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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007


Plz forget you know me...Sugaree
High TML! Great updates and glad ya got things worked out! Good luck on the next run I'll be sure to tag along. Be sure to post a link so us other slackers dont miss out...lol.
Peace, bugout:Bolt:

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
TML, great harvest bro, those buds are some frosty fugerz. Glad you have your new cab up and running, can't wait to see some mumbling going on in there :) ... take care bro.



Snow Grower ~OGA~

Maj.PotHead - Thanks brother :smile:
It will just be getting to know and use a new cab is all...should only take a few grows before I got her running exactly the way I need her to run.
Plus...I got all you guys to help me out :wink:

Dr Dog - Always proud when you approve of the pics :yes:
Long live the OGA! :canabis:

GMT - A big thanks :smile:
We're always excited to have you with us in the thread!
I appreciate the well wishes.

doobieduck - I'm glad I can always please you with the pics I provide :lurk:
Thanks for always complimenting.

Insomniac - You're almost like a roommate here in the Igloo :biglaugh:
I'm sure we'll do ok with the new set up :yes:
We'll make it all work out.

TBug - Great to have ya!
Would love for everyone to tag along to next thread. Hopefully we can make it as fun and friendly as this one was.
I will leave a trail for everyone to follow for sure! :lurk:

Black Ra1n - Thanks bro :smile:
New pics of the cab will be posted tommorrow :woohoo:
1 of the Mumbles should be the forerunner (if female) for first to flower in the new cab. Will be a great way to break it in :yes:

Will be back tommorrow to close this thread down and start the new one.
Thanks for the great replies guys! :wave:


:wave: Hey TML it's been a while since I've been here , but it looks like you did the PB up right!!!!!! Does it have a sour & sweet smell to it???

Let it cure and the smoke will get better for you.

Nice job bro


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Ooo, a new thread, a new cab, should be some good times ahead. I'll be following the long line of growers heading off to your new thread mate - this has certainly been a great one. Enjoy that purple bastard!


Snow Grower ~OGA~

Garlic - Great to hear from ya brother! :friends:
Thanks much :smile: I know you were a big fan of PB, and I always liked the way you did her up. Between yourself, Core, Teresa, Jaws himself and the many many other great growers here on IC that have grown the PB...I figured I'd better do at least a half-assed job with her.
I do agree Sour would be a awesome way to desribe PB. I find it to taste like blue slushie or freezies :yummy: maybe slightly grapey, but definately sour. I've only been puffing on the popcorn buds as of yet. I'll wait for the good stuff.

Sammet - Thanks for the positivity! :smile:
With every new experience there will be some ups and downs. Glad you guys are here to join me through it :friends:

Dr Dog - :biglaugh: I had read yours and BR's conversation when I woke up yesterday :yoinks:
I thought it sounded like a great idea...as a matter of fact I started a Mandala fund and put $5 away in my locker to start building up on the side.
Hope your feeling better today :ying:

I'm off to go get some pics together for you guys of the new cab so I can explain it's designs and minor flaws I've noticed as of yet.

I've actually got a weekend off for a change :woohoo:
I'll be hanging around quite a bit and starting my new thread :lurk:


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
right on bro
feeling a touch better today, got some energy at least today, and my head feels a bit clearer.
LOL I guess we should watch what we say, if we have logs eh?

Talk to you soon bro


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Final Daze in the Igloo

Final Daze in the Igloo


Dr Dog - Glad you're feeling better bro :ying:
Logs get deleted often :biglaugh:
Thanks for being a great part of this thread bro!


I want to thank everyone for making this my best thread yet! :lurk:
I've learned alot this year, as I have past years here on IC and OG.

Now it's time to say good-bye to the Igloo and move on to new digs :wave:

So come check out the new Maple Leaf Garden

Here's some curing Purple Bastard for you viewing pleasure as we close the Igloo

This thread is closed! :wave:


Registered Medical Patient
bye bye igloo, u will be greatly missed, but now its time to go to the Maple Leaf gardens...PEACE!!!!!


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