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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
yea your right brother...time is free and in abundance.....on with the show....

ohw GCG whats the diffrence..?
i did my first neem oil (mineral oil) drench 2 day....could't seem 2 lose my bugs :badday:


Core it has .09% azadirachtin in it. It isn't just neem oil, so it's not organic.

Be careful when using it it's very HOT!!! I used half strength and it killed them all!!!! 1 other thing you have to do when applying it, you have to play Metallica Killem all as loud as possible :headbange :headbange :headbange :headbange

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tml.......im late, but can i play catch up and chill? im lime, use to be blue dog.....nice to meet ya. cool show!


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
they just dont selll neem oil here also not in holland...:confused: so let alone bio neem :badday:


Core it's made by Safer so if you can get safer soaps there you should be able to get bio-neem. You can always buy it on line?

Lime come on in bro there's plenty of room for all in the igloo. If the Canuck doesn't want you here will tag team his ass until he submits!!!!!!

Grab a Moosehead while you wait for TML.



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
garlic city gro said:
Core it's made by Safer so if you can get safer soaps there you should be able to get bio-neem. You can always buy it on line?


i'l take a look around first ...dont like 2 buy stuff online...it always feels like a hassle 2 me... :badday: thaks for the info though GCG...


Snow Grower ~OGA~
:wave: Gentlemen

Core - I'm same as you. I don't like to buy stuff online. Maybe we're just oldschool :confused:
I'm gonna check for some bio-neem when I hit the big city.

LIMELIGHT - :wave: Welcome my friend :smile:
There's always enough room in the Igloo for more...when we run out we have Bonsai build us another room :yes:
I believe I remember the username BlueDog :chin: Welcome back anyhow :smile:
I see Garlic's giving out my beer again eh? That's cool...dig in :friends:

Garlic - Thanks for the info eh :smile: You work for Safer's company? :pointlaug
I might be able to get that stuff locally :chin: lotta stores sell Safer's products
You gave away my last beer :yoinks: You'd better make it to the beer store before it closes now! :noway:
:wink: Thanks for the visits buddy :friends:


Occasional User
Just for the record I was in the Home Dump the other day and they have Safers' End All ...so...that help?

if you need me I'll be out back working on the addition. Effin polar bears got into the garbage again TML...had to club one of them but he's fine. He might have a bit of a headache though. :bat:



:laughing: No TML I don't work for Safer, it's just the only thing that I have found that stops the mites in their tracks. I've tried everything from predator mites to NPS and nothing worked. The active ingredient in Bio-neem is the same as Azatrol just a lesser concentration.

:friends: Sorry about giving your last beer away :bat: Want a Silver bullet or 6?



Snow Grower ~OGA~

BG - I try and stay away from HD. I usually check at HH or CT first.
I'll be cruisin the aisles though soon. Need a bug bomb.
Damn bears :wallbash: They probably smell the grow and want in :chin:

Garlic - :laughing: Yeah..I find most safers products to work great.
I use Safer's insecticidal soap at 1/2 strength on the flowering plants approx once every 2 weeks. This doesn't seem to eliminate...but keeps them at bay.
I've used Safer's Trounce...which is non-organic on the vegging plants when I had a problem there. It worked great....but dried the leaves up some. 2 applications eliminated my problem. Veg area is clean and mite free now.
Gonna bomb it out after this grow...we'll get them bastards!


It's the weekend!!!!
Garlic...you're in charge of beer
MGJ...lug that vapour cannon on over and set it up
Bonsai...stop workin on the deck and fire up that bbq!
Core...You build a bonfire and bartend
Insomniac...round up some women and bring them over (bikini clad only)
Pontiac...I've got a toilet paper roll, a garden hose, and a hose clamp. Build us a superbong!
Alex-F...You're on snacks...we need Funions man...lotsa Funions!
Budfather...You're on Polar bear patrol
GMT...I'm not even gonna ask...we all know you're lazy
Maj. Pothead...Get a haircut
Sleepy...shhh...don't wake him up
packn2puff...Get around that fire and tell us some stories of lore
HeavyChevy...I guess you can run the hay ride!
walkabout...stop pacing around and make yourself look busy
Big D...Just smile
rule35sub1...You're in charge of events...no pin the tail on the donkey though, someone might lose an eye
Black Ra1n...You're on tunes
I'll go check the growroom :biglaugh:

