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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007


Hey TML! :wave:

Haven't been around to post after your update. Got this new girl that's been occupying my time, haha. :woohoo:

Everything is looking great. The Passion really frosted up since the last photo session. You always rave about the taste...what does it taste like?
I break out some of my little harvest every week to enjoy. It probably will be gone soon though :chin: So you decided to run another hempstar eh? Well it would be nice if you could find a great pheno to breed or keep as a mom.

Oh, and would you grow out your new genetics already!!!! :yummy: :sasmokin:
Hehe, have a good week everyone :joint:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
:wave: Hey There

rule35sub1 - Welcome my friend :smile:
Thanks much for the compliments...I'm so happy everyone is liking the Passion this round :yes:
Stop by anytime :wave:

pontiac - :laughing: Gonna hafta get a scarecrow to keep that damn shit hawk off my crop! :yoinks:
funny shit man :yes: :biglaugh:
Great to see ya around buddy :smile:

Insomniac - ahhh a lady in your life eh? :canabis: Does she have a name? (you are refering to a plant right :biglaugh: )
Passion did frost up...I think I even mentioned in the previous update she needed some. She's making me happy :smile:
Passion #1 tastes like piney rotten pumpkin guts :yummy:
Although that may not sound too appetizing, it's only the way I can describe it :confused: It is very awkward taste that stays with you awhile...just somehow...I crave it always.
I just decided to flower the Hempstar first outta the veg cab. I was planning on Freeze first, but Hempstar is going to take the longest. I'm saving my remaining Hempstar beans. Like you say...when I'm ready to stop exploring variety...I'll find a mom, and maybe a dad :wink:
Oh you're in for a surprise with the new genetics my friend :woohoo: I plan on putting 2 Pacific Shark seeds as soon as I harvest one of my BB's. Plus there will be a surprise saved for then :chin: :sasmokin:


I'm gonna put Hempstar in the flower cab on day 50 of flowering plants...so we'll take a look at her when she goes in

Thanks for the visits guys :wave:


Pass That S**t!

This is for you TML... I got some chrystal seeds soaking right now. Just wanna say thanks for keeping me hyped about growing again! :friends:

My cabbys just about done, and its pretty damn stealth; sometimes i even forget that its a grow cab. :eek:

Anyway, we better see some more budshots soon, or that bird will come and getcha. :drum:
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Snow Grower ~OGA~
Pontiac - Congrats
I've been looking forward to one of you well researched grows again :lurk:
Chrystal eh :chin: sounds interesting. Are you still gonna run your KC brains Mango?
That cab you laid out was super stealth...the vase duct was genious :respect: I't's gonna be great seing that thing in action.
I don't know how you knew I was scared of birds...but keep that damn thing away from me :yoinks:

Insomniac - PAGE 4 :woohoo: :moon: :woohoo: :moon:
oooohhhh...hehehe. A new woman friend eh? That should keep you busy, and maybe outta trouble too :sasmokin:
I hope she likes MJ :chin: and if your lucky...she might have a green thumb. Then you know you got a keeper :yes:
Best of luck with your new relationship buddy :smile:


Putting Hempstar in flower room tommorrow :yes:

So...we'll have the last day of veg pic up then....untill then :wave:


TM great looking grow bro and a heck of a nice line u have i am currently running an afghan as a stable in my grows some real nice potent and sweet smoke
keep it growing green!!!


Pass That S**t!
Hey tml, :wave:

Well mango was on top of my list so i wanna grow it after i build my initially planned setup. This stealth dresser thing is kind of a last minute/temporary thing, so i picked a strain from the bottom of my list. Once my freeloading distant relatives leave, i'll probably turn the dresser into a fulltime mother cab.

Well enough about me, lets see some more bud porn :jerkit: !
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Snow Grower ~OGA~

walkabout - Hey there man :wave: Welcome to my grow Igloo :friends:
Thanks :smile: The line up continually gets more variety and better every year. This will be my first flower run with Freeze and I have Pacific Shark starting after that...with another yet to be revealed suprise strain :sasmokin:
An Afghani is something I definately wanna look into :yummy: especially if I'm going to eventually breed. I was looking into Nirvana's...seeing how modestly priced his genetics are.
I'm gonna hafta come by and check your garden out :lurk:

Pontiac - I've heard good things about Chrystal :yummy: but I've never had the pleasure myself. Probably is a wise choice :yes:
Yeah...I've yet to see the finished product of your dresser cab, but if it came out anything like you plans it should definately become a permanent fixture in your growing equipment. That'll make one helluva mother/veg cab with that nice spot underneath for cloning too :chin:
Tell your kin to move on...TML wants to see some Pontiac grow shows again :biglaugh: Don't make me bring my hockey stick over! :nono:
I guess I'll hafta take a couple of porn shots for ya when I'm glamourizing Hempstar for her shoot :smile: P#1 is foxtailing out nice and BB's are puttin on their purple dresses :yummy:

I'll be back sometime today with the shots



pontiac said:

:moon: Hey Bro I don't mean to rain on your parade, but That's an Owl not a hawk!!!!!!LMAO

:chin: Pontiac aren't you close to me??? If so I ran a mango from BPG a couple of years ago and it was great!!! Very fruity mango taste and smell, easy to grow, great yielder and stoney as hell!!! If you can give her a run???

