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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Hempstar Day 11...Freeze + Grape Day 3

Hempstar Day 11...Freeze + Grape Day 3

Hempstar Day 11...Freeze + Grape Day 3

Here's the new plants finally...I'm a day late actually. These pics were taken and marked accordingly :confused: was sposed to get them up yesterday :bat:

We'll start with Freeze

^ Filling out nice. She was starting to get a little rootbound in the veg box. Needs a little N and Cal/Mag...so she'll be lookin alot better in a few days I'm sure.
Lot's of nice bud spots...might be the centerpiece of this grow :lurk:


^^ K..she might not be lookin too good right now, but I can assure you she's fine. She has a few slight defs from rootlock...just give her a week.
She started life as a mutant and is still growing that way. There is a twist in all the leaves...she's done it since her very first set of leaves :confused:
Tightest nodes I've ever seen on any plant in my life :yoinks: You can't even see where leaves end and begin...this plant is Nuckin Futs :chin:


^^^ Coming along decently and maturing quick :yes: Naturally...no stretch, but i foreseen that coming. I'm thinkin Hempstar plants are something that need to be grown in bunches :chin:
Still got some mite damage on this one, and I'm keeping an eye for any activity...I've been winning the war lately, I don't want any more major battles :dueling:
Couldn't save that branch ending :badday: Plant is just fine though. Already some nice budlets forming:

Don't be strangers now :wink: :wave:


Traktor driver
Yea the Blueberry looks real tasty. :yummy: That's the thing with purple strains though, they always look pretty. I was never a fan of my VBS, but she looked damn good. :yoinks:

Hope you don't mind. :wink:

Here's a blast from the bast...



Snow Grower ~OGA~
Gentlemen :wave:

Garlic - :laughing: I hear ya brother...I think I'm always the guy expected to have a joint with him :sasmokin:
I'm enjoying this Blueberry immensely :yummy: missed smoking my own, and it's a gauranteed good buzz :yes:
Thanks for your input my friend :friends: and course for supplying the beer :bat:

BonsaiGrower - Will definately be an interesting grow for me :smile: Wish me luck :ying:

Alex-F - mmmmm :yummy: that looks like some ooey-gooey purple goodness there

That's the thing about the purple strains. They are such pretty specimens :canabis: You almost expect them to be good and tasty.


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
maybe you should pinch of some leaves TML...at least thats what i do ....she looks like a unshaved girls with beard...:pointlaugh...j/k buddy...but i do think she can use some light penetration...:chin:


Snow Grower ~OGA~

Big D - LMFAO :biglaugh: :laughing: I could swear I saw those big lips movin askin me for ice :biglaugh: I must be stoned

Yeah...it's an Igloo the whole friggin place is made of ice :bat:
Glad you like the new lineup Big D :smile: Thanks for the laugh eh :yes:

Core - :laughing: She does look a little fuct eh?
I think you maybe right. She's just gonna end up a big single stick of bud anyhow :yummy: I'll trim her up good for ya :yes: I think I'm gonna follow her with the CFL side lighting too :chin:

rule35sub1 - Thanks alot man. Your visits and support are appreciated :smile:

Funny shit guys, Thanks :wave:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
yea TML she' looks twisted :yoinks:...some sidelight will shurly help..
i also woz thinking of installing some sidelights or resetable rail between the plants...notthing fancy just a few flouro's for the lower buds...i found out that i have 2 much popcornbuds :badday:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
People of Earth :wave:

Core - She is a Twisted Sister :headbange :biglaugh: Believe it or not...If you go back to the old thread you'll see that every single leaf ever to grow on that plant has done the exact thing. Including the first leaves ever! :yoinks: She is a definate freak :woohoo:
I use a 42W "warm" CFL for sidelighting in the flower room :yes: Seems to help the lower stuff get a little chunkier.

Tayla - Welcome to the thread and ICmag :wave:
:redface: Had I known we had a woman visitor coming...I woulda had Garlic pick his socks up off the floor :yoinks:
Thanks for enjoying my photos...hope to see you around again :smile: Thanks Eh !

pontiac - :smile: awww, shucks. Well thank you very much P. I'm glad my little Blueberry bud is worthy of a shot at a pack of SD seeds :yummy:
I'm just glad you guys all like the shots :yes:

A.N.Other - Great to have you aboard :smile:
Thanks so much :D
We'll try not to melt the Igloo...after all it is a Growing style Igloo...meant to withstand the heat of HPS bulbs!


We got seedlings poking thier heads through the soil :yes:
I'll take some pics when they get some true leaves.

Might actually be a little bud porn next hempstar update :woohoo:

Things are back in swing and moving fast :wave:


Ah, another saturday morning, another update.
You time these updates too well :chin: I feel like I'm lost again. You've got tons of activity now. I cant wait to see freeze in bloom, or that grape hotty showing us her goods! :yummy: :yummy:
Passion tasting like earth and burnt plastic? What kind of PC are you running man?? An all organic mac or something? hahaha:pointlaug

hm...it's after noon. Time for some beer! Have a good one :joint:
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Traktor driver
It's getting crowded in here! :yoinks:

I hope the igloo doesn't melt with all these people here :chin:


Active member
hey eh? looks like you might be samplin' some blueberry right about now . hope ya are ! do they taste like blue berries ... i always breamed they did ... i'm waitin to find the breeder who not only has the blueberry look down pat but the flavor of sweet wild blueberries laaaaaa . ok may all be well .... i think i was eyein your blueberry b4 ... many blessings, hidingtree.


Occasional User
Alex-F said:
It's getting crowded in here! :yoinks:

I hope the igloo doesn't melt with all these people here :chin:

LOL....ahhh Igloo Rookies..lol just kidding...welcome to the great white north eh! ,,, building an addition to an igloo is just a shovel,ice saw and doobie away. Takes about 30 minutes to build an addition on the home...lol. I was thinkin you should add on a theatre room TML. Something for the Photo Viewing area maybe. Ha



Snow Grower ~OGA~
Hi Everybody :wave:

Insomniac - :yes: Activity in the thread has been up eh? :smile: Must mean I'm doing something right.
Maybe it's the Igloo :chin: Build it...and they will come :biglaugh:
Dunno what was up with the Passion #1 nug :confused: I'll try a proper hang dried bud tommorrow.
Mmm..mmm..mmm :yummy: That frosty Guiness looks delicious! I think you just gave me an idea....a beer sounds tasty :friends:

Alex-F - :laughing: I think Bonsai solved that one. Grab a shovel and get busy! :whip:
It is great to have all these visits and all this action in the new thread :ying:
I'm glad you guys are liking the set up in here :lurk:

hidingtree - I've been sampling shitloads of Blueberry
There is a Blueberry type taste :yummy: but it's a tad fuely. The Blueberry tasting part seems to be any leafy part. The close, trich filled leaves have the most actual Blueberryish flavour.
Highly recommended strain for any potent buzz lover or med user.
Glad you enjoyed :smile:

BonsaiGrower - :laughing: :biglaugh: Glad you could clear that up for me bro :yes:
Let's get to work on an Ice Hotel! :yoinks:
Maybe you should become a snow structure architect :chin:


Thanks for all the visits lately everyone! :smile:

It's nice having a good hopping thread.

Is it getting close to a pic update?