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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007



:wave: Happy 420 bro!!! I just stocked the fridge with silver bullets and rolled a fatty of everything i have in the safe!!!!! :joint: Looks like you won't be hearing from me for a few days after tonight???? Shit I've got 6 bombers to go and smoke now :sasmokin: :joint: :sasmokin: :joint: :sasmokin: :joint:

:headbange Brother you grow some Twisted sisters!!!! :headbange That look F$$king awsome!!! Rock on bro!!!!!!



Pass That S**t!
:jump: Happy 420 TmL! :headbange

God damn that freeze looks fuckin amazing. I cant belive its bagseed! Pretty amazing bro. I serioulsy cant wait for your next harvest. I'm still :jerkit: to the pics from your last grow!

Btw, this preharvest hempstar you just posted...Was this a revegged hempstar?

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Snow Grower ~OGA~
What's up :wave:

Black Ra1n - Thanks for the check up on my garden :smile:
I forgot all about 4/20 :bat: I'm making up for it now. Everyday is 4/20 for me anyways :joint:

garlic city gro - :woohoo: I like the sounds of that party :sasmokin:
I'll check under your nose with a mirror every couple hours to make sure you're still kickin if you black out :yes: :friends:
That Grapes been twisted like that since birth. Freaky, but frosty plant indeed :yummy:
Thanks for the brewskies :friends:

pontiac - Thanks for the compliments :smile:
I've heard people talk about the Freeze locally and heard rumours that it's a Hashplant cross. I've personally only smoked it from outdoor bagweed and don't know anyone that's grown it other than bagseed :confused:
That pic was from the re-vegged Hempstar... :chin: how'd you know?
:laughing: Looks like I'm gonna hafta keep a couple extra boxes of tissues and complimentary lube around for next harvest :biglaugh:

I got some Vegling pics here for ya's :lurk:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Is Vegling a word...or did I just make that up?...hehehe

Is Vegling a word...or did I just make that up?...hehehe

Well...here are the little veglings.
Each one is now old enough to carry their own characteristics now, so I figured I could show each one off individually.
They are all still unsexed and will be early sexed starting next week

Cheezy Bastard

^ Tight internodes and the start of some fat leaves.


^ Very uniform...both plants show similar growth.

Pacific Shark

^ Very vigorous grower. Very hungry. I gave it 1/2 strength dose feeding, and she still wants more. I'll move it up to full strength and see how it takes. Very jagged edged leaves on this one. Looks like a good ind/sat mix.


^ Just got it's first feeding. This one has the jagged leaves, but not quite as much as PS1. Has a bit more of a sativa trait here.

and heres somehing i wanted to show you guys.
Some freaky new growth on my Blueberry re-veg

^ You can see all the new green growth coming from the bottom :woohoo: but...look closely at the "in focus" (kinda) bud in the centre of the pic. That's a freaky leaf growing straight outta that purply nugget :smile: pretty cool eh? :biglaugh:
This bitch will become my permanent resident. She's tried tested and true now and will be my first mother plant.

The Veglings will be sexed and repotted and readied for vacation mode as my next step.

I was also thinkin about what Bonsai had said :chin: early harvesting a plant and all. I think I may take his advice and take Hempstar around day 45 or so...just to have some pre-vacation smoke too :biglaugh: I'm still not completely decided though...I must consult the trichs

C'mon back for a visit anytime :wave:

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey man, those seedlings look great. Never heard of pacific shark before, do you have any info on it? Have you thought of a split harvest on that Hempstar? Take what you need and leave the rest to finish, or is the reason you're thinking of harvesting early because you'll be away on vacation?


Heavy Chevy

Looking good TML, I tried to reveg a plant once to use for a mother but had very bad success with it so I just try to clone before I put them into flower. Having a Blueberry mother at your disposal will be nice indeed. Stay safe and keep up the good work!


