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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Very nice looking plants, the stem is getting thick. How are you growing these? going to tree them?

Igloos don't melt in Canada, they have been acclimated LOL


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Hi Guys :wave:

Garlic - Thanks bro :smile:
Igloo ain't goin nowhere!
Just like the Dr. Dog sez :woohoo: We're gonna party in the Igloo all year long! and then I'm moving to a Hockey Arena :joint:

Dr Dog - :laughing: Thanks for explaining...I was gonna hafta make something up :confused:
I wouldn't say "Tree" them...but maybe mini-tree :chin: I was thinking of aiming for 1 meter plants or so this time. They will be topped again to give them a little more bushy top this time, and might be stripped at the bottom to limit the popcorn buds. No LST in this one.
Thanks for your visit and compliments :smile:

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya TML :wave:
Igloo technology has come such a long way - I hear that permafrost blocks are now used - keeps your martini cold Summer or Winter!

Your veggin plants are looking very green and happy! I think you will be very happy vegging them a little larger - even 10-16 cm can make quite a difference in yield... :chin:

And congratulations on your upcoming harvest - you did good dude! Good show and good timing!

Have a great trip across the pond - can't wait to hear about your adventures!

Core - in my best Beavis imitation - heh heh - he said battery acid - heh heh. I still can't believe that dude was seriously touting the benefits of battery acid :yoinks: :abduct:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Grape Harvest Day 52

Grape Harvest Day 52


MGJ - Thanks eh :smile:
You always know how to make a guy feel appreciated in his efforts :yes:
I'm sure I'll have alot of great things to say when I get back :ying:
Thanks for hanging out!

Grape Harvest Day 52


^ My little stick of bud :yoinks: I think she turned a better yield than expected :chin: Frost coverage is where I like it too :yummy: Turned out to make me happy :smile:



The Harvest


^^ Gettin an up close shot on those frosty nuggets :canabis:


^^^ I'd hafta say this is one of my thicker stocks ever! :yoinks:
I think I could have actually done a tad better had I taken some more leaf off :chin: She did do better than expected though :cool:

Check out the Freeze Harvest Coming up next :lurk:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Freeze Harvest Day 52

Freeze Harvest Day 52

Freeze Harvest Day 52

^ This will become a common style of grow for me I think :smile: Seems to work out for me.






The Harvest

^^ Lot's of popcorn buds, which will teach me to trim the bottom off in this style. Buds are very heavy and dense though.
This plant had very little odour in flower. When cut down...it was almost gagging strong. A very citrus/mint odour :canabis:
I actually didn't really enjoy the aroma :bat: Grape was a pleasure though :yummy:


Thanks for checkin it out....gonna be a busy couple days till I take off....stay tuned!!! :lurk:
Last edited:

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey TML, awesome harvest man. Looks like you'll have some great smoke in the future. Great job man..........


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
damn bro looks awesome, I see some really frosty buds, i am kinda drooling


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
howzit? nice looking nugsz. yer selection of puffs sounds tastey man.. grape..mmm
and the freeze looks nice and frosted.. man kinda sounds like a superfriends cartoon..bbl



Snow Grower ~OGA~
Hello :wave:

Black Ra1n - Thanks eh :smile:
This should keep me busy after I get back from vacation :joint:

Dr Dog - Thanks man :smile:
Let me grab the drool bucket for you

Core - Thanks bro :smile:
Wish I could bring some with me to the Dam for trades and a donation to Seed-boo :confused: Damn airport security! :bat:
I'll smoke it though :joint: I'll smoke it good! :sasmokin:

sackoweed - Thanks man :smile:
Grape is as tasty as she sounds/looks. Like smoking a dimetapp flavoured joint :yummy:
Thanks for your visit :smile:


Been super busy last few days :yoinks:
Gettin ready for a long trip is always alot of work.
I got 2 days left before I leave :woohoo:

In that time I'll still have to transplant, top, and clone the plants

I've smoked a few speed dried Freeze popcorn buds :chin:
Nice Lemon/mint flavour with another flavour/odour I can't really put my finger on. My olfactory senses are telling me it reminds me of a carnival :confused:
Potency is decent too :yes: A nice zoney buzz that has yet to dissapoint.

I'll pop in with some "before I leave pics" before I leave :crazy:
I'll also try to get some dry nug shots up too if it's not too late that I'm jarring them up.

Thanks for stopping in :wave:

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya TML :wave:
Man - I be frozen dude, just looking at the Freeze Harvest Shots! :yummy: That's some beautiful high grade bud my friend! I wonder if the aroma will change a bit after cure?

Just in case I don't get a chance to visit before Wed, you and your wife have a fabulous trip buddy! Sounds like you will be taking in some fun sights! Will miss having you around, but I'm sure you'll have some entertaining tales when you get back!

And congrats again on a fine harvest - nothing like knowing you have a nice haul starting a cure while you are away on a vacay! :yes:


Registered Medical Patient
Hey TML, beautiful harvest...that stuff looks soo sweet and fruity, I bet she smells like, well, MJ!!!LOL Have a nice trip, and we'll see u when u get back..Peace man.

- Z


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Heya fellas :wave:

MGJ - Thanks alot eh :smile:
The aroma is pretty strong. It always seems to be that way with buds that don't really stink during flower :confused: I am getting a little more used to the taste and smell though, and it's growing on me very quickly :yummy:
Thanks for the well wishes...I'm sure I'll have something fun to share with you all :friends:
It is great to know I'll be coming back to the comfort of my home grown buds :yummy:
I'll be talkin at ya soon! :wave:

Black Ra1n - Thanks so much :smile:
I'll be thinking of all my IC friends while I'm tokin in the Dam :joint: Gonna visit the seed-boo too, maybe I'll get a chance to hop online and say hi!

Zeus - Thanks man! :smile:
How did you know it would smell like MJ? :yoinks: :biglaugh:
I'll try to stay outta trouble in the Dam...but...you know me :sasmokin:


I gotta stop in here at least once more before I go to post the before shots.
So...I'll get to visit my friends once more before I go :yes:

Thanks for stopping in guys, and thanks for the good wishes for my travel :ying:


Occasional User
Safe journey my friend. Make me jealous. Take your camera so we can live vicariously through you.

Peace bro.
See ya when you return


Snow Grower ~OGA~
I'll be talking to you guys soon....

I'll be talking to you guys soon....

Gentlemen :wave:

BonsaiGrower - Thanks man :smile:
I will take lots of pics

Dr Dog - Thanks :smile:
I'll be sure to share my adventures with you guys!!!


Thanks to all again for the well wishes.

I really wanted to show you guys some before I leave pics...but I fear I've ran myself short of time. Been super busy! :yoinks:
The plants are one of the very last things I'm dealing with before I go, so I won't have time to jump on here and show'em off :wallbash:

I wanna wish all my Canadian brothers a great and safe 2-4 weekend :headbange :dance: :friends: :joint:
Have a great time guys!

Keep an eye on the Igloo for me guys :smile:
I'll see you all in a few weeks! :wave:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Im Back!

Im Back!

:wave: Hi Everybody!

Well...I'm back! and what an awesome trip I had :woohoo:
If you can make the trip and afford it at least once in your lifetime...GO TO AMSTERDAM :biglaugh: It was an amazing experience!

UN - Great to see you buddy :wave: Very glad you stopped in to say hi. Havn't seen you in a bit....we'll be talkin for sure :smile:

I havn't really got any vacation photos ready yet...I just got back in yesterday. I'll try and show off what I can without giving away identity/personal info.
I did however get a chance to snap some pics of the ladies! :woohoo:

First...I'll blab about my trip just a bit :smile:
I frequented The Grasshopper for my smoking needs :yes: It was close to my hotel and clean, and I liked it because of the no alcohol rule. It was a very nice relaxing place to smoke a joint and have a warm drink in the evening or a cool drink in the sun.
Within my first hour of being in A-Dam I was smokin one :joint: :biglaugh: I hadn't smoked in 5 days...and I got super fried from that first joint

I bought a nice mix when I arrived. I got some Super Skunk, Bubblegum, and Purple Sensi.
Super Skunk was my sativa for the day time :yummy: It was highly potent, nice lemony/sweet taste and pungent aroma. Very trippy/racy buzz. Wouldn't be my type of buzz usually, but it went with the flo of my vacation so I grooved with it. This was the wifes favourite.
Bubblegum was more my style :sasmokin: This was my favourite that I had tried my whole trip. Through taste...I can understand why they call it bubblegum, but it's not what I would have described it as. Very nice mellow/relaxing buzz it has to it. It always made my last trip to the Grasshopper for the day my favourite trip :smile:
Purple Sensi was crap :no: :biglaugh: It was moderately priced though, and that is why I bought it. I figured a Sativa, an Indica, and the cheapest on the menu couldn't hurt :confused: Purple Sensi wasn't worth paying money for though. Way too mild, and the taste was that of ass. I only grabbed 2G's of this...so I burned most of it in a huge joint I rolled and made myself smoke it as punishment :bat:
I saved a nice fat Bubblegum joint for prior to my long plane ride home :yes:

Well...I've probably bored you already....so I show you some pics of my plants instead.
I arrived home to my plants being in great shape :woohoo: A little bit too much N, and I left the light a little high...but the soil was still damp and all plants are looking healthy. Take a look:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Last Day Of Veg

Last Day Of Veg


Pacific Shark


Cheezy Bastard

Yes....those are trichromes on the fan leaves...already!...in veg! :yoinks:


I'm so proud of all my beautifull plants :canabis: I'm also happy to be back with them and know we are all safe and healthy after a world adventure!

I say the weed in Amsterdam was pretty good, and I havn't tried anything quite as potent as that Super Skunk in awhile.
But...after I got home...the wife seems to think this stuff is superior

I hafta say..after getting back in my car and heading up the highway and sparkin one up....she may be right.
The Freeze has grown oh so lemony while sitting in her jars since we've left :yummy: Potency is top notch too! A perfect mix.

Grape is Grape :yummy: A fine tasting grapey weed that produces a mellow managable buzz you can take with you anywhere. So enjoyably tastey to smoke too!

Thanks for the visits guys...I got lots of work to get done now....but I'll keep you guys posted on my progress
Today will be day 1 of my new flower cycle :woohoo:


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