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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007



hello TML :joint: :joint:
nice place brother and i see you have some fine ppl as house guest over here, thats makes a world of deference it seems....

hey is that freeze by any chance sub's lemon freeze?, and is the grape you have grape kush?....
warm place :joint:

P.S. so warm in here you better watch that igloo or you will be hosting in a pool!!!!


Nice little girls you got in veg. I like how you trained hempstar.
You know the best thing about your igloo are the walls I can put my beer in! :friends:
So with all these females going is there any breeding that you are considering doing? Might throw a new twist to growing for you. :chin:
Well I finally finished digging out of the snow and ice today. I'm gonna spark one :joint: Hope the Igloo doesnt melt on me! :yoinks:

Have a warming week. I know I am anxious for spring.
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:wave: Thanks for having my back sparky!!!! TML can be a little abusive sometimes!!! :bat: But no worries I know what he likes!! Hey TML would you like another cold Moosehead or 2? :friends: :friends:

:chin: Are all of your plants reveg? The reason why i ask is that they look like tight little Twisted sisters. That being said they are pretty looking girls!!!! :woohoo:



Snow Grower ~OGA~
:wave: Gentlemen

Core - Why thank you so much for the rep :smile: I continually try and pass out as much as I can...but they never seem to give ya enough :wink:
These girls are staying in veg till the next round. Should be 15-20 days left on BB, so that's when Freeze will see some HPS action :yummy:

jaws - Welcome my friend :friends:
Very good guests indeed in here. We got Garlic at the door keepin all the riff-raff out :yes:
Both Freeze and Grape are bagseed strains. I don't really have any info on the genetics. I know Grape is from a seedbank, just don't know the lineage.

^ There's a little peek at my last Grape grow. She's a very tasty indica :yummy: This will be my first run with Freeze which is a local outdoor piney/minty bud.
Put your tongue out...stick it on the wall and "stick around" :pointlaug
It'll be nice having your company :smile:

Insomniac - Hey there bud! :smile:
Hempstar is growing pretty funny eh? :biglaugh: chopped her at 2nd node
then tied down the 2 big branches...now I gotta get them growin back upward.
No breeding planned as of yet . I think I'm going to save that for a project when I build up a good supply. Plus, I didn't save any males for pollen extraction.
Glad your dug out :yes: Don't count winter out yet...but I can see the days getting slightly longer also. We're past the hump anyhow :smile:

garlic city gro - :laughing: I try to be gentle.
Can always count on Garlic to bring the brews to the party :friends: No coolers needed :yes:
All those plants are from seed Garlic :yoinks: They look a little twisted because they were popped into flower for a few days for sexing, and it took them a while to pop back into veg. That and they are old, and have been kept short. All these plants are 2 1/2 months old.
The Grape has been slightly mutant since birth :confused: I gotta take a pick of her stem though, she's not even flowering yet and it's as thicker than my pinky finger!
I'm glad you find my bush attractive :chin:

I'll be back with day 35 pics sometime today :wave:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Day 36 Flower

Day 36 Flower


back with the flowering plants update :lurk:



^ Not sure I'm understanding BB's needs :confused: Top is clawed, which could be from too much N, lower and mid fans yellowing in need of N :chin: I'm thinking a small feeding may be in order, she's been flushed with water for weeks now.




^^ Other than that, she's filling in nice and dankily :yummy:


^^^ Bout 20 days left


Passion #1

^^^^ Filling in decently. Definately the stoutest Passion #1 I've grown. Good stink on her :yes: Needs some frost though.




Hope you all enjoy the update :lurk:

Lemme know what you think :smile:


Ahh nice pictures again buddy :friends:
Have you checked the PH of the soil for Blueberry? Maybe the strain you have is very touchy with Ph. :confused:
Well they look very nice, can't wait to see them bulk up.
I don't know if I ever asked you these but I just have some quick ?'s:
What was your largest yielder? (strain and weight)
Which was your most potent? I'm going to guess a hempstar
What genetics are you dying to have?

I'm off to enjoy some haze :kos:
Here are some for the other guys!


Snow Grower ~OGA~

Insomniac - Thanks eh :smile:
I don't really have any PH testing devices. Plus, I'm probably to lazy even if I did. They're weeds, they'll grow I guess :confused:
To answer your Q's:
Largest yielder thus far was Tangerine at 56grams (though I didn't weigh my first 3 or so grows)
most potent probably has to be the first Hempstar I grew. Blueberry is pretty close, but Hempstar really has a lazy,hazey glaze it puts over you. It's almost like being in a trance

Genetics I would love to have :chin: Black Domina (or a cross of), Hashplant, Romulan, and a pure Afghani would all be a welcome collection to the garden now :yummy:
I can get a nice Black Domina cross from Willy Jack. Nirvana's got the Afghani. I might have to spring out the big bucks to afford Federations Romulan though when the time is right.
For outdoor needs it Passion #1 and The Freeze all the way!