Snow Grower ~OGA~

Black Ra1n - Thanks :smile:
Pacific Shark is by Willy Jack seeds (A Canadian copycat breeder). The strain is Jade Mikado (MIkado by Federation seeds, dunno where they get the Jade from) X Great white Shark (Greenhouse Seeds, and it's South Indian White Widow X Brazilian Super Skunk) :yummy:
:chin: Splittin up the harvest eh? sounds like a very feesible option :yes: Thanks for the good idea.
I plan to harvest all before I leave. The growroom will be dismantled because I don't want the housesitters finding it or the HPS running when I'm not around.
I do just need some smoke for before I leave...still have a few weeks though...might need the whole Hempstar :biglaugh:

Heavy Chevy - :wave:
This is my second re-veg :yes: Seems to be working out as well as the other one.
I think you must chop the roots down and leave very little foliage for a good successfull re-veg. Also they need very little amounts of light and I like to keep'em moist.
I almost kept my Tangerine as a permanent Momma, but decided to keep looking. I hafta look no farther than this BB beauty to find a good Mom now :yes:
Due to space this will be my one and only momma...and I plan to do like you for others...if I like them, I should make sure I take a cut before putting into flower :smile:
Thanks eh



IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
Owwww...I just tripped down the spiral staircase...man who put that there..
Just dropping by..another month and a half and I'll be bothering you regular like..
Looking good..see ya got some new babes..I might start some today..This is harvest weekend for me as well..how time flies..
The freeze turned out nice..just skimmed though..gotta make a few stops...I'll be back.. :wave:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
:yoinks: they all look lovely man!! especially that PS1..i hope they turn all Female on ya :D

ohw and a 4:20 pic :joint:


Occasional User
Dude...have'nt you seen one of those leaves before on your re-veg?...that's a stem-straw...you're supposed to suck out all the blueberry from there!. Enjoy...I recommend sitting down first and make sure all elements have been turned off as well. You may not be getting up for a while.

oh and sorry about the staircase...I knew I should have built it wider...such a party place and all....my bad. Oh well...I was thinkin of adding a skylight anyway so ...two birds?

Peace Bro....great shots

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey man, well that pacific shark sounds mighty tasty. Have you ever grown it before?

Take care man.



Snow Grower ~OGA~
:wave: Hey Guys

packn2puff - :wave: Awesome that you made it by!
I always look forward to your visits. Let's me know you're still kickin around :yes:
Congrats on the harvest...I'll make sure I stop by and take a look at your one and only photography skills.
Thanks for stoppin in...great to hear from ya :smile:

Core - :woohoo: By the size of your joint...looks like fun was to be had at the 4/20 :headbange
I really like the way the lights capture the smoke in your pic. I'm really glad you had a great time :yes: Wish I coulda been there tokin with ya!
I hope you like what I've been doin with your CB's so far...basically my early goal with them is to not let them stretch much. They've just been entered into the flower room today for early sexing :sasmokin: Should know about them all in 5-6 days :ying:
Thanks for the female blessings on the young'uns :smile:

BonsaiGrower - :laughing: mmmmm....blueberry

This is only my second re-veg. It still amazes me to watch the buds get old and look like they're gonna die, and then explode open with leaves and growth shootin out :confused: Nature is some cool shit :yes:
Like Ricky sez "Get 2 birds stoned at once" and get'er done! PN2P almost just took a spill! At least Alex' body was still sittin at the bottom to break the fall :bat:
Hey...thanks for puttin the idea in my head to harvest that Hempstar early...I got to thinkin bout it and you're right :smile: Looks like I'll have pre and post vacation herb to smoke now :woohoo:

Black Ra1n - :chin: It does sound tasty doesn't it?
This is the first time around for these.
Around X-mas I expressed my interests in Mikado to Santa Clause...and sure enough X-mas morning, I had the Pacific Shark seeds in my stocking :yoinks:
I'm going to clone whatever females I get of this strain and have 2 or 3 whacks at it before I decide how much I like it...I think :smile:


I've pulled Hempstar at day 42....check it out


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Hempstar Day 42 Pics and Harvest

Hempstar Day 42 Pics and Harvest

Alex-F - :yoinks: I guess you really made out like a bandito at the 4/20 :bandit: Only one I can make out is the AH X NH, but I can only imagine there's some tasty others :yummy:
Glad you guys had a fun and safe trip :yes: Nice to see the community coming together.