I hope I took a shot at everybody...don't wanna leave anyone out :pointlaug

Let's party :headbange

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
I'm on the tunes hahaha ... you know the problem with bugs is that they become immune to pesticides quickly. Don't use the same product over and over again on the same cluster. End all works well, but it doesn't kill the eggs, that's the problem. There life cycle is nuts, so before you know it you have multiple generations jumping from plant to plant. I took a recipe off this place for an organic mite killer. The eggs are under the leaf so many pesticides never come into contact. I have gone as far as submerging my plants into a water/soap solution for 15/20 minutes with some success.

Mite Killer

I haven't tried it, but this guy seems likes he's done lots of experiments with it.

Party hardy...



Snow Grower ~OGA~

BR - Thanks for the good advice and link :yes: Some helpfull info.
I noticed the first time I used a "no-pest" strip they all disappeared...then became immune quickly.
I'm willing to give that recipe a shot! Pretty much all natural too :yes:
Safers does work well...but maybe they've become immune to that too :confused:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Day 30 + 38

Day 30 + 38

I havn't been keeping very well updated...but Spring is finally creeping in and there's alot of work to be done.

HeavyChevy - :wave: :laughing: I thought I'd give evreyone who has been a part of my thread a little props.
Just wanted to show my appreciation to all those who participate in my garden.
Thanks for your visits.


Day 30 Freeze and Grape + Day 38 Hempstar


^ Grape is putting on a super frost :yoinks: I knew she wasn't gonna be the best of yields since way back in early veg...but Grape is such a kind smoke. By far the most commented on taste, seems to be a Dimetapp like taste that everyone likes :yummy:
Mild buzz too...but not the kind that leaves you unsatisfied. It's the best type of weed to smoke when you have something to do.




^^ Not turning out as well as I'd liked. I should have kept the pheno I had culled :confused: Not as frosty or productive as last Hempstar grows...plus it's been ravaged by mites.
She's going straight up water from here in. I wanna smoke a bit of her right away. My stash is just about depleted and looks like I'll be buying some this week :wallbash:


Sorry ran outta batteries before Hempstar pics were completed.


^^^ My best and favourite plant in awhile. Reminds me that I still know how to grow :biglaugh:
Seems I've been experimenting with some shady bagseed genetics and it's time to get back to the real deals. Though this bagseed beauty reminds me of why I chose to experiment with bagseed.
The pics do it no justice...this plant is frosty through and through :yes:




I hope you all enjoyed :lurk:

I'll be back soon with an update of the vegging plants...But first I gotta visit some of my friends threads :wave:


Occasional User
Thanks TML...that was good for me :joint: :yummy:

I say nay nay on the pay pay though dude...no way... nuke some if you have to but there is no reason whatsoever for you to be paying for it ever again. So what if it's a little early. Get some clones going right now and get smoking some early girls. ya ya..Cdn bag schwag is good and cheap but still...it's not yours. Make the stand man. Maybe you need to raid your buddy's stash till yours is done...that's different.

Good luck man. I say smoke the mites...where there's a will.... :moon:

Peace :wave:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Very impressive bro, I seriously need a way better camera. I love the look of that Hempstar


What's up man? :wave:

I've been deep into a world filled with hockey, beer, weed, and naked women for the past couple days. Sorry I couldn't make it to the 'loo to chill. I'm pumped Ottawa smoked the Penguins tonight! I've been toking on some grade a stuff, and it makes me want to grow. :chin:

The freeze looks nice :yummy: I can't wait to see the new genetics.
It's gonna be a great show :lurk:

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya TML
OMFW - :jawdrop: - filled my drool bucket in a minute! Maybe bugs and Neem oil are your secret sauce! :biglaugh: Man, each plant looks drool-worthy! I know you could be happier with the hempstar but she still looks plenty fine from where I'm sitting... I really like the multi cola Freeze, that one looks trained to perfection.