:chin: Now TML that is quite an impressive line-up you are going to run!!! :woohoo: Just let me know when you are finished growing them and you need someone to sample them??? I'm always here for you bro!!!! :joint: :joint: :joint: LMAO

Your buds look fabulous!!! :yummy:


Heavy Chevy

Well howdy TML :wave: , figured I'd stop in pull up a seat and see what all the rave is about with this grow of yours. :lurk: That grape looks like a very nice plant, how does it yield? That passion #1 is looking delicious aswell as the blueberry. Sorry to see you got the claw going on I hate when that happens to my plants, its a real eyesoar for me but hey all that matters is how the smoke is right? :joint: Looking good man. HC


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Hempstar's Last Day Of Veg

Hempstar's Last Day Of Veg

garlic city gro - :laughing: You sure that's an Owl? :biglaugh: Looks like a shit hawk to me :bat: I think we should get Pontiac back in here to find out wtf that crazy lookin thing is.
You know you're always welcome to sample whatever's available in the Igloo my friend :friends: as long as you keep bringing the beer :yes:
Thanks for the compliments :smile:

Heavy Chevy - Welcome :wave: Glad you stopped in :smile:
Thanks for the compliments :yes:
The Grape yields decently well. Fat, and dense nuggetry. Real rock solid buds. It's a nice short indica with a mild soothing buzz and great grapey tastes :yummy: It will be put into flower soon.
Yeah...claw is just asthetic and the plants seem happy enough. Yield ain't gonna be the best this time around, but potency should be way up there :yoinks:
Thanks for stoppin in bud :wave:


Hempstar's Last Day Of Veg

^ Well...here she is...ready to flower. I stuck her in first cuz she's gonna take the longest. She's also the shortest. Took her along time to snap back into a veg state after a week or so of 12/12. She still has lots of hairs on her, which should help spring her back to a flowering state quickly :yes:
A few weeks a go I snapped a main branch near the end :pointlaug I put some electric tape on her, and the growth still seems to look nice, I hope it can repair a snap that big. I'll try and be carefull with her.

:badday: accidentally killed my BB clone :biglaugh: I didn't really wanna tell anyone this, cuz it's a little embarrasing...but I um...stepped on it :pointlaug
It's a short/long story and the outcome is...it's no more. Looks like there's a re-veg in my future :biglaugh:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Day 50 bud porn

Day 50 bud porn

Just a little day 50 bud porn :yummy:

I checked trichs on day 46 and decided both BB needed at least a week and P#1 needed almost up to 2.
Should be looking at day 55-57 for BB and day 57-60 for Passion #1. I want loads of ambers...I need to get stoned :joint:



Passion #1


Hope you enjoyed :lurk:
Thanks for the visits and replies guys :wave:


:chin: I've never seen a hawk with eyes that big :confused: and the eyes are in the fron of the head not on the sides :confused: Looks like an Owl to me bro :confused:

As far as snapping a branch no problem. You taped it back together and it will heal just fine. I split 1 of my urkles right down the middle last summer and it still grew just fine.

:bat: Now about stepping on that poor clone :asskick: TML's new rule Never drink Mooseheads before you tend to your garden :friends:

That is one pretty look BB you have there bro :yummy:



Snow Grower ~OGA~
:laughing: I didn't mean a hawk...I meant a shit hawk = Seagull.
I've been known to be wrong before though :confused:

I've snapped a few branches too, never this bad though...almost hanging by a thread..all growth beyond there is still nice and green though. I'm sure your right though...she'll live :smile:

Learned my lesson never to leave clones on the floor while I'm working around them anymore :bat:

Glad the BB can impress an excellent grower like yourself :respect:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
looks good indeed..nice 2 see you are problem free TML...i justf ound out that the new soil i got is contaminated.....me thinks us got symphillids again :badday:
and i askt that gatdamn asswhipe clerk in the store if it woz clean soil...@#|^àç MOF...:badday: sorry for the lango bro!...


Leave this place better then when i arrived
You are lucky to get that blueberry. It is amazing for medicals if thats what you are. My uncle had it on once occassion and said he never felt so good. Take it easy bro.

The Budfather

Active member
haha tml ive dropped a few plants while smoking and tending.....ive even sat on a bud and the plant didnot break......i should have held my tongue on the passion shes a beauty... good to c ya tml...

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