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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007


Snow Grower ~OGA~
mmmmm....dried nugs

mmmmm....dried nugs

:wave: Bonsai



^ Thought I'd fix up the pics so everyone could see :yes: :laughing:
Let's get to work my friend :whip: :friends:


I figured I'd show off the gear a bit from the last round :yes:



Here is how the weights came in:
Blueberry-1 = 23G
Blueberry-2 = 24G
Passion #1 = 24G
basically halfed my goal, and put a dent in my average :biglaugh:
Probably one of my lowest yielding all around harvests :chin:
I think it was the bulb :confused:

The smoke is superb though...Blueberry is a killer :sasmokin:
The P#1 is tasting alot better now, but still a little fresh. The buzz is a little more uplifting than BB, and so I think I'm going to sneak in a joint or 2 of Passion for mornings and save the BB for evenings :smile:

Should have an update coming up...depends how lazy/busy I am these next few days :joint:

Someone take these nugs and stuff'em in the vape....let's get a sweet buzz on :sasmokin:


Occasional User
Great Update TML...that's what I like to hear. How do each of these strains finish? Exactly ha...you and I think alike my friend. I'm workin on honing my garden and strains so that I have different medicines for different moods and needs...be it up,down,pain,hunger,inspiration. Once I have the perfect 5 strains I'll most likely start labeling my jars accordingly.

Peace my friend, if ya need me I'll be out back fixin up the patio since it's spring and all!


Traktor driver
Good lookin Igloo my friend. Wouldn't want to go down that staircase after a smoke though! :yoinks:


:chin: That's not the same igloo we partied in last month? Did you change locations? Can I bring my disk to slide down the stairs :yoinks: ?

:yummy: Those buds are looking yummy bro!!!! :woohoo:

I know how you feel about not reaching your goal,but it was still a good haul :confused:

Nice job bro


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
nice igloo :))) ya still got a decent harvest considering your not real happy with it warmer weather is a coming bro :)


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Hey there :wave:

rule35sub1 - :yummy: It looks pretty....but it smokes better :smile:
Thanks eh!

BonsaiGrower - different medicines for different moods and needs :yes: That's exactly why there are so many different types and breeds of our beloved plants :canabis:
By nature I'm an anxious person. A heavy indica takes all that away and allows me to be patient and confident :joint:
I have troubles getting motivated...smoking a nice sativa and grinning through the work always makes it bearable.
5 strains of medicine to choose from would be a blessing :ying: especially if you knew what each one was capable of and their positive effects. Grand idea!
The nicer weather is here :woohoo: funny to see people out in shorts and T-shirts because of 10C weather :biglaugh: Don't get too comfy though :nono: You know winter has to rear it's ugly head around at least 1 more time.
Why don't you take a break from that deck and c'mon in for a joint and beer :joint: :friends:

Alex-F - Pretty amazing what you can build with ice eh? :yoinks:
I've yet to stay in one of those Ice Hotels...but it's on my to-do list.
Just join Garlic on his disk there...I'll give you guys a starting push :sasmokin:
Thanks for the visit :smile:

Garlic - Thats the beauty of a house made of snow and ice...you can remodel or build additions whenever it snows out :yoinks:
We'll all take turns sliding down the stairs...just let me make an advanced phone call to the emergency services :bat:
I'm not to bummed about the weight (or lack there of) but, it was a bit between harvests and I really wanted to be completely perpetual in the fact I wouldn't need to buy any if I ran out between harvests. And there's just not enough to last me between harvests.
Quality is tops though :yummy: It was well worth the grow.

Major - I gotta find a saluting smiley somewhere :chin: Nice to have a man of your rank in the peoples army of the potheads with us :smile:
The warmth is a nice change for sure. I sure missed the warmth of the suns glowing glow.
As I sit here smoking on a BB joint...I can definately say I am happy with my harvest...just wish I had a tad more :yummy:

Thanks for your visits gentlemen, you guys are making this my best thread ever :friends:
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The Budfather

Active member
hey tml about your yeild, ive noticed that you usually let your plants grow very natural othe then topping, ive found the more even the canopy, the better especially with a 250, try using string to tie down your plants to get all the tops even so thos lower buds get better light. plled 200 grams off a 4 plant lst and dont be afraid to add one more plant your 250 can handle it trust me ive seen it do it.

that blueberry is a dream man seriously
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Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey man you ever thought of doing a scrog? It will keep your canopy more even and you'll end up with a larger yield, just a thought. Spring is here :) OHHH Canada :) Good luck man...