TML16 said:

It's the weekend!!!!
Garlic...you're in charge of beer
MGJ...lug that vapour cannon on over and set it up
Bonsai...stop workin on the deck and fire up that bbq!
Core...You build a bonfire and bartend
Insomniac...round up some women and bring them over (bikini clad only)
Pontiac...I've got a toilet paper roll, a garden hose, and a hose clamp. Build us a superbong!
Alex-F...You're on snacks...we need Funions man...lotsa Funions!
Budfather...You're on Polar bear patrol
GMT...I'm not even gonna ask...we all know you're lazy
Maj. Pothead...Get a haircut
Sleepy...shhh...don't wake him up
packn2puff...Get around that fire and tell us some stories of lore
HeavyChevy...I guess you can run the hay ride!
walkabout...stop pacing around and make yourself look busy
Big D...Just smile
rule35sub1...You're in charge of events...no pin the tail on the donkey though, someone might lose an eye
Black Ra1n...You're on tunes
I'll go check the growroom :biglaugh:

I hope I took a shot at everybody...don't wanna leave anyone out :pointlaug

Let's party :headbange

LOL - no problem, I'll bring the cannon - thanks for the invite! Sounds like a helluva fun shindig!


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Thanks for the great responses guys!

BonsaiGrower - I know, I know :bat: For me...by now...paying should be a big no no :nono:
I was thinking of adding a 4th flowering plant to my flower room to keep up with needs...but it means I'd hafta add a plant or 2 also to the veg box. Space becomes an issue, and I should be able to pull off what I need with 3.
Luckily for me the bagweed around here is just as good as or near the quality of some of my own grown. and as a matter of fact, it's where I've gotten half of my grown genetics...including Grape and Freeze.
The stash produced from this grow is gonna be saved for when I come back from vacation :woohoo:
I do hate paying...because then I contribute to the criminal aspect. Mother nature sheds a tear :biglaugh:

Dr Dog - Thanks eh :smile:
Actually, my camera is a piece of shit :pointlaug it's a very, very old 3.2MP Toshiba. It's huge and clunky, and even gets warm when it runs for more than 5 minutes. I found reading the manual gave me all the knowledge I needed on how to use it proper. I've really come to appreciate the colour balance on this camera though :yes: I bought it about 5 years ago, maybe it's time for a new one?
Well I'm glad you like Hempstar :biglaugh: I'm a little disapointed in her. Here's a look at a Hempstar grow past...what she should really look like:

Hopefully the potency hasn't changed.
Thanks for stoppin in with your kind compliments eh :smile:

Insomniac - :woohoo: GO SENS!!!
Sounds like you're up to the same thing as me (and every other Canadian male :biglaugh: )
The new genetics are already impressing me...Pacific Shark's are growing like wildflowers and already hungry and the Cheezy Bastards are growing with the tightest of internode spacing and have nice thick dark green leaves with a slight purple colouring :yummy:
I'll get some of those pics for you in the next day or 2 :wink:
Thanks eh

MGJ - Welcome back!
Glad to have you back for sure :yes: I hope your vacation was good to you :ying:
:laughing: It seems that those bugs mite stress the plant a bit into a nice frost production :biglaugh: If only your hypothesis were true :chin: You'd start a craze of people buying mites from grow shops :yoinks: :biglaugh:
Thanks as always for your compliments :smile: I guess you could say Freeze is as close as I'll get to a "MGJ style" grown plant :respect: Of course...not many can pull it off like you.
I topped her a bit late, I'm usually an early topper. I think I may try this method again :chin:

Thanks for your visits, I'll be back within the next day or 2 to show off my vegging plants :wave:

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