I decided to take Bonsai's advice and early harvest the Hempstar. I checked the trichs and they were at least half clouded and I guess that'll hafta do for me. She was hermied and not my favourite of Hempstar plants, and I think she knew it :confused:




The Harvest


I'm sure I could have increased 5-10% weight with an extra 2 weeks, but it wasn't going to be anything special anyhow.
The thing I was most disapointed in was the lack of frost, especially when my other 2 plants are drowning in trichs.
Better harvests ahead indeed :yes: This one will get me through on my own smoke till then at least :smile:

Thanks for the visits guys :lurk:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
..lol that woz the standard size joint that evening :woohoo:
maybe next year ey...;)
and yea buddy they are looking verry healty...i love what you did with all of them especially the PS 1 ..I love her pic !

pitty the hempstar faild your taste of grow...other and better i've learnd in this life ...this reflects on this situation 2 :)


....BeAn to TML....BeAn to TML....are you reading me TML... :wave:

Sorry to hear about the hempstar...the quicker she'd dryed and skinned up the better, that'll make up for her not bieng daddys favourite lol.. :pointlaug
All the seedlings look mighty happy, the bastards and the sharks... :lurk:

Keep up the good work...and be safe. :D:yes:

P.s. Core, thats a maHOOsive bifta...if that was the regular size, id love to see the LARGE ones lol.. :yoinks:Be cool man. :joint::yes:



Traktor driver
TML16 said:
Alex-F - :yoinks: I guess you really made out like a bandito at the 4/20 :bandit: Only one I can make out is the AH X NH, but I can only imagine there's some tasty others :yummy:
Glad you guys had a fun and safe trip :yes: Nice to see the community coming together.

The Arjan's Haze#2 x Neville's Haze f1 is from Arjan (or Franco), aswell as the Big Bang, there's Somango x Mother's Finest from Moppel & Delta9Man, and then I found 4 seeds in an Arcata Trainwreck bud, aswell as 1 seed in a Cheese bud. :yoinks:

Which brings us to the usual problem: I need more room!!!! :bat: :moon: :pointlaug


Yea it was nice to meet up with everyone again. Although I didn't get to spend as much time with the others as I'd like to, I'm sure that will progressively get better over the next few years.

Hope to see you there some time. :wink:


Occasional User
Can't wait till the day I actually make it to a 4/20 party ... well not one I planned myself with friends...you know what I mean. Seems I'm always busy or broke or both ...but somehow always come up with cash and time for 05/24...lol cause I.... am..... Canadian!!!!!!!

I'm with you Alex...wish I had more room...well, veg room anyways.

So TML...awsome little harvest actually. considering the trauma she went through with pests and what not. Meh!...she'll smoke just fine to get ya over the bump. ...or... humpstar if you will.... :pointlaug

Peace Bro...a wise choice you have made. :lurk:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
:wave: Hi Everybody

Core - That should be the universal "standard" sized joint :joint:
Thanks for the props on the pics and seedlings...I'm sure they're happy :smile:
Hempstar grows of the past have been much more rewarding. This will do I guess though :confused:

BeAn - :wave:
I try not to play favourites with the girls...but I think they can tell when one gets ogled more than the other :biglaugh:
Nice pic of the desert. Hope you had fun on your vacation. Glad to see you've made it back to us safely :yes:
Thanks for the compliments, encouragement and visit my friend :friends:

Alex-F - :yoinks: Wow man...did you ever score :woohoo:
Sounds and looks like a blast by the pics Core posted in his thread. I'd wished I coulda been there this year...especially with my A-Dam trip coming up within the month :woohoo: I just couldn't get my trip and the 4/20 to coincide this year :wallbash: Maybe in a future year :ying:

BonsaiGrower -
BonsaiGrower said:
Meh!...she'll smoke just fine to get ya over the bump. ...or... humpstar if you will.... :pointlaug
:laughing: Humpstar :biglaugh: That's a good one!
Get this...I'm spendin my 2-4 weekend in A-Dam :woohoo: It's not like me to skip the country on the biggest party of the year, but I'll be having fun too :headbange
Thanks for the good advice and kind compliments! :wink: Beauty playin Clark :sasmokin:

Black Ra1n - Hey, thanks bro :yes: I'm sure it'll serve it's purpose. I'll let you guys know how she smokes in about a week or so :smile:


The young'uns are now in the flower room being sexed :chin:

Thanks for your visits guys :wave:

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