I ve only grown one of these plants... and this stuff was potent as hell! My brother- in- law always said that it was because of the stem breaking. :chin:! I dont know about that... but... the moral to the story is that it did not hurt the plant one bit!

Beautiful work your doing up here... I hope that your igloo doesn t melt! D!

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat

Congrats on another very fine harvest my friend - this picture had me drooling and tasting berry just from her looks! Hmmm - can I spell T A Y S T E E? I'm envious of your macro skills - real beautiful portraits of your buds! With each succeeding harvest I find myself closer to the AA ticket counter :D BTW, your BB gift story is one of my favorites!

Smoke a coupla berries for me! :joint: :yummy:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Thanks Guys :wave:

I'm really happy everyone liked my pics :woohoo:

I have a dry weight for Blueberry-2, it was a mere 24 grams

Core - I'm putting the flame to a BB joint as we speak :joint: BB-2 came out very potent and tasty...even without a cure.
Thanks Core

Insomniac - It's ok...you can stare at it all day if you like :biglaugh:
Thanks so much, I'm proud of her too!
I'm glad you got a woman that smokes. Sometmes that lil issue can stress a relationship if one doesn't. Plus...some chicks just look real hot smokin on a j :sasmokin:
I'd love to see you get another little grow goin!

Big D - :laughing: Everyone needs to smoke it!
Welcome to the Igloo!
You might have something there with small yielders being incredibly potent :chin: Majority of my weed comes out killer potent, and I have noticed some of my bigger yields to be weaker yields :chin: And of course winter yields are usually more potent (less quantity) in comparison to summer grows too.
This is only my second year growing though, so I still have alot more observation to do.
Thanks for your visit :smile:

BeAn - :smile: Thanks man!

MGJ - :wave: Awesome that I could make you drool :yes: :biglaugh: Thanks very much :smile:
The secret to my photgraphy lately has been to take a lot of pictures and choose from the best :biglaugh: I don't count on all of them coming out well...sometimes I get luckier than others. It always helps when you have a nice subject to work with :yummy:
:laughing: Yeah since I don't know the lineage of her we can call her the "parking lot blueberry" :sasmokin:
I'm more than happy to pass this BB joint around...weed is meant to share :friends:


BB-1 is back in the veg box in an attempt to save the strain through re-veg :bat: I've been successful before and hope I can pull it off again.
I have the time, so I'm not worried about that.

I know I still gotta get some photos of the new flowering plants in :bat: been a little busy :pointlaug will try and squeeze it in today or tommorrow.

Been having troubles staying motivated during the day after wake'n'baking with BB :chin: Need a different strain for mornings.

Currently Germinating
got some beans germinating :woohoo:
2 - Pacific Shark (Jade Mikado X Great White Shark) by Willy Jack
2 - Cheezy Bastard (Big Buddha Cheese X Purple Bastard) by Core

Thanks for the visits :wave:


Occasional User
Came back to chill in the igloo again TML ... you really did do a good job on those girls didn't you? Good job mang!!! I'll support you when you say low yielders being more potent sometimes. And seriously dude, since you're a personal smoke grower, of course you're gonna grow for quality and not quantity. Like a fine wine maker you are. :joint:

I'm gonna fill up my popcorn and stay a while. You mind throwing some of that BB in the bong? I wanna taste.


TML16 said:


Ah the day has come! New Genetics in TML's igloo :woohoo:
It's getting a little warm in here...will the ice hold till winter? Either that or there's going to be one nice big skylight all summer long.
Till Next time


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Hello :wave:

BonsaiGrower - You hit the nail on the head my friend :friends: It's all about the potency. Weight is just a bonus :yes:
wtf :confused: you watchin me? How'd you know I was a winemaker :wink: I do dabble in my own fine homemade wines too :smile: Been a hobby of mine for a few years now. I seem to have troubles drinking most of it though as I'm not a big drinker :biglaugh: Makes well for those nice nights curled up by the fireplace though.
Loading up a bowl of BB for ya, the kitchen is over there when you get the munchies

Insomniac - I thought you'd appreciate that surprise genetic line :smile: kudos to Core for the breeding of course :respect:
This is a special fortified Igloo to withstand Summers heat :yes:
The walls have been fortified with hemp :yoinks:
Plus, if you havn't noticed on your way in...winter seems far from over...though I do hear about some decent weather to come in the forecast :woohoo:


I'm about to roll up this Passion #1 tester nug that was dried on the PC case :woohoo:
I'll let you all know how it works out :wave:

Big D

Just chillin :lurk: Waitin on the new beans to show them selves...sounds good!
I am going to have to go to the drug store to get something for my lips. They are getting a little chapped! These Arctic conditions really dry you out!

Good luck with that BB and the re-veg!

Big D! :sasmokin:


Traktor driver
Your colours put my girls to shame. :D

Looking f****ng great mate! :yoinks:

Pic of the month? :wink:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Dudes! :wave:

Big D - Great to have you :smile: Got some hemp + bees wax lip balm for your Mick Jagger lips :biglaugh:
The Cheezy Bastard beans popped tap roots within 20 hours in the paper towel :yes: They're in soil now.
Will soon check on Pacific Shark soon :chin:
Thanks Eh :ying:

Alex-F - Why...Thank you so much sir :smile:
I doubt any of my ladies compare to your beasts, but these do smoke extremely well :yummy:
Blueberry always puts on a nice colour show eh? she has so much appeal. She was barely given any nutes again all grow too...such a cheap date :yes:
Thanks so much for the nom. :woohoo: I always feel great when I'm nominated. I'm glad you guys like my photos. The plants do all the work :canabis:


Taste tested Passion #1 the other morning... :nono: Tasted like burnt plastic and earth :confused: I had to put it out.
Gonna give it another shot after the properly dried nugs are ready. Looks like it's in for a long cure though :chin:
Shucks... looks like I'm gonna hafta smoke alot of Blueberry for a little while :YaRight:

finally got around to some pics...stick around and check'em out :lurk:


:yummy: :yummy: :yummy: Those buds look Delicous!!!!! Nice haul brotha!! Who really cares if the yield isn't huge????? :confused: I'm with you I grow for quality more than quanity :confused: Chit the more I have extra the more my free loading friends are over here :confused: Damn that gets expensive not only do I supply buds, but beer and munchies too :lurk: :yoinks:

Excellent Job Bro