Snow Grower ~OGA~
Hey Guys :wave:

The Budfather - :wave:
I think I'm still lacking style still really...I've tried LST in multiple ways, I've tried topping, and multiple topping, and I've also grown out alot of natural styles. I've also tried them on a variation of strains. I think it'll be a couple more years before I get to test all strain to style variations :biglaugh:
Congrats on your harvest :yummy: sounds bountifull :yes:
I flower only 3 plants at a time for standards/personal reasons...otherwise I wouldn't be hesitant to put 6 under the 250 :yoinks:
Thanks for the visit bud! :smile:

Black Ra1n - Welcome :wave: Nice to see my northern brothers out here :smile:
I have thought of doin a scrog actually :chin:
My two problems have been that my veg area is very small :wallbash: and I'm very lazy :biglaugh: seriously...I love growing pot, it's a great hobby of mine...but I only love it because it's not really that much work or that time consuming. I can go days without checking on my ladies and not really care. They're weeds...I'll end up with something :biglaugh:
I would like to give a scrog grow a go...just to say I at least tried it. Maybe next time the flower room is available for vegging :canabis:
Thanks for the visit eh


Well with the warm weather and slight rise to a normal humidty zone...the mites re-assembled a mighty attack :mad:
Hopefully a generous application of Safer's soap will at least thwart this barrage untill it's safe to spray again to kill the offspring. Maybe by then I can hunt down some natural predators too :yes:
Found a nanner on Hempstar today :nono: I pulled it off. I'll hafta keep an eye on it. Could be dealing with some unstable Hempstar genetics. This was grown from a seed I found in my own stash from my first Hempstar grow. I'll hafta trash the few seeds I have left...they got hermie traits :confused:

I also stunted 3 of my seedlings with a little too much wind from the fan :pointlaug

You'd think I'd be disapointed with all that negative stuff. But, somehow it all doesn't seem to bother me.

I'll have a chance to bomb the room when I go on vacation after this grow :yes:
I'll only be growing bred genetics from now on..no more bag seeds :yes:
I think I may go back and re-read GMT's thread again and consider getting even lazier too :biglaugh:



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
lol guys that iglo is no more....imma hot Bastard ...i melted it :biglaugh: j/k

Nice Bud shots TML :yummy:

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Thanks for having me eh :) ... I can see how a scrog grow would interfere with the hockey hahaha. It was actually warm enough to take a few layers of clothes off today, spring gets me antsy to get my cloner running......
Death to spider mites!!


Occasional User
Hey TML. Wuh...I was gettin a tan out there. Deck is all set and I cleaned the BBQ while I was there. Thanks for the beer and I don't mind if I do take a hit of that there bong. ahhhhh that's better.

Ha, it's the same around here too. Puffy jackets and mits one day, then shorts and skirts the next day......(and a ton of bumper benders that day...lol)

ya man it's all about figuring out what meds are gonna work. ya nailed that one right on the mark.

Peace Bro.


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Suuup :wave:

Core - The Igloo will live forever! :ying:
You are on fire though :yoinks: Go roll in the snow :biglaugh:
Thanks...glad you enjoy the tasty budshots :lurk:

Black Ra1n - :biglaugh: Yeah...IF the Leafs make the playoffs, I prolly won't be hangin round here too much. I'll be to busy screamin at the TV :yoinks:
Hey!...no need to get naked in here! :sasmokin: j/k The warmth is beautiful :yummy:
Gonna give those mite bastards an extra spray tommorrow, hasn't been that long bewtween sprays, but I seen some crawlin around today :angrymod:

BonsaiGrower - Lookin Good, Lookin Good! :yes:
Let's all head outback to the new deck and enjoy a couple cold ones in the fresh spring air. Ooooh a gasline to the BBQ right from the Igloo too...Bosai...you genious :biglaugh:
Ask Garlic if he brought the burgers :chin:
The women seem to grow outta the cracks of the sidewalks with the sunshine eh? :yummy:
I bet you got some tasty meds comin up soon :lurk:


Got a pic update comin for guys in just a few minutes when I get them sorted out



Snow Grower ~OGA~
Days 10 + 18 Flower

Days 10 + 18 Flower


Here we go Day 10 for Grape and Freeze
Day 18 for Hempstar

Freeze Day 10

^ This will be the best plant of this round. She's stretching out well and has a major stink to her already. I was expecting more sativish traits :chin: Mites don't seem to like her that much and are too lazy to climb to the high branches, probably cuz it's windy up there :yes:
She's a good plant :smile:


Grape Day 10


^^ Not strecthing very much. I pretty much expected her to just be one thick stick of bud though :yummy: Gave her a little haircut as recommended by Core :yes: She's starting off a little slow.


Hempstar Day 18


^^^ She's getting torn up by mites :mad: Found that nanner on her...plus didn't get any stretch on her, and a broken branch :biglaugh: She's been to hell and back...if I get anything off this plant it will be a blessing. Developing buds decent and even starting some frost :chin: we'll see if she can make it.



Hope you enjoyed the update :lurk:

We'll check in on the seedlings next time :wave:


Occasional User
Well lookie here TML. I'm glad I was sittin here online for the update. Absolutly Stella! I want you in on my Bonsai Container Grow when I start up that thread in a month or so. You up for it? Your Hempstar looks righteous.

I think I'm due for another round of your grow set-up pics. Show us all the method to your madness. I really like the look of what ya got goin on there man.


Heavy Chevy

Hey TML! All is looking as good if not better since the last time I was here... Now you got some killer smoke to share with everyone huh? Yeah I really think it'd be worth given scrog a try in your situation, I am pretty lazy too buts its really not as much work as you may think. And well who doesn't like to yield more? Everything is looking beautiful keep up the good work.


Snow Grower ~OGA~

BonsaiGrower - :chin: You'll hafta tell us more about your Bonsai Container Grow :chin:
As long as it doesn't mean I hafta do any work or make an effort, count me in :yes: :biglaugh:
Hempstars of the past have been much more pleasing. See..I got these seeds from my first plant. I found about 8 seeds in that grow. Seems these genetics are unstable. This one was a re-veg of that first plant: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=34547

You wanna see the methods to my madness eh?

^ There's the veg box :pointlaug It's what you would call um...the bare minimum :smile:
dimensions are 60cm(2') Length X 60cm(2') Width X 90cm(3') Height
that's a 23W "Daylight" (blue spectrum) and a 42W "warm" (good red spectrum for CFL)

^It's an older picture, but it shows the flower area from a bit back. It's just an awkward closet grow. The flower room is 3.5M(11') Length X 1M(3') Width X 2M(7') Height and I use about a quarter of it, and the rest is for storage :biglaugh:
Got the good trusty old 250W and a 42W CFL for sidelighting.
There's an 8" fan and it's own register from the main ducting for heating/cooling :yes:

I bought some 5-1-1 and 5-10-5 fish ferts for $5 each about 8-9 months ago and still have at least a half bottle of each :biglaugh:
I'd say my soil is my most expensive part of my grow :biglaugh: Biomax soil, EWC, Bone Meal, Perlite, Vermiculite and Epsom Salts.
I used to be real cheap and use my own urine cut with water for veg ferts...but I broke down and spent the $5 for the gauranteed analysis :confused:
Pretty Ghetto eh? :pointlaug
It ain't much, but it's efficient...and I smoke my own dank :joint:

Heavy Chevy - It's a non-stop Blueberry smokin weekend my friend :joint: :friends:
I do believe I will try a scrog in the future :yes: As you can see :laughing: my veg box is my biggest issue there. I need a couple quick harvests to build supplies back up before I could use the flower room to veg again.
Thanks for the visit eh :smile:

Heavy Chevy

Haha I know what ya mean man. Gotta build up the main stash so you got something to sit on and toke while your trying all your crazy experiments right? Ever think about getting those "Y" fittings to screw into those plug in's on your power strip... That way you can get two CFL's for each plug in. Just an idea. All is looking well though man. :joint: