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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007


Occasional User
ahhhh ... May 24 in the dam....now that sounds like a good time too. I'll be mixing audio that weekend...too bad your out of country, I was going to PM you details as to where it'll be..(close enough to you)..ahhh...next time. Hope the humpstar smoke well. I'm sure it'll be good man. Who knows...might be a good heady stone since you cut it a bit early.

Taker easy


Pass That S**t!
That hempstar may not be your best, but lets not forget about that sexy freeze! God Damn! Lets see an update! :yummy:

Sorry TML, but a box of tissues and a small tube of lube wont do me any good for the freeze harvest, looks like im gonna need a 5 gallon bucket and some WD40...I better head for the hardware store and get preped :yoinks:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Duders :wave:

BonsaiGrower - Damn :wallbash: Sounds like I'll miss a good homegrown party. Would have loved to make that. We'll keep in touch and get together one day soon.
Was thinkin :chin: got Black Ra1n, Dr. Dog, Heady Pete, Insomniac, yourself and me...I'm sure we could find a few other growers around here that are of decent proximity...maybe someday have a lil IC party of our own :chin: :headbange
I'm smoking some Humpstar as I type :yes: Taste came out very good, and it's not bad to smoke freshly dried :woohoo:
Buzz is extremely heady and short lived though :badday:
Will work to get me through the hump I guess.

pontiac - :laughing: K...looks like I'll need some beach towels and drum of chicken grease :yoinks:
I guess the Hempstar genetics are shot :confused: oh well...I only started with one bean. Will be something I'll hafta get more of one day.
Will move on to the whack of new genetics I have now and find some keepers :sasmokin:
Got an update coming up for you today sometime. I havn't taken the pics yet...but today looks like a good lazy day to get some stuff done around the yard and play with all my babies :yes:
Freeze will impress I'm sure :wink: I think you'll like what Grape has to offer too :chin:


Ok...update coming up sometime today :lurk: I don't even know what flower day it is :chin: :biglaugh:

The young plants should be showing sex within the next day or 2. I think they've been in the flower room 5 days now. This is good...because usually females take longer.
Any Pacific Shark females will be cloned. Gonna need a few test runs on this strain.
Cheezy Bastard females will be flowered and then make room for the attempt at more variety.
All the growth has been amazingly healthy and fast...reminds me another reason to quit growing bagseeds. All these plants have vigour :canabis:

Fuckin mites :mad: It's been a non-stop battle with them ever since I've got them :wallbash:
Gonna try that organic spray posted by BR...maybe a new agent might help sway the battle in my favour for a little bit. My vacation should help too, as the Safer's Trounce is still very effective on vegging plants.

Mikado is said to be a nearly "mite resistant" strain :chin: If this is true...just another nod to make Pacific Shark a keeper :biglaugh: The mites sure love their dose of Blueberry.


Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey TML, someone say PARTY!!! hahaha I was thinking of starting a Canadian MJ Growers Association, hmmm do you think we could get some of that federal gov. special interest group grant money to start this thing up lol ... Sorry to hear about your mite problem, they're persistent bastards aren't they. I have an array of chemicals at work that would nuke their ass's, but then you wouldn't be able to smoke it, lol so it kinda defeats the purpose. Try that recipe, I'm interested to see if it actually works. Spray the crap out of them and disinfect you're grow cab/area. Those bastards will lay eggs everywhere. I'm going to break out my notes from college and see if I can come up with another solution for you. I noticed a few of my moms houseplants had the buggers on them, so I stuck them outside. That always seems to work good as well, but it's no good if you have them on a 12/12 schedule. Mother nature seems to take care of them quite well :) .... When do you leave for Am/Dam? I'm so envious!!!!!!

Take care man .... I'll do some research for ya...



Registered Medical Patient
:jawdrop: Well, well, well...looks like I found where the party is at!!! Hello TML, BG, BR and of course the rest of you guys and girls...Dude, so sorry I havent posted in here before. Actually, tonite was the first time I looked thro ur ENTIRE 14 pgs. here...I am very impressed with the results u have gotten from a pretty bare-bones grow setup...I like it cause I am goin commando too...The only thing Ive really spent $$$$ on is my nutes...Beautiful lookin plants..I love that FReeze!!!and the Grape....big up for ur skills man! Ill definitely be :lurk: here from now on, better late than never, right!!?? Keep it up man, and good job heating the igloo, its hella warm in here!!!LOL Later. Peace

- Zeus :joint: :wave:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Gentlemen :wave:

Maj.PotHead - Thanks man :smile:
Better to have a bit of my own to smoke early then go paying for it. Thanks for the visit.

Black Ra1n - A Canadian Growers Association would be sweet! :woohoo: I'm sure Mr.Harper would be more than willing to donate his time and our money to our project :biglaugh:
:chin: speaking of chemicals...I've heard nicotine is what they use in big greenhouses. Stuff can kill humans too though, dunno if I wanna go messin around :bat: I will try that recipe you posted though :yes: Thanks.
MGJ swears by diatomacious earth...I 've just yet to be able to find any.
I still have a few weeks before I leave for the Dam...just enough time to finish and dry and jar this grow :wink: I can't wait to go :lurk: Getting very excited.

ZeusOGrefugee - Welcome to the Igloo :wave:
I think we're all guilty of not being able to get to every thread here on IC...but you're here now, so join the Party! :headbange
Thanks for spending the time to read up on my thread. I hope you enjoyed the pics on the way.
Thanks much for your fine compliments :smile: Glad to have another barebones style grower among us. Some people think we're cheap :biglaugh: others may call it efficient :confused:
Bonsai has this place pimped out. I think he was saying they were gonna feature it on MTV cribs :chin:
Glad to have ya around!


Grape Day 40

^ Ahhh...my nice frosty stick of bud :yummy: My other Grape plant wasn't much bigger and yielded 32 grams. So...I'm hoping for a similar yield here. The buds are nice and dense and frostilicious. Not bad for a little freak.




Snow Grower ~OGA~
Freeze Day 40 Flower

Freeze Day 40 Flower

I couldn't decide which Freeze photos to post :confused: So I'm gonna make a little display outta her.
Hopefully Pontiac can control himself :yoinks:

Freeze Day 40

^ Very low smelling. Some of the densest buds I've ever grown. Beautiful frost. Above average yield.
This plant has it all! :yummy: I was very lucky with this plant. If I were to grow bagseeds again, I think it would be Freeze.
This plant makes me very happy :ying:








:lurk: Hope you enjoyed those pics.

Well...I ended up with 18 grams from the Humpstar :sasmokin: Which ain't too bad considering it was an early harvest and a very small plant.

I'll finally get back into my standard yields with the Freeze :yes:

The young ones are looking fabulous :woohoo: Should show sex anytime now. They need a transplant too soon. Can't believe how wonderfully they're growing though.
I'm stoked :hotbounce:

Thanks for the visits guys :wave:

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat

Freeze Day 40

Man - that plant looks perfect! I know I've been drooling on her constantly - sorry, I just can't help myself :biglaugh: - and not to take away from your other works in progress either :yes:.

18 grams on that hempstar ain't too shabby considering the size and all - congratulations! Looking forward to watching your younguns grow out - great show my friend!


Pass That S**t!
OK thats it....This is the last time i'm gonna watch your thread without wearing a diaper cus i just :yoinks: SHIT MY PANTS! :yoinks:

Damn, freeze and grape is simply perfect, theres nothing else to say. I dont know how you do it, but i do know there is more to the "methods of madness" than meets the eye....Spill it TmL! Is it Plant steroids? Hormones? I know youre hiding something from us!! :mad: lol j/k

But seriously tml, I've already made up my mind and plan on doing an organic soil based grow myself(probably after my current grow), all thanks to your inspiring grows. Infact i went around the forums and asked questions to get better prepaired. Well anyway, do you have any words of wisdom i can use before i venture into organic soil?

Hmm mites eh? :chin: Did you ever try this technique?: http://www.drugs-forum.com/growfaq/1716.htm
It worked pretty well for my fungas gnat problem during my previous grow.

btw, did you toke on that hempstar yet? :confused:
Last edited:


Occasional User
Dude...outstanding update!!!!! ... glad your humpin your way through. For sure we'll get a party goin...have to keep it on the QT but for sure....there's a party brewin.

diatomacious earth ....get it through your hydro store or garden centre maybe...

Wow dude...great update...did I say that?....holy ...hard to read now with the mess Pontiac left...jeez man.....

oh Soil advice???...water when dry....don't water till dry....play with moonshine mix recipes...make sure to add Dolomite lime....water when dry...don't water till dry....repeat as necessary

Wow dude


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Gentlemen :wave:

Dr Dog - Thanks alot eh :smile:

BeAn - Glad you enjoyed...Thanks :smile:

Mr GreenJeans - Glad I could make you drool....I wonder what the NPK of your drool is, cuz it's sure helping that plant grow nice buds :yoinks:
Thanks man...it's a huge compliment coming from you.
I'm really enjoying this style of grow. You'll see lots more of this style going on in my growroom from now on :yes:
I'm really excited about this young'uns :ying: I have a reall positive vibe coming from them.

pontiac - :laughing: Looks like I gotta stock up on some depends now too :biglaugh:
Thanks for your over kind compliments :smile: Now stop before you give me a big head :redface:
I think you'll find some advantages to an organic soil grow. First being better tasting bud. Second and most arguably higher potency on the same strain. Third...it's a lot less work.
I think Bonsai covered the basics of soil growing there :yes:
A great soil mix is a must. I'm sure you can find many great recipes, but here's what I use:
- Biomax shrimp compost: Chicken Manure, Cow Manure, Shrimp shell compost, D-Lime
- Vermiculite
- Bone Meal
- Earth Worm Castings
- Epsom Salts
- Lotsa, lotsa Perlite
I was thinking of going the nicotine route :chin: Sounds pretty dangerous though. Something I'd have to think about...thanks for the link though.
I have been toking steadily on the Hempstar. I'm not gonna speak bad about it, but we'll just say it's a short lived uppity buzz that doesn't really do what I need it to, but it'll have to do for now.

Black Ra1n - Thanks much bro :smile:

BonsaiGrower - PARTY! :woohoo: :headbange
I'm been all around looking for diatomacious earth :bat: I've found some online...but price is ridiculous and so is shipping.
Thanks for the compliments man...glad you like :yes:


Arrrrgggghh :mad: took me almost 24 hours to get this post up.
First time I lost it to cyberspace...then I re-typed it, and I had to close screen up fast because of unexpected company.
Third times a charm :biglaugh:

:woohoo: Both Cheezy Bastards are ladies :woohoo:
Still not a sight of pre-flowers on the Pacific Sharks...but taking this long, I suspect they're both ladies too :yes: 4 outta 4 wouldn't be bad eh? I think that would be an omen to flower all 4.

I'd better hit submit before the power goes out on me or something :biglaugh: :wave:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
:woohoo: 4 girsl that would be awsome....! btw loved the close ups buddy :yummy:

aaah and it Sucks DonKyD.ck when you lose your posts :biglaugh:...and just when you have lots of responses and your trying 2 explain something with a realy long post ...then it happens :bat:

Heavy Chevy

Shit I haven't been over in this neck of the woods for a little while but I am glad I stopped in. That hempstar is looking frostier then ever! How does the grape taste she looks like she'll be a pretty tastey one too... 32 Grams thats pretty good man I am not yielding much more then that with certain strains that I grow and I am using a 400w! Very nice work indeed, i'm with MGJ in the corner drooling. HC


Snow Grower ~OGA~
:wave: Hi guys

Core - 4 girls is awesome :woohoo: The other ones showed today :woohoo:
My streak of females is uncanny :yoinks: I think I have a knack for producing them. Last time I dropped 6 beans and got 5 females, this time 4 for 4. I believe the drop before that was 2 for 2 :yes:
I've had very little experience with males.
Yeah...always only lose posts on the long ones...isn't that the way life goes though? :bat:

pontiac - No prob :smile: Thanks for the visits. Hope I can help in anyway.

Heavy Chevy - I'm glad you stopped in too :smile:
Grape tastes just like she's named. Maybe I should re-name it Dimetapp :yummy: :biglaugh:
I got 32grams off my last Grape. Don't think I'll hit that this time. But the Freeze looks like a 40-50gram pull :canabis:
Thanks again for the visit! :smile:


Well...you heard right :woohoo: 4 for 4 females. Both Pacific Sharks are ladies too :headbange
All plants were transplanted today, and beheaded
They're all past the 5th node mark and it's time to start bushing them up :yes:

Plan now will be to clone both PS' in a week or 2 along with BB's. So..looks like the grow after next will be a clone run :canabis: With PS and BB :yummy:

After a transplant today I ventured back to the veg box and realized all wouldn't fit in :confused: :bat: So...BB reveg is sittin under a damn 11watt CFL for time being.
Trying to make a plan...me thinks I'll just make the effort of moving it in/out of the flower room every day...then back under the 11watt.

Damn mites love Blueberry :mad:
Other than the BB reveg, the rest of the plants are fairly mite resistant and containable. Blueberry just seems so accomodating to them for some reason :confused:
Just blasted with Safer's Trounce...we'll see what happens.

Got a nice harvest coming up...a little break in the Dam...then what looks to be a very promising grow :ying:

Thanks for hanging out guys, I'll be back with pics of the proud ladies very soon :wave:


Wow! That's some frosty buds! Wish I had your camera ;D Great job!

looking forward to see the rest of this :lurk:


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