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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat

Holy Blue Pocket Rocket Batman! Wow - I'm slimein' everything in sight! Congratulations my friend - that is a truly beautiful plant!

Branch snappin - take a look at any of the sourbubble pics of my current plant - I split her more than once trying to spread her wings - she's wicked brittle in the stalk. Luckily trussing her up with some raffia did the trick on each injury - but it did stun those branches for a few days.

And another nice grow in the makin - that hempstar is going to be a nice chubby - have to say, you've got it down my friend.:canabis: :wave:
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TML we have all had our little accidents last week i knocked a try of cutting off my work table almost brought me to tears but quickly realized thats why i kept 2 of each strain for just an accident anyway after some tlc i ended up with 90% root rate so like it has been said before its just a weed it knows what to do :)
keep it growing green
p.s. fantastic looking bb


Pass That S**t!
:woohoo: nice budporn!!! :jerkit:

Damn tml, those pics are so damn hot that my LCD monitor overheated and stopped working while i was viewing them :yoinks:. I shit you not man! i swear it! Right now i'm using my old crt monitor and praying that my LCD is still under warrenty, lol. :biglaugh:

O Garlic is right about that freaky wierd bird being an owl, its actually called a "snowy owl": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snowy_Owl
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Snow Grower ~OGA~
Wow...some great response here

fallenangel - Thanks man :smile:

Core - :badday: sorry to hear about the contaminated soil.
I wish I was problem free...I don't think there is such thing is this game.
My current problems include an ongoing battle with the borg
and now some rootbound plants in the veg cab...I'm glad they're to be re-potted and flowered very soon :woohoo:
Don't worry about foul language in here...as long as there's no ladies around.
Thanks eh :wink:

T.doT.Toker - Hey there :wave:
I was very lucky indeed to get this BB. It was gifted to me in a parking lot by a complete stranger :biglaugh:
I'm not medical in the sense that I have certification, but I do take it upon myself to self-prescribe MJ for reasons of anxiety and lack of sense of humour :bat:
BB is very potent, I think the best feature for BB in the med world would be a definate appetite increase
I could get fat real quick if I keep smokin the BB.
Thanks for stopping in :wave:

The Budfather - :biglaugh: growroom mishaps are stories you can find all over these boards. Too bad I hafta spend the time on a re-veg now, but that's life.
Glad you like the Passion bro :yes: I'm not sure how stable this pack was...I got it from Emery seeds and starting to think I just got a bunk pack. I've had a few good ones...this girl being one of them :yummy:

Mr GreenJeans - Thank you MGJ :smile:
This is a great BB pheno. Seems I'm lacking in the weight department this time around :badday: but potency will make up for it.
I think she likes to grow better in a single cola style.
Hempstar will be short..but your right, there's gonna be some big fat buds on there :woohoo:

walkabout - I too know I should be keeping more than one clone for survival of a strain :bat: I'm always trying to keep my numbers minimal, and still have the curiosity of variety though.
I didn't plan on flowering a BB for awhile anyhow after this run...so many strains to try :joint:
Thanks for the compliments :smile:

pontiac - :biglaugh: maybe it was the HPS? I've made people spit things on their monitors before, but blowing one up is a first.
Hope it's under warranty...after going LCD, CRT's really suck :pointlaug
I've been known to be wrong before, and I am again :bat: That owl is freaky lookin :yoinks:
Thanks for enjoying the bud porn!

Garlic - :moon: you were right :biglaugh:


Active member


a shithawk!! :pointlaug :pointlaug

hehehehe...we say: "flying rat"... :chin:

plants look great, TML! :woohoo:


Occasional User
Hey TML .. great thread., I lurked you right from my beginning at ICMag. Hope you don't mind if I pull up a seat and get a refill eh? :lurk:

Peace :wave:


Snow Grower ~OGA~

Sleepy - :laughing: Flying rat...that's about the jist of it.
We used to feed them alka seltzer in the park when we were kids :yoinks: doesn't seem very funny now, but seemed to be back then :bat:
Thanks for the visit bro :friends:

BonsaiGrower - Hey there :wave:
Man...I didn't even see you sittin back there in the corner the whole time :smile:
I'd be more than happy to pull you up a seat. A nice comfy bean bag chair with your very own hose to the Rasta bong

Thanks for stoppin in, and thanks for being a part of my thread :friends:
Nice accent eh! :yes:


Gonna re-check the trichs on the BB's today, if either one of them are even close to where I want them I'll take one tommorrow :woohoo: The other 2 won't be very far behind.
I've waited awhile now for this day to come :canabis:

There will be no turn around time and both Freeze and Grape will be entering the flower room tommorrow :yes:

Which means 4 beans will be popped next week :chin:

Gonna be an exciting week here in the igloo :lurk: We'll have some harvest shots
and some last day of veg shots

shortly followed by more bud porn and harvest shots :yummy:



Occasional User
Hey TML ... fer shure you do the great white north proud eh!. what accent?...it's the rest of them that sound funny. Thanks for the bean bag chair and personal hose to your bong.
Your welcome around my threads anytime too man. Gotta do our part for the great white north. Besides my quincy is melting and I'll be needing to move my igloo bricks into the freezer for the summer.
Peace Mang!


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Blueberry 2 Day 54 Flower

Blueberry 2 Day 54 Flower


BonsaiGrower - Thanks eh! :smile:
I'll make it over to your thread for sure!...would love to watch another snow grower go at it :wink:
Yeah the weather change is coming...+ temps today :woohoo: get ready for the big melt!
Thanks for the visit...I'll be dropping by soon :wave:
Blueberry 2 Day 54 Flower

Here it is...last day of BB2' life :yummy:

^ She didn't turn out too bad. A little lean on the amber trichs...but I need some smoke and the other 2 can finish off where I like'em. Weight is not all that impressive, but I fared better than I thought :yes:

Here's the porn :lurk:






^^ ooohhh...I really like this one :smile:

Check out the harvest next :woohoo:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Blueberry Harvest Day 54

Blueberry Harvest Day 54

:woohoo: Here's some harvest shots





Doesn't look like I did too bad :smile: Not quite as purple as last time, but I've warmed it up a bit in there :yes:

The other 2 plants will be ready this week also, so it looks like I'll be pretty busy for awhile.
Got some popcorn nuggies drying for early consumption :yummy:

Hope you enjoyed this Blueberry plant harvest...see you at the next one :biglaugh:



congrats on the harvest. not too much weight, but Im sure those will be some tasty nuggets. :yes:

how about them Leafs eh? and Tucker with the snipe in OT on the weekend, and another big game for them tonight. I've almost given up on my beloved Habs, so now I am hoping the Leafs can snag 8th.

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
TML16 said:

Doesn't look like I did too bad :smile:...

Hiya TML :wave:
I agree - not too bad at all - NOT!!! Excellent beautiful frosty buds my friend! There pixie dust flyin all over the place in those pics - :yoinks: In pursuit of amber trichs - not so easy to wait, I can get most of my plants to mostly cloudy, but getting even 50% amber has been beyond my reach. Still get couchlock though! :woohoo: I'm sure those will be some tasty potent food for the mind.

Glad I wasn't a little animal in the parks in your city :yoinks: I'd get a little nibble, look like a Macy's Balloon for 60 seconds then KABOOM

Must've been somethin to see though!!! :wave:

Heavy Chevy

As the stoner from dazed and confused says... "Its quality not quantity mannnn...."

Looking great TML:yes: I'm sure that will be some bomb ass smoke even though you didn't get a huge yield. :joint:
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Snow Grower ~OGA~
Hey Guys :wave:

Rat Fink - Welcome :wave:
Nice to have another hockey fan around here :yes: Go Leafs eh!!! :woohoo:
I'm the same way with the Habs...if the Leafs are down and out I become an instant Habs fan :biglaugh: man, do I miss the Jets too :badday:
Thanks for the visit and congrats...they should be tasty and potent indeed :joint:

MGJ - Hey there :wave:
BB does like to frost up nice eh? :smile: 50% amber is a looong wait..I did wait out a couple Tangerines though...not sure if it was worth it :chin:
:laughing: we were cruel kids :sasmokin: Then we all started smoking weed and fell in love with the earth :canabis:
"food for the mind"...I like that :yes:

Heavy Chevy - "how come I never get shotgun man?" :biglaugh:
Rory Cochrane is right my friend...quality is the key :yummy: I told myself right from my first grow that's what I was in this for. Clean, potent, and tasty buds :yes:
Quantity is nice too if you're not sacrificing quality.
I guess it's kind of like the security vs liberty issue :chin:
I'm sure I'll end up with an oz or so.


Although I'm not completely dissapointed with my yield this time around...I am wondering why they performed slightly poorly this time :chin:
I'm thinkin I may need a new bulb? I have been using this one for about 3-4 grows now :confused:
That will be my first ammendment anyhow.

Thanks for the replies guys :wave:


excellent looking plant bro will be sticking around for the smoke report also
keep it growing green!!!


Okay..So either I have been smoking way too much keif or I missed your harvest entirely. :bat:
Looks great TML! Your blueberry always turns out beautiful in the end. :yummy:
I don't know if your bulb would be bad already but there is always a chance. :chin:
Good luck finishing the other flowering ladies. I'll catch ya in a few. :joint:


Leave this place better then when i arrived
Really nice TML. Looks like some amazing bud :O Id like to grow blueberry next year... most likely blue mystic but hey anythings better then nothing :)


Bud looks great man, we don't get anything that remotely looks that good around here. Hopefully after I start growing I can get some nice personal smoke.


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Sorry for the delay...

Sorry for the delay...

:wave: Hey Guys

Sorry for the delay, got caught by some PC problems :mad:

walkabout - Thanks :smile:
I've grown this BB out before...she is a potent, and very tasty specimen :yummy: Be prepared for the munchies after she leaves you with the fuely/blueberry aroma and flavour

Insomniac - Thanks Eh :smile:
Nothin wrong with smoking too much :joint: can always back up a few pages and look at pics :yes: or you could scroll down to find more :chin:
Bulb wasn't entirely bad...just a little old and faded. I noticed a huuuge difference when plugging in the new one :yoinks: I even had to grab my shades!
I can almost gaurantee it had an effect on my yield this time around.
hope you enjoy the rest of the harvest :canabis:

T.doT.Toker - Much appreciated :smile:
Can't go wrong with the Blueberry. You find a good one and you're set :yes: The first couple times I smoked it, I only appreciated the potency. It's almost an aquired taste.
Good luck with your plans :ying:

Dirtysmoke - :biglaugh: Had to come back and edit...you too posted when I was posting some pics.
Welcome to the thread and ICmag :wave:
Glad you enjoyed my BB pics...by all means, get growing if you can. There's nothing more stisfying for a stoner to smoke his own :yummy:
Stop in anytime!

Uploading some pics now...we'll get to the harvest :woohoo:
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