Thanks for stoppin in :wave:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Day 44 Picture Bonanza

Day 44 Picture Bonanza

:chin: Quite quiet in the Igloo this week

Since it's been awhile since I've updated...I figure, we'll do this one in style :lurk:

So...without further ado...here's the Day 44 Bud Shot Bonanza








Active member
I love the igloo!!! THanks for your hospitality......let me know how those ladies taste after the chop-chop, eh?

-yer pal guineapig


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Passion #1 Day 44 Shots

Passion #1 Day 44 Shots

Passion #1








Hope you guys enjoyed the update :smile:

Looks like the Blueberries are within the 10 day range or so :yummy:

We'll get an update of the Freeze too right before she hits the flower room :yes:



Snow Grower ~OGA~
guineapig said:
I love the igloo!!! THanks for your hospitality......let me know how those ladies taste after the chop-chop, eh?

-yer pal guineapig

Hey there...caught me between posts :biglaugh:
Welcome! :smile:
Glad you're liking the view in the Igloo...Thanks for stoppin in :wave:

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya TML :wave:
Another fabulous update from the Land of the Igloos! :yes: I must say you have the art of bud macros down my friend - they all look so beautiful, centerfold material one and all! Passion #1 is particularly catching my eye tonight - and of course not too much longer and you will be blueberrying :joint: Most excellent! :respect:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
:wave: Hey there

sm0kateer4204 - Welcome :smile:
Thanks for stoppin in. It was great talking with ya in chat the other morning :yes:
Glad I could tempt your taste buds with my Blueberry pics.

MGJ - :wave:
Thanks so much fort the compliments. I'm glad you're enjoying my pics.
It looks like I might have learned something over this past year because that Passion #1 is starting to impress me a bit too. Yield won't be anything to call home about, but she's frosting up nice and putting on enough beef to make me satisfied :yes:
Had troubles with P#1 indoors before...either I got the good for indoors pheno this time, or maybe she just likes me :smile:
Looking very forward to getting into my own stash again MGJ...I can already almost taste those quick dried little popcorn nuggets :yummy:

Core - Glad I could indulge your senses brother :smile:


I think I've decided I'm gonna put Hempstar in first :chin: and a couple days early to get her started off quickly. Hempstar will probably be my longest outta the next batch at 60 days.
I am running out of room with Freeze though, and I have her exactly how I want her :confused:
You'll see what happens when I do what I do :crazy:
I'll take pics of it too :yes:

See ya :wave:


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
What a bunch of inuits hanging out in here..some real ice holes..I mean that to the zero degree cubed..OK I'll slush up now..hehe
I see you've encrusted your plants with dazzling rhinestones...like real Memphis beauty queens with hairy armpits..
The blueberry actually looks better at the new growth..those clawed leaves won't return to a flat state at this point..
leaves that got that way are gonna stay like that to the bitter end..the buds are what counts now..
would be a good time for a PK boost..(like Kool Bloom, etc.)..I PK boost at the beginning of flower with a special expensive product just for that purpose..AN Bud Blood..
Then again in the end with a finishing PK like KB or Top Max, (back in the day..I ran Top Max thoughout flower and KB the last 2 weeks)..
These days I use AN Big Bud 2 weeks in and throughout & AN Overdrive in the end..If the bottom of the plant gets pale and the buds swell..you've done well..
Just my 2 pence worth..but I have my head up my ice sometimes too.. :wave:
I'm leaving that cat and MJ fly behind too..you need some pets in this igloo..hehe



Snow Grower ~OGA~
:wave: Gentlemen

packn2puff - Nice to see ya my friend :friends:
:laughing: You're quick man. Almost like you have this material pre-written :chin: you know there could be money in that for you eh?
You know I don't have any fancy magic potions layin around :biglaugh: They get water! and a place to stay...wtf is this the hilton? :confused:
I've given them their last feeding...I plan on pretty much smoking the shit outta this batch as soon as it's dried so I wanna stay on straight up water from here on in...they can feed off their leaves if they're hungry :sasmokin: I know...I'm cruel.
I think that cat just became victim to the snow dogs :yoinks: didn't you see MGJ laying out there with them on your way in? :bat:
Thanks for stoppin in...I needed a laugh today, that hit the spot :smile:

Willie Nillie - Welcome :smile:
And just how many Igloos do you hang out in :chin: :biglaugh:
Great to see a new avatar in here :smile:
Thanks for stoppin in, glad you like :wave:

Maj.PotHead - Why thank you sir :smile:
I've had troubles with Passion indoors in past grows. Not the hardest plant to grow, but not the easiest to grow indoors.
I love the taste most of all...and pretty much have grown it for that reason and that it's an early finisher. Potency is always decent, but better outdoors :yes:


Really nice to see the great responses :smile:

Thanks Guys :wave:

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